
Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished


"The Story of the Rose" wrote a series that is almost over.

To be honest, as soon as Fu Jiaming played by Huo Jianhua appeared, "The Story of the Rose" was almost unfinished, although in the end it was saved by a handsome young man, flying a plane, and a Whitman's "Song of the Road", but not much.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

Many people on the Internet said that the plot behind them couldn't stand it because Huo Jianhua was disabled, and he deliberately put a few screenshots with not so good angles. This habit is not good, and it is suspected of being lazy and embarrassing.

If you can analyze it, you can analyze it, and if you can't analyze it, you can intuitively say that you don't like it, but if you insist that the unreasonable plot is because the actor is ugly, believe it or not, I will cry to you?

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

Huo Jianhua's version of Fu Jiaming, ugliness is definitely not to be talked about, after all, the foundation of beautiful men is there, and the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, and it is obvious that it is not suitable.

According to the grapevine, in order to make up for Huo Jianhua's "work injury" in "The Legend of Ruyi", director Wang Jun specially arranged this role for him in "The Story of Rose". Just listen to the gossip, I think a more credible inference is that after Wang Jun finished reading Yishu's original work, the Fu Jiaming that came to his mind was Huo Jianhua.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

Pu Jiaming in the original book is a talented barrister with eyes higher than the sky. is not social, not close to women, in addition to handling cases, stay in the room to read books and play the piano, and also cook good dishes.

He is over 40 years old and has never been in love, but he has a beautiful love dream. Envy Huang Zhenhua waited for more than ten years, and finally met his own Su Gengsheng.

The first time Huang Rose heard Pu Jiaming playing the piano, she understood the rich feelings in his piano sound, and described "This piano sound is so beautiful." ”

In addition to the soul connection between the two, they also have a strong physiological liking. Yellow Rose's beautiful old and young are all killed, needless to say, the first time she saw Pu Jiaming, she couldn't help but say to his younger brother Jiamin: "Usually people describe beautiful women as 'not eating fireworks in the world', but when I met your eldest brother today, I knew that men can also have this kind of appearance." ”

looks like "doesn't eat the fireworks of the world", isn't it just a long stay on the fairy white child painting.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

But the problem is that the TV series has changed all the characters of the original book, and the person who was originally right is very wrong. Fu Jiaming's character design perfectly hits Huo Jianhua's shortcomings, and it is easier for you to let him play a comedy than to play a prodigal son.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

▲ Huo Jianhua's next drama is with Zhu Zhu, I don't know if it will be on stage

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

The character of the drama version of Fu Jiaming is set as a bohemian rock musician, wearing leather pants, riding a motorcycle, singing in a bar, and his physical problems have changed from cancer in the original book to congenital heart disease.

Such a change cost Huo Jianhua's life. First of all, he has to subvert his previous calm and deep acting skills, and he also has to subvert the clothes in his comfort zone, such as ancient costumes, uniforms, etc.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

Huo Jianhua's characteristic is to receive, and Fu Jiaming's characteristic is to release. This kind of subversion is very unfriendly to Huo Jianhua's temperament and figure.

"Rolling circles" tight T and leggings completely exposed Huo Jianhua's shortcomings, making him look like he had a thick back and a big buttocks.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished
Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

In the first scene of the play, Fu Jiaming fell on a motorcycle and went home with an injury. Take the half brick that tripped him and give it to his brother as a birthday present. The plot requires Fu Jiaming to talk about the origin of this half of the brick with flying eyebrows, Huo Jianhua worked very hard, but the audience also saw that the actor himself did not believe in this scene at all.

insisted on calling fans "movie fans", and the "old cadre" who cried bitterly when he was called a "foodie", while acting, he felt MMP in his heart: Neurotic, can you be a little more crazy......

Tong Dawei's expression can be called the audience's "face replacement".

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

The scene where Huang Yimei was flirted with in the bar was also a car accident. It's hard to imagine that Xu Changqing, Bai Zihua, Gu Qingming, and Bo Jinyan have become middle-aged greasy men who wander in Lijiang, Tibet, and Houhai bars.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

Look, I can make music; Look, I have a hook in my eye. Every cell of the dedicated old cadre's body is acting, and the audience is like a fish in the throat, like a thorn in the back, and like a pins and needles, which makes Huang Yimei's fascination with Fu Jiaming a mystery.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

If you need a rock man in leather pants, why do you want Huo Jianhua to be tough, instead of directly looking for Wang Feng to act, is the salary too high......

The best scene in Huo Jianhua's version of Fu Jiaming is when the two climb the mountain and quarrel. The plot made Huo Jianhua return to the comfort zone of the domineering president, and finally he didn't have to play the prodigal son and pretend to be literary and artistic, and directly opened the microphone to Liu Yifei passionately, not to mention forcing Lao Huo to death.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

There are two fly in the ointment.

The first is a terminally ill "old cadre", the director has to not let him wear a jacket and hat, and Huang Yimei has to block him from the rain with his hands. The hat of the jacket can protect against rain, which does not seem to be the common sense of literary and artistic workers.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished
Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

Second, Huo Jianhua is very handsome when he is alone, and he is inexplicably like father and daughter with Liu Yifei, although the real age difference between the two is only 8 years old. This visual discomfort also hinders the audience from understanding the plot.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished
Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

I see that many people on Xiaohongshu say that Huo Jianhua has no sexual tension at all, so he can't play Fu Jiaming well. I don't think so.

The sexual tension of male actors is divided into two kinds, one is the aggressive sexual tension like Zhang Yu and Jiang Qiming, even if you know that he is bad and knows that he is covered in stinky sweat when he comes back from the construction site, you still can't help but want to do with him. The other is Huo Jianhua's abstinence sexual tension. The source of his charm is hiding in Tibet, wanting to refuse and welcome; It's good for others to pounce on him, but he is embarrassed when he takes the initiative.

"Are you in love with me?"

"Do you know the closed disciple, I declare that you are my closed door lover."

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

The difficulty of this line, everyone can think about who can do it in internal entertainment, especially this "closed lover".

Huo Jianhua's acting skills are better than those released. Although the character of Fu Jiaming has little left in his life, he is going to burn until the last moment.

Although Huo Jianhua has worked hard, no matter how he looks at it, he doesn't look like a person who can burn himself. He is too right, and the lines given to him are too tiger-wolf. asked Huang Yimei with a kind face, are you in love with me, it really makes people dig out a courtyard house in Beijing's Third Ring Road.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished
Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

In addition to the fact that the actors are not close enough to their faces, Fu Jiaming's character itself is a bigger problem.

The setting of soul mates is difficult to film and television. The main creator must know this problem, so after weighing the pros and cons, he forcibly pulled the first love with few scenes in the original book to ten episodes, and kept coming back, becoming the NPC of Huang Yimei's follow-up relationship. Fu Jiaming's role was pressed to the shortest, with only 4 episodes.

In these 4 episodes, Liu Yifei shed the most tears since she started her career, and she was completely "addicted to crying scenes".

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

The plot is forcibly promoted by life and death, but the "soul mate" is still very symbolic.

If it weren't for the fact that Su Su sent his adoptive father to prison in the middle, and Huang Zhenhua thought that Bai Xiaohe had "done" his own spicy plot while he was drunk, the soulmate part would be like boiled water with saccharin.

In order to concretize her soulmate, the plot arranged for Huang Yimei to make a secret room in the art museum, in which one of her paintings was placed. Fu Jiaming unlocked this secret room when he went to the art museum for the first time, and felt that her paintings were too depressing, so he installed speakers and rock music.

The music is very embarrassing, only Huang Yimei is forcibly intoxicated, and the audience is completely unable to empathize. And in real life, two people who have never met, if this kind of thing happens without permission, how handsome Fu Jiaming must be, so that he will not be scolded with a sentence of "it is forbidden to be a casual father"?

said that he was a good soul mate, but Fu Jiaming got the ticket by currying favor with Huang Yimei's daughter Fang Taichu.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

The director also forcibly arranged the first love control group, so that Zhuang Guodong was at a loss in front of Fang Taichu, and went to compare Fu Jiaming to get Fang Taichu's handy.

"I want to be your mom's boyfriend."

"I want you to be my boyfriend too."

"I became your mother's boyfriend, so I can't be someone else's boyfriend, you will have your own boyfriend when you grow up."

Whether the lines are embarrassing or not is a matter of opinion, the key is that the idea is very confusing.

I understand the idea of the main creator: when a single mother starts a new relationship, the most important vote must come from the child. But isn't that really a stereotype of women? Huang Rose in the original book gave up custody of her daughter for Fu Jiaming, and she didn't have a chance to see her again until her daughter became an adult.

can only say that Huang Yimei in the drama version of "The Story of Rose" is too perfect. In real life, a powerful woman must not be perfect, but dare to make trade-offs, and may even risk the world's condemnation to tear off the "good woman" label imposed on her by society.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

In the play, Fu Jiaming was diagnosed with congenital heart disease at the age of one and had major heart surgery 10 years ago. According to his younger brother Fu Jiamin, his heart will be overloaded when he climbs the stairs.

But the studio he rented was a LOFT, with stairs up and down the two floors; is also engaged in rock and roll, outdoors, like a rebellious secondary school teenager.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

When his younger brother got married, he had to hold a banquet at the bar where he sang. Not only does his brother worry about everything, but he also finds a wedding chef to cook on the rooftop. The elder brother went up and down the stairs again and four times to urge the food, telling the chef what to do, and finally caused a heart attack and fainted.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

Although the screenwriter has always made up for Fu Jiaming's behavior, saying that he hopes to live his life like an ordinary person, rather than going to the end like a patient. But even ordinary people, in Beijing after 2013, will not ask the chef to make a wedding wine at home and make themselves tired.

There is also the fact that you must order devil spicy when eating hot pot, which is also on the grounds that you want to experience different lives like normal people. The problem is that normal people don't have to experience devilish spicy at all. The devil's spicy thing itself is thrilling and anti-human.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

Climbing the mountain is even more powerless to complain. Fu Jiaming, a patient with congenital heart, couldn't climb and wanted to give up, Huang Yimei said I have made so many preparations, you have to give up, I can accept death to separate us, but I can't accept cowardice to separate us.

This? Fang Xiewen controls Huang Yimei, Huang Yimei controls Fu Jiaming, boomerang?

There is a dark line buried in the play. Huang Yimei and Su Su went to Shanghai for the first time to see the exhibition, and the music work unlocked was Fu Jiaming's, and the owner took a photo of Huang Yimei and sent it to Fu Jiaming abroad, so Fu Jiaming fell in love with Huang Yimei at first sight a long time ago, and the two were natural soul mates.

Then I read the comments of netizens and said that if I had met earlier, Fu Jiaming would have died 10 years earlier.

Huo Jianhua played, and "The Story of the Rose" was unfinished

Deliberately dying and experiencing life to the fullest are two different concepts. When the main creator was dealing with this part, he worked hard, but unfortunately he didn't find the answer.

"Soul mate" is such an illusory thing, in a relationship, it is difficult to express.

Love is originally a chemical reaction, and "physiological liking" is the most real and fierce. The so-called soul mates either have to be like Sartre and Beauvoir, who have both sexes and completely transcend the constraints of the sexes. If it is really filmed, it is very challenging for the public to bear it, at least it must not engage in the set of "closed lovers".

The other is like Leslie Cheung and Tang Hede, who were originally in love normally, but due to the accidental death of one party, they had to be separated forever and become soul mates.

Huang Yimei and Fu Jiaming are more like the latter situation. Soulmates are arranged by God, and you can't think about souls.

When Fu Jiaming left when the relationship between the two was at its strongest, he was destined to become a legend in Huang Yimei's life. Everything he left behind was spotless and radiant because it was never worn out by the trivialities of life.

Zhuang Guodong and Fang Xiewen still lost too well in health.

Life is so ridiculous, like a naughty child's puzzle. This kind of absurdity is too cruel and unromantic, and it is completely understandable that it is unwilling to touch it as a commercial TV series. But it is precisely because of the lack of courage to face reality that Fu Jiaming is destined to be able to only touch the water and lack a fist that touches people's hearts.

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