
Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

author:Xiaodong Food Square

Some people say that there is no true love in the entertainment industry, and in such a big dye vat, no one dares to really have a heart-to-heart relationship with others.

But who will always be wary of others, and what will be exchanged for sincerity will be sincerity. This pair of friends in the entertainment industry let us see the true feelings.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

Last year's one-step TV series "Hurricane" brought the domineering eldest brother Zhang Songwen into the public's field of vision. Gao Qiqiang in the play attaches great importance to love and righteousness, because Chen Shuting helped her in difficult times, and he spent his life protecting his sister-in-law. As a policeman, An Xin was originally supposed to be the opposite of Gao Qiqiang. But An Xin seems to be a friend and foe to Gao Qiqiang.

Gao Qiqiang received help from An Xin, and only An Xin persuaded him to go on the right path. But for Gao Qiqiang at that time, he didn't want to live the hard life before. So you can only step by step down the abyss.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

is such a confrontation of identities, so that even though the two value each other very much, they can't really be friends. The image of Gao Qiqiang played by Zhang Songwen in the play attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and there is a clear distinction between love and hate. made the audience who watched it say that if he hadn't gone the wrong way, it would be really good to have such a friend in his life.

In real life, Mr. Zhang Songwen is actually a very affectionate and sincere person.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

With the explosion of "Hurricane", Mr. Zhang Songwen also has a lot of fans. Countless fans left messages under his Weibo, expressing their love for Zhang Songwen. Looking at so many fans who love him, Mr. Zhang Songwen also expressed his gratitude and excitement very sincerely.

Zhang Songwen said that there are too many people in the entertainment industry who help him, and he is very grateful. The recently hit variety show "Splendid Garden", which is a hut sorted out by the program team according to Zhang Songwen's hobbies. The flowers and plants inside are all carefully arranged by Zhang Songwen.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

In the latest episode of the show, Zhang Songwen invited Hong Kong actress Weng Hong.

The re-encounter between the two is also very moving.

While waiting for Weng Hong to arrive, the smile on Zhang Songwen's face couldn't be hidden, and when he saw someone, he was the first to greet him. Affectionately called: "Sister." The two then embraced.

Speaking of the acquaintance of the two people, Zhang Songwen was also full of gratitude. Zhang Songwen was born in Guangdong in 1974, and it is very embarrassing to talk about his family.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

In Zhang Songwen's words, he didn't study hard in the first half of his life because he chose the wrong path, and after entering the Beijing Film Academy, Zhang Songwen put all his energy on acting, directing, acting and writing "Farewell My Concubine".

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

Zhang Songwen's acting road was not smooth, after graduation, he stayed in school as an acting teacher, and also worked as a choreographer, executive director, director, editor and other roles, although he also played large and small roles, but Zhang Songwen, who was unlucky at that time, was not well known to the public.

Zhang Songwen is a down-to-earth actor, but actors will also have times when they can't eat. Talking about his acquaintance with Weng Hong, Zhang Songwen said that it was a very dramatic situation.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

At that time, Zhang Songwen was still an inconspicuous young actor, and Weng Hong had already gained a firm foothold in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. In 2000, the two met in the crew, but Zhang Songwen was only a small role in the play at that time.

Due to the accident, Zhang Songwen was penniless at that time, and he didn't even have the money for the air ticket, it was Weng Hong who bought him a ticket and gave him money to make him emergency.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

In those days, airfares weren't cheap. With such unhesitating help, I may not even know if the two will intersect in the future. For Zhang Songwen at that time, this kind of true affection in the snow made him never forget it for the rest of his life.

The two became good friends because of this, and when Weng Hong gave birth to a daughter, Zhang Songwen also hurriedly passed. In the recording program, Zhang Songwen also talked about Weng Hong's father's birthday. It can be seen that the relationship between the two people has reached the point of family.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

Although Zhang Songwen was good enough in his early years, and his acting skills won awards large and small, there was never an opportunity for him to be known to the public.

With the shaping of Gao Qiqiang's image, Zhang Songwen, an actor, has made many audiences see his sincerity and hard work. talked about the previous time with Weng Hong in the variety show, and the conversation between the two made the guests present and the audience in front of the TV seem to be pulled back to that difficult but happy moment back then.

Speaking of Weng Hong's help, Zhang Songwen said that it was not just a matter of two air tickets, but a small decision by Weng Hong that year made the embarrassed self see the light. I made up my mind at that time that this was my sister for life.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

In today's spotlight, we only see Zhang Songwen's fame and glory, and ignore how much effort he used to get to the front of people.

Zhang Songwen is well-known in the entertainment industry for his good temper, no matter who he is, as long as he asks him for help, he will not refuse. Some people say that he has an easy-going sense that does not belong to a star. Chat with him You can confide in him like a friend, and he will give you advice. Such a person, in the entertainment industry, how can he not make true friends.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

Zhang Songwen and Weng Hong have maintained a friendship for more than 20 years, and in this mixed entertainment industry, such a relationship is really rare.

After Zhang Songwen became popular, many people picked up his previous Weibo. In Weibo, someone left a message to Zhang Songwen saying that he was under a lot of pressure and didn't know how to persevere. Zhang Songwen replied that everyone has unsatisfactory times, but this does not prove that we can't resist.

He always cares about every fan who leaves him a message as a friend. Whether in real life or online, he treats everyone who likes him with his sincerity.

Friendship that goes both ways: Weng Hong and Zhang Songwen, a "sister" lifelong love

You see, a person like Zhang Songwen is a pure land in the chaotic entertainment industry. Now he lives a happy life, has a smooth career, and has a happy family.

He illuminates everyone with his warmth, and remembers everyone who has helped him somewhat. Weng Hong's air ticket at that time sent today's Zhang Songwen to a better stage, and Zhang Songwen always remembered this help. He also uses his own methods to help more people.

I hope that the friendship between Zhang Songwen and Weng Hong will be eternal, and I hope that we can find friends like them who can become family.

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