
There is a legend that the name "Diaoyu City" in the old Chongqing | has such a legend, more than 700 years ago, the Defeat of the Mengke Army was because of the heat?

author:Upstream News

Upstream News Chongqing Evening News Slow News Reporter Zhu Ting/Wen, Figure Some of the pictures come from the Internet

In 1235 AD, the Song and Yuan Wars (also known as the "Mongol-Song War") broke out in full swing, the Battle of Diaoyucheng was one of the most influential battles, from 1243 to 1279 AD, the Diaoyucheng military and civilians defended the territory for 36 years, after more than 200 large and small battles, during which Möngke Khan died in the army, forcing the Mongol Empire to withdraw from the Eurasian battlefield. More than 700 years ago, why did the then Möngke Khan defeat Diaoyu City? What is the historical significance of the Battle of Diaoyu City?

On May 16th, Xiong Zhaozheng, a famous writer and director of the Institute of Literature and History of the Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, gave a lecture entitled "The Significance of the Battle of Diaoyucheng to China and the World" in Hechuan District, explaining the profound significance of the Battle of Diaoyucheng from the perspective of history, humanities and the world, and sharing his views on the reasons for the defeat of Möngke Khan's army, and taking us to understand the great war more than 700 years ago from a new perspective.

Xiong Zhaozheng

The name "Diaoyu City" originated

There is such a legend

Diaoyu City is located at the confluence of the Jialing, Qu and Fu rivers in Hechuan District, at an altitude of between 91.22 and 186 meters.

Tourists who come here may have heard such a legend about the name of the fishing city: in ancient times, floods flooded, people fled to the mountains to take refuge, and when hunger was unbearable, the giant god descended from the sky, stood on the huge stone on the top of the mountain, held a long pole, and caught fresh fish from the Jialing River to relieve the hunger of the people. People are grateful for the life-saving grace of the giant god, and call the boulder on the top of the mountain "Diaoyutai", which is why the mountain is also named "Diaoyu Mountain".

In the main scenic area of 2.5 square kilometers of Diaoyu City Scenic Area, there are remnants of Song and Yuan military and living facilities such as the City Wall, City Gate, Fort, Navy Wharf, Soldier Workshop, Shuai Mansion, Military Camp, Tianchi, Andingping, as well as religious sites such as Huguo Temple, Zhongyi Ancestral Hall, Tang Dynasty Hanging Reclining Buddha, Thousand Buddha Grottoes, Three Sacred Rocks and ancient ruins such as Diaoyutai and Pole Stones, as well as natural wonders such as 800-year-old laurel trees, thin knife ridges, Three Turtle Stones, and Fish City Smoke and Rain.

These historical sites, after hundreds of years of ups and downs, are the best way to arouse tourists to understand history.

Old photos of Fishing City

The reporter inquired about the information and found that according to records, in 1235, the Mongol army launched a large-scale army to attack the Song Dynasty in the south while conquering Eastern Europe in the west and jinliao in the east. Since then, the two sides have launched decades of offensive and defensive battles in the three major battlefields from Sichuan and Shaanxi in the west, to Jingxiang in the middle, and to Jianghuai in the east. Because it is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the Gate of Choke is dangerous, and the Shun River can lead to Wuchu, and the Bashu region has become the primary target of the Mongols to attack the Song for a considerable period of time.

In 1240, the Mongol army invaded Sichuan, which was held by the Southern Song Dynasty, and broke 20 cities in a row, and the gate was in danger. In the same year, in order to defend against the Mongol army, when Peng Daya, the deputy envoy of Sichuan, built the city of Chongqing, he sent the lieutenant Gan Yan to build a village on the Diaoyu Mountain as a barrier to Chongqing. In 1243, Yu Jiu, the envoy of Sichuan and the prefect of Chongqing, in accordance with the strategic defensive idea of "combining the city with the fortress and combining the military and the government", built the diaoyu Mountain, moved the administrative offices of Hezhou and Shizhao County into the city, stored grain for the troops, and established the river defense fortress as an important pillar against the Mongol army. The name Diaoyu City began here.

Hechuan Fishing City

Mottled forts, city walls, city gates

Record the history of the Song army's insistence on diaoyu city to resist to the death

Yu Jiu took diaoyu City as the front-line command center of the Sichuan War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, with less than 50,000 troops to carry out offensive and defensive battles against the Mongol army, and won a series of battles such as the "Sichuan 36Thought" from July to December 1243 and the "Northern Army Entering Shu" in the spring of 1246.

During the long-term battle, the offensive and defensive facilities of Diaoyu City have also been further improved.

According to records, in 1251, Möngke Khan ascended the throne, and the war under diaoyu City intensified.

In July 1254, Wang Jianzhi hezhou mobilized 170,000 soldiers and civilians from 5 counties under the jurisdiction of the prefecture to overhaul Diaoyu City, and built a new north-south water army wharf and a one-character city wall. After three times of construction, Diaoyu City built a fortress along the mountain, and a stone wall was built along the mountain, with a circumference of 13 miles, and 8 watchtower-style gates, with an area of 2.5 square kilometers in the city. There is a naval dock on the riverside, where warships are moored. Divided into two cities, inside and outside. To the east of the city, the city wall is built on the rock wall, and the west is surrounded by water on three sides, which is the outer barrier. The inner city has built forts, piers, soldier workshops, martial arts yamen, military barracks, and competition fields, and has also excavated 14 Tianchi, dug 92 wells, thousands of acres of good land for farming, and built a secret passage to the outside of the city.

The military and civilians of the Southern Song Dynasty relied on this natural danger fortress and held on to their defenses.

"The mottled forts, docks and other relics we see now are important facilities for the deathly resistance of the soldiers hundreds of years ago!" When visiting Diaoyu City, you can always hear such feelings from tourists.

In 1258, Möngke Khan personally led the main force south, and in early November, he went east along the Jialing River, and the army pointed directly at The Diaoyu City of Hezhou.

In February 1259, the Mongol Möngke Khan led an army of 40,000 to besiege Diaoyu City, and Wang Jian and Zhang Jue led 10,000 troops to hold the fortress. In April of the same year, heavy rain fell in Hezhou for 20 days, and the Mongol army was forced to suspend the attack. In July, the Mongol army continued its onslaught on Diaoyu City. Unexpectedly, Möngke Khan was killed in the battle, and the Mongol army was forced to retreat north.

In the following 20 years, the military and civilians of Diaoyu City resisted the attack of the Mongol army, and after more than 200 large and small battles, the Mongol army was finally unable to resist.

According to the "Hezhou Chronicle" and the "Records of the Unknown Clan", during the Battle of Song and Meng's Diaoyu City, someone once ordered someone to "take two tails of fish, weigh thirty catties, and steamed noodle cakes hundreds" from the Great Heavenly Pond and send them to the Mongol army, saying: "Erbei soldiers can cook fresh cakes." If you keep it for another ten years, you will not be able to get it. ”

The reason why Mungo defeated Diaoyu City

Violated the "summer no war" combat habit

The 36-year-long "Diaoyu City Defense War" was a life-and-death decisive battle between the Southern Song Dynasty and Mongolia, and it was also a battle of great significance in Chinese history and world history, setting a rare example of the victory of the weak over the strong in the history of Chinese and foreign wars.

At the lecture site of "The Significance of the Battle of Diaoyu City to China and the World", Xiong Zhaozheng revealed that he was very concerned about the bloody past of Hechuan Diaoyu City, collected a large amount of information, and made two field visits, laying a solid foundation for creation and screenwriting, he will plan to create a script for Diaoyu City, and recreate the bloody struggle of the military and civilians of Diaoyu City with a new artistic method, creating a rare miracle in the history of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign wars in the past and abroad.

He also shared some personal views on the defeat of the Mongols in Diaoyu City. He believes that the fiercest periods of the Battle of Diaoyu City were concentrated in 1258-1259 (or 1260) and 1272-1276. "There are three reasons why Möngke died in Diaoyu City and was defeated, first of all, because of the habits of life, the Mongolian army has the habit of not fighting in the summer, but the competitive Möngke violated the habit of not fighting in the summer, and when fighting, the weather is too hot, and the Mongolian army is naturally unfavorable. Second, the Mongol army could have bypassed diaoyucheng, but the idea of bypassing diaoyucheng was opposed. Third, Meng Ge underestimated the ability of the defenders of Diaoyu City, and did not expect that Diaoyu City was not as complete as the offensive and defensive facilities, and that the military and civilians of the Great Song Dynasty would resist to the death. He said.

When talking about the significance of the Battle of Diaoyu City, Xiong Zhaozheng believes that it is no less than the Battle of Waterloo in France and the Battle of Gettysburg in the United States.

Fishing City Guardian Gate old photo

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