
A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

author:Entertainment Jiuye
A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Speaking of the deterioration of the relationship between Feng Xiaogang and Sun Haiying, it is impossible to avoid one of Sun Haiying's plays, "Pelle Ginter". This drama has been performed countless times around the world, which shows its classic degree.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Stills from Sun Haiying's play Pelle Ginter

When performing in China, Sun Haiying shouldered the heavy responsibility and became one of the main actors of the play, performing more than forty performances from the beginning to the end.

However, the evaluation of this drama is mixed, and some people regard it as the most precious treasure, believing that it and Sun Haiying's acting skills have reached the peak of the realm.

However, most people said that after watching the whole performance, they did not know what the play and the actors wanted to express, and they could not understand it at all.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons


So Sun Haiying opened a press conference for "Pelle Ginter", at which his wife Lu Liping sat next to him, and under the stage were microphones and cameras of media and journalists.

But Sun Haiying completely ignored these things, and he, known as "Sun Cannon", began to criticize with indignation as soon as he came up.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Launch of Pell Günter

First of all, he believes that the level of the audience is uneven, everyone has everyone's understanding, and he will not stop the pace of the performance because everyone can't understand or dislike it.

Because art is not born because they can see it, or they can't understand it, it is precisely because it is elusive that it can become art.

However, many people pretended to be deep under the banner of understanding, and after talking about it for a while, they went home with a haha... This left him disappointed and worried.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Sun Haiying and Lu Liping

Then Sun Haiying aimed the spearhead at Feng Xiaogang, lamenting that China's drama was finished and China's movies were finished, and angrily criticized the entertainment phenomenon of Chinese society.

He was outraged by the lack of in-depth art in the film and television industry, and felt that the people who made art films in China were no longer there.

What remains is just a bunch of entertainment films, and fake literature like Feng Xiaogang, showing off fake art, thinking that he understands very well, in fact, when he thinks about it when he is old, he is a director who does nothing.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Feng Xiaogang

After his wife Lu Liping, who was sitting on the side, heard this, her face instantly went black, but he was still a little unforgiving.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Lu Liping's face turned black

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" data-track="12" > a struggle between geniuses and geniuses</h1>

Ignoring the media offstage, Sun Haiying directly criticized Feng Xiaogang for "pretending to be garlic" fake literature and art in public, and treating the audience and filming inappropriately.

Looking at this posture, it is to press Feng Xiaogang to the rhythm on the ground. This scolding also directly ignited the other party's cannon lead.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Sun Haiying shelled Feng Xiaogang

Feng Xiaogang cursed countless people on his road to fame, known for his sharp words, and he did not expect to let people kill him again today.

His initial reaction was naturally to shoot the case and rush to the crown in anger.

But how to say it also has to take into account their status in the show business circle, and the two are big guy-level figures.

Not to mention that we have worked together before, and no matter how we say that we have had a few years of friendship, we can't tear our faces in front of the public.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

So he suppressed the anger in his heart and only sent a Weibo message: "Comrade Sun Haiying is very cute." Although this remark looks polite and polite, but if you think about it carefully, there is still a bit of laughter hidden in the knife and ridicule.

This is Feng Xiaogang's ultimatum to Sun Haiying, and it is also a warning and threat.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Feng Xiaogang responded

Sun Haiying is not stupid, and the obvious ridicule in it is naturally clear to him. It's just that he has a cheerful personality and likes to speak bluntly, and he doesn't take Feng Xiaogang's trick.

Only to see that he held a meeting again, saying that it was to give Feng Xiaogang face, and he could see that he pointed out his shortcomings, gave him points out points, and asked him to shoot more good works in the future

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Sun Haiying was interviewed

Although it is to explain, it sounds a little awkward. After that, Sun Haiying saw that Feng Xiaogang's reaction was quite generous, so he no longer held on to him, and the war between the two eased up slightly.

After a few months, the new movie "Playing Cool Youth" starring Lu Liping was released, and the figure of her husband Sun Haiying was naturally indispensable at the press conference.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

"Coldplay Youth" will watch the film

At that time, he publicly said that he never watched domestic film and television dramas, and this time it was because his wife filmed it that he watched it. For films like "Tangshan Earthquake", even if Feng Xiaogang sends him movie tickets, he will not go to see it.

This sentence stung Feng Xiaogang's nerves, and it immediately annoyed him.

He couldn't sleep all night, and from one o'clock in the morning he began to think about how to go back, until more than three o'clock in the morning, he sent three microblogs in a row.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Clip from the movie "Tangshan Earthquake"

Otherwise, it is said that the artist is the artist, the scolding does not carry dirty words, and the aggression and insult are extremely strong.

The first is to criticize Sun Haiying's arrogance, Feng Xiaogang said: Doesn't he like to make art films, and looks down on the worldliness and utilitarianism of making commercial films? Then if he has the ability to shoot a scene, don't collect the film remuneration, pretend to be high. Have you never seen a domestic film and can you still be a Chinese actor? And he never sent him a movie ticket for "Tangshan Earthquake", and called Sun Haiying a "patient". Generally speaking, it is not recommended that patients watch movies, which is not good for the body. Even if the ticket is sent, you can send him medicine, and at the end of the text, he directly scolds: May God forgive his grandson, Amen.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Feng Xiaogang's first Weibo

When this first microblog was sent, it meant that the two were officially at war. Only to see Sun Haiying scold Feng Xiaogang back, saying that the movies he made were all garbage and had no level.

There are also some fearless people who say that it is not good to be a grandson, he is a grandson, and the grandson also wrote the art of war.

Feng Xiaogang immediately sent out a second Weibo, saying that if the other party did not say bad things about people by name, he would not think too much, but the other party came and went endlessly, and even doubted whether he was addicted to scolding.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

In the third Weibo post, he also quoted a netizen to scold Sun Haiying - "Burned out by passion." ”

This sentence can have a double meaning, borrowing the TV series "The Years of Burning Passion" starring Sun Haiying, satirizing his temper drama in and out of the play are exactly the same as the character Shi Guangrong. He also said bluntly: If it is not Shi Guangrong, don't salute indiscriminately.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Feng Xiaogang's third microblog

In the end, the relationship between Feng Xiaogang and Sun Haiying was completely frozen. Fortunately, later, Lu Liping really couldn't look at it, so she pulled them away and acted as a middleman, and this scolding war temporarily stopped.

This duel can be described as a needle point to Mai Mang, the two big artists are not small tempers, bumping into each other is hard and hard, setting off a bloody storm in the entertainment industry.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Netizens spoofed posters of the two

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" data-track="62" > character causes of conflict</h1>

But what is it that has led to such a fierce conflict between them?

The specific reasons we do not know, but what can be determined is that the freezing of three feet is not a day's cold, and Sun Haiying and Feng Xiaogang's dissatisfaction with each other should be accumulated over time in the previous cooperation and contact, and the specific reasons may only be clearest in their own hearts.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Sun Haiying

And some of the reasons for the conflict between them are due to the personality of the two, because they are very hot types.

Before feng Xiaogang became famous, he worked as an artist and did other chores, and his life was a bit tight, but he was determined to engage in art. In the absence of outstanding physical conditions, he ran into walls everywhere.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Feng Xiaogang was young

Fortunately, after meeting the writer Wang Shuo, the other party believed that Feng Xiaogang was a potential person, so he promoted him everywhere. Almost wherever he went, Feng Xiaogang followed him, so he was also called "Wang Shuo's little follower".

Later, Feng Xiaogang cooperated with Huayi Brothers and began to truly step into the clouds. After the success of his career, he has been suppressing emotions and strict self-requirements, which has led to the formation of a grumpy personality.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Feng Xiaogang and Wang Shuo

And Sun Haiying's experience is also very bumpy, before Lu Liping, he also had a wife. The other party gave birth to him a child, but not long after he was born, he became disabled with cerebral palsy. The ex-wife could not bear such a blow, so she left the child and divorced him.

After more than ten years, the child could no longer bear the pain and suffering of illness and unfortunately died. This incident brought a lot of blows to Sun Haiying, coupled with the fact that he usually worked desperately, the pressure of life also led to his mental tension.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

It is undeniable that they have all made indelible contributions to China's acting career, and to a certain extent, they can lead the public aesthetics and go on a correct path.

Feng Xiaogang's strength in directing is obvious to all, and he has indeed started from the people and made movies that everyone likes to hear, and the box office is the best evidence.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

And Sun Haiying's words, although somewhat extreme, are not rough. After all, in recent years, the state attaches great importance to cultural self-confidence, and many literary and art workers are also aware of this, so a number of excellent film and television works have emerged in the market.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

But Sun Haiying still felt that China's acting career had failed completely, and completely denied the silent and conscientious staff behind the scenes, the efforts made for a film, and the unremitting persistence. Not seeing the good side of Chinese movies is his blind spot.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

However, his concerns are not unreasonable, and sometimes he does need to learn from foreign excellent experiences and avoid closing the door to build a car.

The four major directors represented by Feng Xiaogang should constantly reflect on and surpass their own works to bring better works to the audience.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

Nowadays, it is difficult to see Sun Haiying's new film and television works, because he has bid farewell to the big screen of movies and returned to the place where his dream began. He continued his acting career in the theater, and through the study of theatrical art, he once again broke through himself and created the peak of his spiritual world.

A sentence of "loading garlic", and Feng Xiaogang launched a century of scolding war, how did Sun Haiying disappear now? The struggle between genius and genius arises from the conflict of character reasons

In addition, he is 64 years old, and his physical and mental strength is not as good as before. It's also unrealistic to do high-intensity work, so it's a good idea to go to the theater occasionally.

But most of the time, he will choose to accompany Lu Liping and his son at home, the family is happy, the career is successful, usually read books, and enjoy a comfortable pension life with peace of mind.

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