
The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Text: Ye Waiqing

Editor|Uncle Yu

I was sick and had no money to treat it.

It is the greatest helplessness and helplessness of many people.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

But for those smash hit stars.

When you are sick, you have money to cure it, but you can't cure it.

It is also the greatest helplessness and helplessness.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

When I got sick, I realized that people are the same as human beings, and they are just mortals.

More gold and silver in your pocket; In essence, it is still a mortal child.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Sickness does not come just to the poor.

It's just as distressing to have money or not.

Feng Xiaogang

Vitiligo, it is a disease that acts on the skin.

In daily life, everyone should have seen it.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Vitiligo is difficult to treat.

It will make the patient have a white piece and a black one.

The biggest impact is the patient's own mood.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

No one doesn't care about their appearance.

When you go out every day, don't you comb your hair, tidy up your clothes, and polish your shoes?

It's all about the importance of external image.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

It's just a pimple and a wrinkle.

I'm going to have to look at it carefully for a while.

I feel a little melancholy.

Not to mention the color patches that grow on the body?

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Even for people who don't care about their appearance.

Wouldn't he sigh in the mirror and into his skin when he was alone?

The same is true for Feng Xiaogang.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

He faces more than just family, colleagues, and passers-by every day.

And hundreds of millions of viewers outside of TV.

Among a group of handsome men and beautiful women.

In the sound of the camera clicking.

Director Feng, who was standing under the flickering lights, would he feel a little at a loss at a certain moment?

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

His unsightly skin was mercilessly illuminated by the shining light, and it became more conspicuous.

Immediately afterwards, it was transmitted by the camera to the eyes of the people of the whole country.

This helplessness is best understood only by the patients themselves.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Most of the patients only smile bitterly in their hearts.

And there will still be a smile on his face that doesn't care.

Continue to talk and laugh with people.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Feng Xiaogang suffers from vitiligo.

People around you will talk about it in private.

The National People's Congress will openly discuss it.

No matter how optimistic Feng Xiaogang is, he will always care about these discussions.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

He is a famous director and has filmed "No Thieves in the World", "Tangshan Earthquake" and "Fanghua".

is also a famous actor, has acted in Stephen Chow's movies, and won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor.


The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

is already a famous director with various honors.

But there is always no escape from the entanglement of disease.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Li Yuchun

Li Yuchun always has a momentum that is not afraid of the sky and the earth.

When I think of Li Yuchun, she is always capable and neat.

The whole body is full of confidence and optimism.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

When she revealed that she had ankylosing spondylitis.

I'm afraid that for a while, everyone can't believe it at all.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

But she just said it plainly.

It makes people have to believe it.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Ankylosing spondylitis.

Because of its extremely high disability and recurrence rates.

That's why it's also called "immortal cancer".

The peak age of the onset of this disease is generally 20~30 years old.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

The most uncomfortable thing for people who suffer from this disease is the physical pain at the time of the onset.

According to Li Yuchun, at the onset of the disease, the pain cannot be described in words.

At that time, she felt like her body was slowly petrifying.

She won't even be able to lie down and get up.

You have to use a wheelchair when you go out.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Maybe at night she will be forcibly woken up by pain.

Then he opened his eyes and endured in silence until dawn.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

The disease is extremely difficult to cure.

The condition will come and go.

The clouds of disease are not always clear.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

When the disease occurs, pain and suffering sweep through the body.

At that time, she must have missed her healthy self very much.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

What we have always seen is the dazzling Li Yuchun on the stage.

But I have never seen Li Yuchun, who is riddled with illness and struggling in pain.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Strength is always left to the audience.

The pain is your own.

For Li Yuchun, money can't make the pain go away.

Only by being strong can we wait for hope.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Strength is essential for those who are sick.

The same is true for their parents, relatives and friends.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list


It hurts in the children's bodies and parents' hearts.

When a child is sick, parents are always exhausted by it.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

After Ni Ping broke up with Chen Kaige, she met photographer Wang Wenlan.

This new relationship allowed her to gradually get out of the heartache of the past.

She also ushered in a new little life.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

She experienced the joy of motherhood.

The little life in her belly made her curious and expectant.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

When the little doll full of parents' longing was born, the hardships of pregnancy and childbirth suddenly disappeared.

They named the child Huzi.

I hope that the child will be able to be physically strong like a little tiger.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

The good times did not last long, and the joy of the arrival of a new life was quickly crushed by a medical certificate.

Shock and sadness squeezed into Ni Ping's heart.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Huzi suffers from severe congenital cataracts.

It can seriously affect the visual development of infants and young children.

You may even end up completely blind.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

For the sake of the child, the couple did their best.

They took their children to major hospitals in Beijing for consultation.

However, congenital cataracts are still a medical problem.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

It is difficult to treat in China.

Outside of the country.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

In 1999, the family traveled to the United States.

I finally saw a glimmer of hope for treatment.

But the cost of treatment puts them in trouble again.

That's up to $2 million.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Although Ni Ping and Wang Wenlan's income is not low.

But for two million dollars, they will never be able to take it out of bankruptcy.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Even so, Ni Ping is determined to be treated.

Wang Wenlan hesitated.

The marriage of the two was in crisis.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Later, Ni Ping resigned from her job as a host and raised money everywhere.

She filmed at home and sought medical treatment abroad.

At this time, she and Wang Wenlan were also divorced.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Alone, running around for his son.

After more than ten years, my son's condition finally improved.

Ni Ping's hopes for more than ten years have finally become reality.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

The bright world jumps into the eyes of children.

How many years has Ni Ping been looking forward to this moment!

After so many years of depression and sadness, today it has finally been released.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Because of Ni Ping's care all the way.

Huzi is now a healthy child.

Just like what Ni Ping expected more than 20 years ago.

The body of the tiger is as strong as that of a "tiger".

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Zhong Liqi

Actress Zhong Liqi has faded out of the big screen for many years.

She has played important roles in TV series such as "Criminal Investigation File III" and "Medical God Hua Tuo".

Now, she has changed her career to become a yoga teacher.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

At the age of 47, she married her mixed-race boyfriend.

They had two daughters after marriage.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

When she was first pregnant, she had great expectations in her heart, like all mothers.

I hope that the future of the child will be bright.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

However, after the birth of the child.

What she hopes most is that she can be healthy.

Because the eldest daughter has an extremely rare genetic disorder - chromosomal defect syndrome.

Doctors once predicted that the child would not live to be 2 years old.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

At this time, all illusions about the child's future are shattered.

All she is most concerned about is the present of her children.

She didn't dare to think about what the future would be, it was too extravagant.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Therefore, every day with your child is incomparably precious.

Zhong Liqi took care of her daughter and accompanied her to grow up.

Eventually, the doctor's prophecy was shattered.

The eldest daughter survived the age of 2 and has now grown into a big girl.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

They went out together as a family.

Play fun together and eat good food.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

My sister will take good care of my sister.

My sister also smiled happily from the bottom of her heart.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Although the disease is difficult to treat, the child has always lived well.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Behind the camera, Zhong Liqi as a mother.

Looking at the child's smile, it should also temporarily wipe away the sadness and pain.

Let's feel a little relieved.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Wang Ji

Wang Ji graduated from the Beijing People's Art Theater.

and Song Dandan, Liang Guanhua, etc. are classmates.

He once starred in Feng Xiaogang's "Beijingers in New York".

won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

From 1980 to 2016, she starred in many film and television dramas.

The career is developing very well.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

However, it may be due to being too focused on filming.

As a result, there is too much stress and life is too stressful when you are pregnant.

So there is something wrong with the child's body.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

When she was pregnant, she was filming the TV series "Pekingese in New York".

At four months pregnant, she still only slept a few hours a day.

filmed desperately.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

In 1993, the child Gao Xiaofei was born.

The child is not healthy.

Mental retardation, born with a disability.

Also suffering from epilepsy.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Wang Ji and Gao Feng took the children to all kinds of hospitals, large and small.

From home to abroad, there is hope every time.

But I was disappointed again and again.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Wang Ji learned that the age of 1-6 is the golden period for the rehabilitation of children with mental retardation.

So he seized this precious period and tried his best to "increase wisdom" for his children.

Unfortunately, the effect is very small, and the child's intelligence still does not improve.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

She once said: "I am willing to exchange my brain for my son's brain, and I only want my son to be healthy and safe for life." ”

At that time, the couple spent almost all their savings in order to treat their child.

There was no way, Wang Ji, who was already planning to quit at that time, decided to return to the entertainment industry.

Make money from filming and continue to treat children.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Since the day he was diagnosed, Gao Xiaofei has been taking medicine.

After eating it for more than 20 years, it still hasn't improved significantly.

Although he has grown to 1.8 meters, his intelligence is only 4 years old.

He looks like an adult, but his mind is always a child.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

In an interview.

For the first time, she spoke in public about her mentally retarded child.

Wang Ji said that she always blamed herself for this.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Because he didn't work hard, he made the child like this.

It was hard for her to forgive herself.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

It's really pitiful for the hearts of parents all over the world.


Money has many functions, but when it comes to intractable diseases, money is useless.

When a rich person loses his health, even a thousand family fortunes can be given in full.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

But you look at the stars who are going to make money.

In order to treat himself and his child, he desperately "sent money" to the hospital.

But there are a few that can be insulated from diseases with money.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

We envy celebrities, celebrities can make money.

Some celebrities envy us because we have health.

No matter who you are, good health is always the best blessing.

Health is the most important thing, and this is true for yourself.

The same is true for children.

The 6 stars who have been glamorous in front of people and sad in front of people, and who have been suffering for half their lives due to illness, Wang Ji and Feng Xiaogang are on the list

Some references:|Wang Ji|Ni Ping

Sina|Zhong Liqi

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