
The imperial tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty was stolen, and the skull of Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun was actually made into a wine glass by Yang Lian Zhenjia

author:Tomb Robbery


It is not uncommon for imperial tombs to be stolen throughout the dynasties, but none of them have been stolen so thoroughly as the imperial tombs of the Song Dynasty. The imperial tomb of the Northern Song Dynasty in Gongyi was stolen and excavated by the Jin people. The imperial tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty was also excavated by an evil monk named Yang Lian Zhenjia. Not only that, but he also humiliated and destroyed corpses. He also made an emperor's skull into a wine glass for drinking.

The imperial tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty was stolen, and the skull of Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun was actually made into a wine glass by Yang Lian Zhenjia

Skull Bowl

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On November 16, 1264 (the fifth year of Jingding), Zhao Yun (yún), the Southern Song Dynasty Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun (yún), died in Lin'an at the age of 60 and reigned for 40 years. Emperor Lizong of Song was the longest-reigning emperor in the history of the Southern Song Dynasty, second only to Emperor Renzong of the Northern Song Dynasty. Emperor Renzong reigned for 41 years and was the longest-reigning emperor of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Yun (赵昀) (26 January 1205 – 16 November 1264) was the fifth emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty and the ninth grandson of Zhao Dezhao, the son of Zhao Kuangyin, the grandfather of the Song Dynasty.

Originally named Zhao youju, Jiading was made the heir of Emperor Ningzong's disciple Yi wang in the fifteenth year (1222) and given the name Guicheng. In the seventeenth year of Jiading (1224), he was made the prince of Emperor Ningzong and given the name Yun. After the death of Emperor Ningzong of Song, Zhao Yun was proclaimed emperor by the powerful minister Shi Miyuan, and was made emperor for Emperor Lizong of Song. The first ten years of Song Lizong's succession were all under the control of the power minister Shi Miyuan, and he did not ask any questions about government affairs at all, while he respected science and indulged in lust. It was not until the death of Shi Miyuan in the sixth year of Shaoding (1233) that Emperor Lizong of Song began to pro-government. At the beginning of the pro-government policy, he was determined to revitalize zhongxing, and adopted reform measures such as deposing the Shi Party, pro-promoting Taiwan, clarifying the administration of officials, and rectifying the finances. In the later period of his reign, he was also immersed in the absurd life of drunken dreams and death, and he also recruited a prostitute in Lin'an City into the palace, spoiled her night and night, and the government fell into the hands of Ding Daquan, Jia Xiangdao, and other adulterous ministers, and the country's power declined rapidly. In the first year of Duanping (1234), the Southern Song Dynasty united with mongolia to destroy jin. In the first year of Kaiqing (1259), the Mongols attacked Ezhou, and the chancellor Jia Xiangdao signed an agreement with the Mongols in the name of Song Lizong and ceded all the large areas north of the Yangtze River to the Mongols.

Although the emperor had three palaces and six courtyards, Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun had no sons. After his death, he was succeeded by his adopted son Zhao Yu (禥) (qí), who was Emperor Duzong of the Southern Song Dynasty (1240-1274) with the era name Xianchun.

In March 1265, the first year of the Xianchun Dynasty, Emperor Lizong was buried at the Yongmu Tomb of Huijifu (Shaoxing), with the posthumous title of "Emperor Jiandao Beide Dagong Revival Liewen Renwu Shengming Anxiao Emperor".

The imperial tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty was stolen, and the skull of Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun was actually made into a wine glass by Yang Lian Zhenjia

Song Lizong Zhao Yun

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After the death of the Southern Song Emperor, he was buried in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, and was called Huijifu in ancient times. However, compared with the Northern Song Dynasty imperial mausoleum, the structure is relatively simple, all are "stone collections", and the burial is relatively shallow, only two meters from the surface, which is mainly for the future restoration of the country, buried in the Ancestral Mausoleum of Gongyi, Henan, convenient for relocation. But at the same time, it also provides convenient conditions for tomb robbers.

The tombs of the Southern Song Dynasty were stolen, the most serious of which was the tomb of Zhao Yun of the Southern Song Dynasty, so there are more records in the history books. Although the southern song dynasty imperial tombs are relatively simple to build, after all, it is the emperor's mausoleum, so there must be many funerary products, and the specifications will not be low.

The imperial tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty was stolen, and the skull of Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun was actually made into a wine glass by Yang Lian Zhenjia

Will audit the Song Tombs

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So, who stole the imperial tombs of the Southern Song Dynasty? Here we have to mention a character, his name is Yang Zhenjia (transliteration).

Yang Lian Zhenjia, an evil monk of the Yuan Dynasty. Tang Wu (Dang Xiang), a disciple of the Tubo monk Basi Ba Di, was favored by Kublai Khan, and in the fourteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1277), he served as the president of the Jiangnan Shijiao Capital of the Yuan Dynasty, and later changed to the president of the Jianghuai Shijiao Capital, in charge of the affairs of Buddhism in Jiangnan. The following year, with the support of The Prime Minister Sange, he excavated Qiantang and the Song Tombs of Shaoxing, stole the treasures in the tombs, and discarded the bones among the grass.

After the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, the former "forbidden land" royal cemetery was in a state of turmoil. According to the "Yuan Shi. The Shizu Benji records: "In September of the 21st year of the Yuan Dynasty (1284 AD), Bingshen repaired the Tianyi Temple with the gold and silver treasures received by the Tomb of Yang Zhenjiafa and the Tomb of the Song Tomb of Jiangnan Commandery. "The written record here is already very clear, that is, in September 1284 AD, Yang Lianzhenjia excavated the Song Tombs, and the gold, silver and jewelry obtained by the tombs were used to build the Tianyi Temple.

The imperial tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty was stolen, and the skull of Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun was actually made into a wine glass by Yang Lian Zhenjia

Yang Lian Zhenjia

Tianyi Temple, located about 20 kilometers south of Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, in the northwest foothills of Qinwang Mountain, the name of the temple has also undergone changes. The temple was founded in the twelfth year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (416) by the high monk Tan Yi and was called "Fahua Temple".

Regarding the robbery of the tomb of Yang Lian Zhenjia, the "History of the Yuan" also records: "There was Yang Lian Zhenjia, whose ancestors used it as the president of Jiangnan Shijiao, excavated the tombs of the ancient Song Dynasty Zhao clan in Qiantang, Shaoxing, and their ministers, and killed four civilians; and plundered and stole property, counting 1,702 gold and 6,802 silver..."

He not only robbed graves, but also killed people.

The "History of the Yuan" is a canonical history, and its record is quite reliable. Therefore, the song tomb was stolen yang lian zhenjia blame, and it was impossible to deny it.

But if it is said that the tomb robbery is to raise money to build the temple, it is understandable, but things are far from simple.

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As we all know, since ancient times, emperors have also robbed tombs.

What happened to him Yang Zhenjia stealing a tomb? What a fuss. But the crux of the matter is that he stole the tomb to obtain gold and silver, and even humiliated the corpse. What he insulted was not the corpse of an ordinary person, but the remains of the emperor, a celebrity.

Yang Lian Zhenjia said, "What happened to my insulting corpse, didn't he Wu Zixu do the same, the object is also the emperor." He dug up the tomb of King Chuping, dragged out the corpses of others, whipped them 300 times, and stood on his corpse and stomped on them, and then cut off his eyeballs and put them in his hands to play. Compared with him, I am a little witch. ”

But he may have forgotten who he was. As a monk and monk who cherished compassion, he did such ugly things as digging graves and digging graves, and naturally he was spurned by the world, and it was not too much to call him an "evil monk" at all.

Regarding the theft of the imperial tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty, the elaborate "Yang Jie (kūn) Fa Ling" at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty made a more detailed report on the tomb robbery of Yang Zhenjia.

Yang Zhenjia excavated the imperial tombs of the Southern Song Dynasty for the first time, and stole a total of four, namely Song Ningzong, Yang Hou, Song Lizong, and Song Duzong. The tomb of Lizong is one of the richest funerary products.

The imperial tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty was stolen, and the skull of Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun was actually made into a wine glass by Yang Lian Zhenjia

At that time, the Southern Song Dynasty Imperial Mausoleum was still guarded, but it was beaten away by a group of evil monks who saw the sword of qian's eyes. After priing open Lizong Zhao Yun's coffin, there was also a supernatural event, and a white gas inside the coffin shot straight into the sky, frightening the people present into a cold sweat. It is said that when Rizong was buried, the body was embalmed by "mercury", so the body of Rizong in the coffin was well preserved, his face was peaceful and lifelike, as if he had just fallen asleep.

Inside the coffin, Lizong's headrest is the "Seven Treasures Fuhu Pillow", and at his feet is a "wearing cloud qin" that is said to have been used by Yang Guifei, and under his body is a brocade quilt and a mat woven with gold wire.

While dragging Song Lizong's body out of the coffin, one of the evil monks present, Yunze, also kicked Lizong several times with his foot.

They heard that before the emperor was buried, he would have a pearl of night in his mouth. The tomb robbers then hung Li Zong's body head down on a tree by the edge of the mausoleum for three days and three nights, in order to pour out the mercury in his body so that the orb in his mouth could be removed.

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After looting the treasures in the tomb of Zhao Yun of Song Lizong, Yang Lian Zhenjia also did something that made people's scalp tingle, he had Lizong's head twisted off his neck, and after intercepting the "Heavenly Spirit Cover" on the upper half of the skull, he asked the craftsmen to inlay gold and silver, and elaborately made a wine cup, called the "Skull Bowl", which was put in his hands every day, and used it to feast and drink day and night, and to revel in wine night and night.

Most people are crazy to listen to, how can they drink wine. I have to say that Yang Lian Zhenjia is really a bad monk with heavy taste.

The theft of the imperial tomb by Yang Lianzhenjia soon aroused the anger of the locals, who wrote to the court at that time and asked the government to stop it. But no one paid any attention.

The evil monk Yang Lian Zhenjia did not care at all when he saw that the government did not care at all, and with the connivance of the Yuan Dynasty prime minister Sang Ge, he was even bolder.

The imperial tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty was stolen, and the skull of Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun was actually made into a wine glass by Yang Lian Zhenjia

Yang LianZhenjia, who had tasted the sweetness for the first time, carried out the second tomb robbery operation, successively excavating the tombs of Empress Meng, Song Huizong, Empress Zheng, Song Gaozong, Empress Wu, Song Xiaozong, Empress Xie, and Song Guangzong, not only robbing money, but also destroying and humiliating corpses, and violent corpses in broad daylight, not allowing them to be buried. It is said that it is to completely cut off the dragon qi of the Zhao and Song Dynasties, which is abominable.

So the question is, after stealing so many imperial tombs, why did Yang Lian Zhenjia use Lizong's skull to make a wine cup? That's because Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun was born to be a big head, and it was more appropriate to make wine glasses. It turned out to be a disaster caused by the "big head", which was really unjust.

As mentioned above, Yang Lian Zhenjia stole a total of 101 imperial tombs of the Southern Song Dynasty, so how much property was plundered from them? This is also very clearly recorded in the history books. Yuan Shi. It is said in the Book of the Ancestors that "the thieves and plundered the stolen goods into 116,200 ingots, 23,000 acres of land, gold, silver, pearls, and treasures." This means that the equivalent of the money he stole was 116,200 ingots, 23,000 mu of land, and gold, silver, pearls, and treasures were equivalent to this value.

Because there were too many stolen Song tombs, there was no place for the bones to be placed, so they were concentrated in the Lin'an Forbidden City for burial, and a tower was built on it to "zhenben".

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The good thing is that the wicked will eventually reap the rewards.

Later, Yang Lian Zhenjia was dismissed from his post and raided his home for his participation in Sange's alliance with the party, and he died of death. The evil monk YunZe fell ill with a foot disease because he kicked and beat the remains of Song Lizong, and could not be cured, and finally died of ten fingers festering.

The "skull bowl" that was regarded as a treasure by Yang Lian Zhenjia passed into the hands of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and became the treasure in the palm of the Yuan Emperor, and was used for drinking for decades.

After the fall of the Yuan Dynasty, the "Skull Bowl" disappeared. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang also heard about the "skull bowl" and sighed for a long time, and then ordered people to find this one. Later, he was recovered by his subordinates from the hands of a monk in Tubo. In the second year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang reburied it with the corpse with the imperial ceremony, and the corpse was reunited after nearly a hundred years of separation. Zhu Yuanzhang is still quite interesting.

The imperial tomb of the Southern Song Dynasty was stolen, and the skull of Emperor Lizong Zhao Yun was actually made into a wine glass by Yang Lian Zhenjia

Song Lizong

This Song Lizong is also unlucky enough, to paraphrase the fashionable words on the Internet, it is really called "cups". Emperors of the Tang Dynasty were treated like this after death, what sins did they do in their previous lives? This may be a kind of retribution for his absurdity.

Everything has cause and effect.

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