
"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

author:Deer Nan

【Editor: Lu Nan】

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Li Xiang was born in 1976 in Changsha, Hunan.

Many people say that Li Xiang is a typical "upstart", but this is not the case.

Her family is well-off, her father is the president of the high court, her mother is a director of the automobile group, and her parents are educated and rich.

Li Xiang has been accustomed to the best degree of eating and wearing since he was a child, and he has not experienced the transformation from poor to rich, and has no dime relationship with "upstarts".

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

At that time, the children of ordinary families had to step on the bench and touch the stove, and Li Xiang did not need it.

Her family conditions allow her to keep her fingers in the spring water, and she soaks in interest classes after school and weekends.

Violin, piano, folk songs, dancing, drama, Li Xiang learned it all over again.

At one point, her mother wanted to train her to become a folk singer, and even brought her to the Wuhan Conservatory of Music to let the teachers identify her qualifications.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

When he was in elementary school, Li Xiang, who could sing and dance, could already lead his classmates to write and arrange their own programs, sing and dance, and host.

In 1998, He Jiong and Li Xiang first met at the recording site of "Happy Base Camp".

After graduating from Beiwai, He Jiong, who was full of knowledge, was also timid, but Li Xiang, who was only the host of the class at that time, said: "Don't be nervous, just follow me." ”

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Time turned back to the 80s, Xiao Li Xiang followed his father to socialize, playing and singing under the gaze of a group of adults, and dancing with flying eyebrows.

As a child of someone else's family, Li Xiang is clever and clever, and his mouth is sweet and pleasing, so naturally he wants to take it out to show off.

Growing up watching adults talk and laugh, Li Xiang also learned a high emotional intelligence on the side.

The cultivation of his mother's talents and the ears of his father's side made Li Xiang have an antibody in his body and is immune to stage fright.

Therefore, Li Xiang said to He Jiong, "Just follow me", not to punch a swollen face and be fat, she really did not feel nervous.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

In 1994, Li Xiang was given the opportunity to escort Tianjin University, which made the students around him blush.

However, when the Beijing Radio and Television Academy came to Changsha to enroll, Li Xiang resolutely gave up the opportunity to guarantee the opportunity and turned his head and walked into the art examination hall.

Temporary intentions, Li Xiang was not only admitted, but also the first in the country.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life
"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Under the protection of his parents, Li Xiang has walked a smooth 18-year life path.

She is "someone else's child" and the proud daughter of heaven, but her ability to take care of herself is almost zero.

When she went to college, Li Xiang had just eaten her first meal, and she didn't know how many meals she should have.

I learned from the mouths of others that the amount of food for ordinary girls is two or two.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

For Li Xiang, who does not have ten fingers in the spring water of the sun, washing clothes is also a big problem.

She especially wondered why other students could wash their clothes clean, but not herself.

Because she loves face, she is embarrassed to ask the exit, so she has to secretly observe, and when she looks at it, she finds that her classmates have soaked their clothes in the water with washing powder.

However, the amount of washing powder is also a problem, and Li Xiang feels that there is no face to ask such a simple question, so he experiments on his own every day and finds the answer for a long time.

After tossing and turning for more than half a year, Li Xiang barely adapted to an independent life.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

During his college years, in addition to his particularly good academic performance, Li Xiang was also a cadre of the student union and often took on the task of hosting activities.

At that time, Li Xiang was really good-looking, thin, full of collagen, especially reiki.

Coupled with the frequent brushing of faces at school activities, there are naturally many suitors.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Once in class, Li Xiang straightened his waist straight, especially seriously, but blocked the view of the boys behind him.

The boy patted Li Xiang's shoulder and asked her to pay attention.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiang, who was competitive and competitive, had a few words with others.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Not long after, Li Xiang met this boy again at the campus dance, and she inexplicably had a throbbing in her heart that she had never had before.

The next day, the boy called Li Xiang out: "Would you like to eat boiled fish at noon?" ”

Li Xiang agreed without thinking about it, and also pulled the sisters who went to the dormitory, and although the boy's wallet was bleeding, he gained a girlfriend.

This boy is Li Xiang's first love boyfriend Guan Weimin.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Because of his excellent grades, 19-year-old Li Xiang got an internship opportunity for the TV station "Walking with You".

What media student wouldn't want to stay in a TV station?

That was a palace-level luxury, and Li Xiang was only one step away from reaching the top, but before Li Xiang could finish his internship, the show was stopped.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

The year he graduated from college, Li Xiang wanted to break through Beijing, which coincided with the revision of Hunan Satellite TV.

At her mother's suggestion, she and her boyfriend returned to Hunan.

At first, Li Xiang was reluctant because in her childhood impression, Hunan Tv was particularly earthy and always broadcast some pig feed advertisements.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

In his first year on Hunan Tv, Li Xiang hosted a music program called "Lights Out".

Soon after, the station was ready to do a weekly variety show, that is, "Happy Base Camp".

It was a hot opportunity, and many of the popular hosts in the station went to the interview.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Opening the door of the conference room, Li Xiang saw a group of crows and crows.

Everyone did everything in their power to show off their talents, and she didn't have much expectation, just to go through the motions.

Unexpectedly, in the end, taili still did not get the right candidate, because the time was rushed, they found Li Xiang and asked her to be a substitute host first.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

In 1997, "Happy Base Camp" was broadcast, and Li Xiang's partners changed from Dabing and Haibo to He Jiong and Li Weijia.

Li Xiang, who is full of affinity and spicy language, is deeply loved by the audience.

Originally just a top-notch host, he has become an old-fashioned figure in this show.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life
"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

In addition to his super high ability to control the field, Li Xiang is also very good at human feelings.

At that time, she often fought for the benefit of the choreographer in a joking tone, maybe this is the social talent?

During this period, Hunan Satellite TV frantically blocked the ratings through "Happy Base Camp", and Li Xiang also became a well-known host.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

With the arrival of fame, the gap between Li Xiang and his first love Guan Weimin is getting bigger and bigger.

The situation of strong women and weak men makes the gap between the two grow larger and larger, and eventually part ways.

At that time, she was still a little girl who loved beauty, and at that time, she often went to major forums to find her own photos to see if she looked good under the lens of fans.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life
"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

In 2004, Li Xiang entered the marriage and also entered a new chapter in his life.

At a dinner party, Li Xiang met Li Houlin, the "Diamond King Old Fifth".

Li Houlin is a jewelry merchant, similar to Li Xiang's age, but already a family fortune.

The two are very lucky, and on the same day, the birthday is "snapped".

After only 33 days of acquaintance, the two were engaged.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

However, Li Xiang's happy event was not blessed by everyone, followed by repeated bombardment by the media and disdain from the audience.

It turned out that Li Houlin had another identity, that is, "Qin Hailu's boyfriend".

As for whether to add a "front" word in front of "boyfriend", it is debatable.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

For Qin Hailu, she was "broken up" in confusion.

After all, a month before Li Houlin and Li Xiang met, they also sent a cart of roses to Qin Hailu in the crew.

In Li Houlin's account, he had already broken up with Qin Hailu before he knew Li Xiang.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

From the perspective of the media, "love triangle" is definitely a breaking point.

During that time, Li Xiang and Li Houlin had to answer dozens of phone calls a day.

The host is the most able to play round and hide emotions, in the face of questioning, Li Xiangshi Shiran said: "I am having dinner with him and his friends to discuss marriage." ”

She also comforted Li Houlin: "It's okay, everyone has had emotional experiences, this is nothing." ”

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

On January 2, 2005, the wedding was held as scheduled.

The wedding scene was grand, full of high-ranking friends, and Li Xiang's jewelry was added.

Soon after the marriage, however, rumors of divorce became widespread.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

In the middle of 2005, Li Houlin's Hengxin began to operate poorly, and even the salaries of employees could not be issued.

It was at this time that the news of Li Xiang's and Li Houlin's emotional disagreement came out.

After only a year, the marriage ended.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Some say that Li Xiang's net worth of 25 million yuan is used to subsidize Li Houlin's company operation.

There is also news that Li Houlin often beat Li Xiang to the point that his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

But at that time, Li Xiang was on "Lu Yu has a covenant", and Li Houlin also confessed in the air.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Asked how to look at gossip, Li Xiang also replied: "Why do you have to go to see people say this, how to do it?" ”

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

However, a year later, Li Xiang had to admit that the divorce news was real-time, but said: "In addition to facing heavy work, two people also have to bear the pressure of public opinion, and when they find that they are unable to bear it, it is I who thinks everything so beautifully." ”

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

The curtain of marriage has not yet been fully lifted, and it has already ended.

At the same time, Li Xiang's career also planted a big heel.

The month he announced his relationship with Li Houlin, Li Xiang also announced that he was about to quit the Happy Base Camp and established Happy Star Culture Communication Co., Ltd. at the same time.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

At that time, Happy Base Camp encountered an unprecedented ratings trough.

It was at the most difficult time that Li Xiang chose to run away.

She said to He Jiong, "Jiong, come with me to Beijing and work with me." ”

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

In such a situation, Li Xiang's departure caused controversy.

Later, in the interview, Li Xiang responded that making such a choice was stimulated by a sentence from his mother.

"What will you do, you will host the Happy Base Camp."

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Hearing her mother's words, Li Xiang thought to herself: I will do other things.

So, he picked the man and left.

Whether Li Xiang was angry after listening to his mother's jokes, or hiding his desire through his mother's mouth, we have no way of knowing.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

What can be known is that leaving the happy base camp did not make Li Xiang's career go to a higher level.

Her exclusive column "Li Xiangxing Movement" was in the sluggish ratings, and it was eventually discontinued due to various factors, and its life expectancy was less than one year.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life
"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

The flash marriage with Li Houlin and the departure from "Happy Base Camp" was the first time that Li Xiang hit the rocks on the smooth road of life.

In just two years, Li Xiang's blood bag had fallen in half.

When the news of Li Xiang and Li Houlin was full of storms, a young director named Wang Yuelun was working diligently.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

He was born into a family of literature and art, and his father Wang Hui was a master of oil painting, under the tutelage of Wu Guanzhong.

Wang Yuelun also inherited his father's mantle, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a major in oil painting, and then studied directing at the New York Film Academy.

His biggest sign is that he has filmed MVs for Faye Wong, Zheng Jun and others, and as for other skills, he has not yet dug up.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

At the end of 2005, Li Xiang shot a MV for his new album, and the director was Wang Yuelun.

Between work, Li Xiang and Wang Yuelun chatted idly: "Is there an object?" ”

Wang Yuelun replied, "Not yet." ”

"Why don't I introduce you to one?"


"Look at me."

Li Xiang didn't bother when he said this, but Wang Yuelun was a little serious.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

In 2006, Li Xiang registered a new company, and people found that the partners column was impressively written with three big characters of "Wang Yuelun".

In the middle of the year, Li Xiang returned to his old club to host "Super Girl", and was photographed as Wang Yuelun visiting the class.

Because contact became more and more frequent, the two people came together.

At that time, Li Xiang had not yet released the news of the divorce, and Wang Yuelun was once regarded as a third party by the media.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

In 2009, Li Xiang and Wang Yuelun registered their marriage, and in the same year, Li Xiang became pregnant.

In the face of rumors, Li Xiang can not change his face, but before the physiological pain, Li Xiang wants to give up his life several times.

Because of hyperemesis gravidarum, Li Xiangsheng was better off dead than alive, lying in the hospital for a whole month, and his head seemed to be in a shaking carriage.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

When it was the most uncomfortable, she said to Wang Yuelun: "I can't stand it, I don't want to have children, let's get a divorce." ”

Wang Yuelun scolded her for getting nervous.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Pregnant in October, every day is a torment, she told herself: "As long as you survive, there is no obstacle that cannot be passed." ”

However, not long after, she shouted again that she did not want children, and this time her parents rushed over to scold Li Xiang.

Wang Yuelun was also angry:

"Why are you not so strong?"

"Don't you just have a baby?"

"The doctor said, after four months, it will be fine."

Recalling this, Li Xiang smiled and said, but she didn't know how she felt when she was lying on the hospital bed.

Is it the courage ignited by parents and husbands, or the feeling of grievance and helplessness in the heart but unable to vent?

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life
"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

On October 13, 2009, Li Xiang gave birth to a baby girl, and the couple named the child "Wang Shiling", which means to have a poetic life.

If you can't foresee the ups and downs of the future, then use your financial resources to create a smooth childhood for your children.

4-year-old Wang Shiling on "Where Daddy Goes", her innocence and cuteness made the nameless director dad and the past host mom also popular.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Luxury goods added, thousands of clothes, bags casually changed, with the mother to the major international fashion weeks to see the show, catwalk.

Kindergarten is an international school, and the annual tuition fee is 170,000-220,000.

The aristocratic school that goes to primary school has a tuition fee of 250,000 yuan a year, and it is really impossible to enter if you have money or power.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Of course, going to the aristocratic school is the standard of the second generation of stars.

Wang Shiling was raised into a white and fat chick, and when the family went out, the first feeling was that she was very rich.

However, compared with other stars, Li Xiang wrote "rich daughter" on his face, and once caused social issues.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

And Li Xiang's image has become more and more rich, and he has not seen the appearance of Qingxiu jade in that year.

Her home has a big garden and a big lawn, and the "rich" daughter-in-law Big S looks at it with envy.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Open the refrigerator, bird's nest, cordyceps, flower gum, sea cucumbers, the same precious ingredients are dazzling.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Spending 70,000 yuan on eating every month, spending more than 600,000 yuan a month, and eating a barbecue breakfast with 20,000 knives and forks.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

You can also make friends with jewelry.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Li Xiang retired from hosting the jianghu, her heyday has passed, and few young viewers know her significance in Hunan Satellite TV and "Happy Base Camp".

From the most popular female host, to the criticized actress, hypocrisy, upstart, "arrogant" and other derogatory labels fell on Li Xiang's head.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

You asked Li Xiang if he had not presided over for several years, and his fame was not as good as his daughter Wang Shiling, where did so much money come from.

She has already begun to test the waters of stocks, and her vision is steady and fierce, and she can remember the bank interest rate clearly.

In the 2001 Golden Rong crisis, Li Xiang lost money in the stock market, but he rode the wind and waves in the film and television industry.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

The investment in Wang Yuelun's film "Perfect Nine Beauty" won 50 million.

In 2011, Li Xiang joined hands with Bona Pictures to become the owner of a five-star cinema.

She is also a charter wife, and Li Xiang has already bought many suites before the purchase restriction in Beijing, and the income is gratifying.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Li Xiang, who has always had a keen sense of smell, started a live broadcast, and the national female host of the year was very good at shouting.

I saw a beautiful round woman sitting there, drawing big red lips, a large diamond ring in her right hand, and a large gold watch in her left hand.

She put twenty or thirty pieces of lipstick on the back of her hand and said: This lipstick is very good, and I am using it.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

When helping Zhang Ting sell lipstick, she still just lightly clicked on her hand,

Zhang Ting couldn't look at it: "You need to paint this a little more." ”

Then he took the lipstick and applied it her hand.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

The most face-saving thing for the audience is to call the assistant over to try the color, in short, how lipstick can not be on her lady's face.

There was also twenty yuan of essence, which Li Xiang claimed to drink directly, and turned his head to let the little assistant take a sip

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

At the beginning of this year, a landlord of a Sanya homestay posted a video of the furniture being messy and littered with garbage, as if it had been looted by gangsters.

This is a homestay rented by a female celebrity with live streaming goods, and it is like this after checking out.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

The owner of the homestay did not directly name it at first, but the first reaction of many netizens was Li Xiang.

Because in the eyes of many netizens, Li Xiang is equal to "a very low-quality upstart".

After the outbreak of the matter, Li Xiang responded strongly: the team has done a clean, and if it is not spared, it will be returned with a lawyer's letter.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

The landlord's head is also very iron, indicating that Li Xiang's team still cleaned up at his own strong request.

This incident gave Li Xiang's already shaky reputation a heavy blow.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

The Li Xiang people on this side are shaky, while Wang Yuelun on the other side is also fluttering with bunting.

When he was a child, he went out with his father to socialize, and Li Xiang was a small prosecutor installed by his mother, supervising his father not to drink.

Wang Shiling was also given the same task by Li Xiang.

In "Where Daddy Goes", Wang Yuelun just picked up the bottle, Wang Shiling frowned, looked up at the serious little face and said: "Daddy can't drink." ”

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

But the child's persuasion obviously did not work, otherwise Wang Yuelun would not have taken advantage of the wine and the beautiful woman to cuddle and hug.

On the night of the incident, Wang Yuelun spent the day in the KTV, accompanied by beautiful people.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

At the same time, Li Xiang was selling goods on live broadcasts until one o'clock in the morning.

Netizens were angry for Li Xiang, and the image of the "soft rice man" was described more clearly.

I don't know if it is to save this bowl of rice, the day after the incident, Wang Yuelun expressed his chagrin and remorse on the social networking site, but Li Xiang did not respond to this

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

A few days later, Wang Yuelun came with three family photos and said: Always love you! Death!

Li Xiang responded with three hearts of love.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Unexpectedly, half a month later, Wang Yuelun suddenly claimed that he was trapped by the adulterer, which caused insults from netizens who did not know the truth.

Such a reversal, even the cattle screenwriter can't think of it!

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

At the same time, Li Xiang also issued a statement to support: Husband believes in you!

What is the difference between the heart and the mouth?

As long as it does not affect the husband and wife to make money.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

In order to celebrate the second anniversary of the start of the broadcast, Li Xiang dragged his family with his mouth in the live broadcast room, and a family of three appeared in the same frame.

However, clear-eyed people can see that Wang Shiling is not concerned, and the mother next to her can't help but remind: "Are you happy?" ”

Wang Shiling smiled shyly, and after receiving a wave of gifts, she hid to play with her mobile phone.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

Next up is the show of love.

Netizens asked: "What do you like about Li Xiang?" ”

Wang Yuelun replied, "All." ”

Netizen: "Say a slogan." “

Wang Yuelun: "Wife, I love you." ”

In the face of her parents' great love, Wang Shiling, who was sitting on the side, was absent-minded.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

No one knew what Li Xiang thought.

16 years ago, she could whitewash the divorce rumors with Li Houlin without changing her face.

To this day, outsiders know that Wang Yuelun can still continue to sing the vow of love when the bunting flag is fluttering outside.

It is difficult for outsiders to substitute for such a Li Xiang, but I have to say that there is a kind of other kind of freedom in her.

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

At this age, love has long been eaten as a meal, and wealth and children are the most important things in life.

As a woman, she is undoubtedly successful in her family' wealth; but seeing Wang Shiling, who is no longer innocent in the live broadcast room, it seems that she has forgotten that she is a mother.

Treating life and marriage as an operational project is Li Xiang's pragmatism, so much so that what others say is a passing cloud for her.

As for Wang Shiling, will the so-called rich nourishment also be the operation of the "project"?

"Mango Sister" Li Xiang's brilliant life, and the luxury and elegance in her life

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