
There are three fears of language learning, one is afraid of literature and language, the other is afraid of writing, and the third is afraid of Zhou Shuren, teaching you how to overcome

author:Teacher Lin talks about composition
There are three fears of language learning, one is afraid of literature and language, the other is afraid of writing, and the third is afraid of Zhou Shuren, teaching you how to overcome

In language learning, there are "three fears", one is afraid of literature and speech, the second is afraid of writing, and the third is afraid of Zhou Shuren. Today we will talk about how to overcome these "three fears".

Let's start with the text. First of all, we must be clear about the concept that in Old Chinese, the pre-Qin script is called Ancient Chinese, such as the classics of the Hundred Sons and Hundred Schools, which belong to this category. Most of the books read by Wen Yan Wen Enlightenment were edited by literati after the Song Dynasty for children's enlightenment, such as the Three Character Classic, disciple rules, Thousand Family Poems, and Ancient Literature Guan Zhi. This is the same as our modern, our school teaching materials, but also we have the essence of the predecessors made a selection and editing.

What does this teach us? That is, don't be in a hurry to read the original work, let the child read the original analects of the Analects and the original works of Mencius too early. And some of the content also has some bad ideas, which are not easy to read and easy to understand. Therefore, you can read some anthologies first. For example, Teacher Zhu Wenjun's "100 Lessons of Xiaoguwen" is very good, and her "Let the Texts Meet the Small Ancient Texts" are all learned from the literary texts selected from the language textbooks, which is also very good.

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Let the text meet the small ancient text ¥29.9 buy

There are three fears of language learning, one is afraid of literature and language, the other is afraid of writing, and the third is afraid of Zhou Shuren, teaching you how to overcome

In short, in the stage of enlightenment, it is not appropriate to choose the original work.

As for what kind of ancient books to read at what age, I have written articles and sent videos before. You can go to my home page and search for it.

Let's talk about writing essays. There is too much to say about this. Let's first presuppose a premise, that is, you don't apply for any tutoring classes, rely on reading and parental counseling, under this premise, what we have to do.

I once said that children should be omnivores when they read. However, in language writing, it is still necessary to read more children's literature, and then slowly transition to classic reading. For example, we read a book every month, and in the selection of books, I am mainly based on children's literature, including classic children's literature. This can be of great help to writing in two ways. One is the accumulation of vocabulary, a book with strong literature, and the vocabulary must be rich and wonderful; the second is the ability to understand. Excellent children's literature will take care of the child's soul, and will inspire and help him in his aesthetic appreciation and ideological understanding. This is also the reason why excellent children's literature is excellent.

Then, if parents are confident that they can tutor their children, they should also read some essay tutorial books first. For example, Xiao Fuxing's "I Teach My Son to Learn Composition", there are many others. Find a few books to read first and then tutor, and naturally there will be a direction.

But to warn parents, you are tutoring is not the leader, writing should still be based on children, do not preset results, must be written according to your settings. If the composition is only "beautiful" but not the embodiment of the child's true level, it is covering up the problem and making the problem more and bigger.

Second, many parents have asked whether it is better to write a diary every day or write several essays a week. My view is that the diary does not have to be written every day, otherwise it is easy to hit the child's interest in writing, because he does not have the ability to write good quality words every day without making conflicts. If you just record the flow of life, it will not be of much benefit to writing.

According to reality, it is necessary to ensure two pen practices a week. A weekly journal, an essay assigned by the school.

The third point is to cultivate the habit of modification in children. Sometimes it's more rewarding to revise once than to write a new essay. Maybe the child is not used to it at first, so starting from a simple beginning, even if you correct one typo at a time and modify a punctuation, it is a good start. Of course, after the modification, parents can comment and point out a little. The principle is to affirm first, and then propose amendments. Don't split your head and cover your face, go straight to the point and say the problem. If your boss talks to you like this, you won't like to listen, let alone children.

Let's talk about Lu Xun. Lu Xun is indeed difficult to read, especially the essays, without understanding the historical background and Lu Xun's thought at that time, it is difficult to read and understand, and Lu Xun's era, the political environment is more complex, the wind and clouds are changeable, Lu Xun's life experience is also relatively rich. So it's really hard to read.

However, learning Chinese could not bypass Lu Xun. Because Lu Xun is too profound. He is also a person who has a great influence on the national ideology of the Chinese. In fact, adults should read Lu Xun even more.

So how should children read Lu Xun?

In the reading of the original work, you can follow this order: first choose to read the prose collection "Chao Hua Xi Shi", which is also the most understandable in Lu Xun's composition. Then you can read the poetry collection "Weeds", followed by novels, "New Story Compilation", "Scream" and "Wandering".

Before reading the original work, I recommend a set of "Comic Language: This is Lu Xun", which selects 16 articles of Lu Xun, in the form of pictures and texts, with detailed annotations, to guide children into the door of reading Lu Xun. Children aged 6-12 can read it. Many children are no longer afraid to read Lu Xun from this set of books.

Comic language This is Lu Xun ¥59 purchase

There are three fears of language learning, one is afraid of literature and language, the other is afraid of writing, and the third is afraid of Zhou Shuren, teaching you how to overcome

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