
The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

author:Hua Yuhan

After watching the finale of "The Story of Rose", many people envy Jiang Xueqiong and Huang Yimei for living a chic life, but are they really happy?

Huang Yimei's emotional fate has become a mystery, she seems to be looking for love freely, but in fact, she is still trapped in Fu Jiaming's love and can't get out.

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

Jiang Xueqiong, a successful person, is the "leader" of Huang Yimei's career and the influencer of Huang Yimei's emotions. Because he couldn't stand the separation between the two places, he obviously loved her husband deeply, but she didn't hesitate to miscarry and divorce him for the sake of her career and freedom, and then gave up her career to accompany the man in his last time - the operation of the mystery!

After the death of her ex-husband, Jiang Xueqiong had no fixed partner and enjoyed falling in love with Xiao Xianrou, but she couldn't make her sincerity and refused to stay for a man.

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

The author thinks: Compared with Huang Yimei and Jiang Xueqiong's vigorous love and twists and turns in marriage, Su Gengsheng, who successfully won Huang Zhenhua, has a lover and in-laws who love her, and the rest of her life is happier.

No one expected that the woman who was originally divorced by her fiancé because of Huang Yimei would become a winner in life.

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

Huang Yimei's love dream: painful

Regarding Huang Yimei's love, a lot of analysis has been written.

Today, let's talk about the truth and falsehood of Huang Yimei's so-called love dream.

Don't talk about her first love Zhuang Guodong, don't talk about her ex-husband brother Fang Xiewen, let's talk about Huang Yimei's soul mate Fu Jiaming.

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

Fu Jiaming is still a single person in his 40s because of physical reasons, who would have thought that if he didn't talk about it, it would be earth-shattering!

not only found a fairy-like woman, but also an infatuated lover with affection and righteousness.

6 or 7 years after he left, Huang Yimei still couldn't get out of that love.

From 30 to 40 years old, although Huang Yimei's charm has increased unabated, how many 7 years can a woman's life be squandered?

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

Huang Yimei met Fu Jiaming, and her love is well known, and it is quite sad to look back.

If Huang Yimei met Fu Jiaming when she was 20 years old, she should not be attracted.

The timing of Fu Jiaming's appearance is very coincidental, it is Huang Yimei who has experienced a failed marriage, and her career has made a new improvement, which needs spiritual resonance.

It's not that Fu Jiaming is so good, but Huang Yimei just wants to find someone to fall in love.

It just so happened that Huang Yimei was a love brain, and her family was open-minded and generous, and would not interfere with her choice, and a series of reasons led to Fu Jiaming becoming Huang Yimei's unforgettable existence.

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

In the past few months, there is not much sweetness, but there are a lot of tears.

From a bystander's point of view, it's not worth it!

Huang Yimei's parents have been in love for a lifetime, Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng are in a pair, don't you feel distressed to see Huang Yimei being "chic" alone?

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

Jiang Xueqiong's view of love: contradiction

If Huang Yimei is a love brain who doesn't care about it, then what is Jiang Xueqiong?

Her personality is quite contradictory, when she is a big boss, she has a casual temperament, she loves when she says she loves, and she doesn't love if she doesn't love it.

Her feelings for her ex-husband, the affectionate money she described, and the things she did didn't show much affection, even if she gave up everything to accompany her ex-husband in his last time and send him on his last journey.

Maybe Jiang Xueqiong wants to end her love with her own hands, and she doesn't want her ex-husband to leave with regrets, but when Jiang Xueqiong decides to kill the child, the regrets in their lives are destined to be irreparable.

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

Assuming that Huang Yimei was pregnant with a child before knowing that Fu Jiaming was sick, with her love for children, she would leave the crystallization of their love to raise her.

This is the biggest difference between Huang Yimei and Jiang Xueqiong, so Huang Yimei can be single for many years after Fu Jiaming leaves, while Jiang Xueqiong continues to be ambiguous with people who like her.

Jiang Xueqiong told Huang Yimei about the journey, and the man who admired him, he might come back together, or maybe not.

The concept of love in the world in this game shows that she still hasn't let go of her ex-husband, maybe she regrets erasing the only flesh and blood of the two with her own hands.

Jiang Xueqiong - is not as happy and free as it seems on the surface, most of the time she is lonely.

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

Kwan Chi-chi's life: thorough

Guan Zhizhi and Zhou Shihui first appeared in the Civil Affairs Bureau, and at that time they were pulling and pulling, I thought that Guan Zhizhi repented, and suspected that they were going through a divorce.

Because judging from their appearance alone, Guan Zhizhi and Zhou Shihui are not the same grade of people, how do Zhou Shihui look at it.

Who would have thought that such an inconspicuous and honest-looking man would regret his marriage because of Huang Yimei, his girlfriend who had been dumped for 7 years.

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

It's really an eye-opener, I'm thinking about what Guan Zhizhi loves about Zhou Shihui, and he has loved him for 7 years.

Although Huang Yimei is not authentic, Guan Zhizhi is lucky to leave a man like Zhou Shihui, after all, it is too sad to spend the rest of her life on such an unoutstanding man.

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

After Guan Zhizhi was repented of her marriage, she listened to some of Huang Yimei's words, coupled with her own excellence, not only did she not give up on herself, but she also became a strong woman who was better than Huang Yimei.

Guan Zhizhi lives better than Zhou Shihui, slapped his "face" hard, and is much happier than Huang Yimei.

Guan Zhizhi has the right in the company, she has confidence in front of her husband, and her whole temperament and appearance are eye-catching, no wonder Huang Zhenhua can't recognize her.

Such Guan Zhizhi has a happy marriage, both children and daughters, and has become the envy of many women.

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

Write to the end

"The Story of Rose" 5 women, Huang Yimei, Jiang Xueqiong, Su Gengsheng, Bai Xiaohe and Guan Zhizhi, who would have thought that Huang Yimei's subordinates would be defeated and Guan Zhizhi would become a winner in life?

Life is like a play, and drama is like life.

From their love stories and their life trajectories, the author remembers the sentence: It is better to live beautifully than to be beautiful!

My friends think, among the 5 women, who lives the most beautiful?

The finale of Rose's story: Huang Yimei lost her heart, Jiang Xueqiong played the world, and Guan Zhizhi became the winner

The interpretation of "The Story of the Rose" is written here for the time being, and more wonderful interpretations will be listened to next time.

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