
Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

author:Douban movie

Speaking of Hollywood's brightest actress in recent years.

Vanessa Kirby definitely deserves a nomination.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

She is the white widow in Mission Impossible 6 whose light almost overshadows Atango.

It is also Martha who experienced the pain of losing her daughter in this year's awards season hit "Fragments of a Woman".

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

From the dangerous and sexy black market arms dealer, to the stoic but gentle mother.

Vanessa has been showing her versatility to Hollywood and the market.

And now there is a new work that allows us to see her unlimited potential -

Open the heart world

Directed By: Mona Fastold

Writers: Ron Hansen / Jim Shepard

Starring: Catherine Waterston / Vanessa Kirby / Christopher Apode

Genre: Drama / Romance / Same-Sex

Release: 2021-02-12 (USA)

Duration: 105 minutes

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

Douban 8.2, nearly 80% of the audience scored more than four stars.

The film not only successfully won the Queer Lion Award at this Year's Venice Film Festival, but was also one of the nominees for the Golden Lion Award.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

Directed by Mona Fastold, you may be unfamiliar with the name.

But if I say she's one of the co-writers of Mustang, you might get a little bit of an impression.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

"Wild Horse"

Last year's short film about isolated life, voiced by the Great Devil Kat Blanchett, "Homemade", we can also see Mona's name among the screenwriters.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

Let's take a look at the cast of Open Hearts.

Vanessa Kirby, just mentioned, is beautiful and noble, and her acting skills are proud.

A "Crown Season 2" that helped her win an Emmy nomination.

And "Fragments of a Woman" has made her a strong contender for this year's Oscar queen.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

Another heroine, Catherine Waterston.

Tina in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Daniels in Alien: Covenant.

A tall figure of one meter and eight meters, a strong aura, walking with the wind, is an actress with very distinct personal characteristics.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

Cassie Affleck was named with his restrained but moving performance in Manchester by the Sea.

He is the younger brother of second-time winner Ben Affleck, and Cassie himself is an Oscar winner.

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Manchester by the Sea

The configuration of beauty + movie emperor, with beauty and strength, is already very exciting.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

The story of this movie is also beautifully told.

Adapted from the short story of the same name by American writer Jim Shepard, published in 2017, it tells the story of a mid-19th-century America in which two couples struggle with distress and loneliness.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

The setting is in Skohari County in 1856.

The peasant woman Abigail (Catherine Waterston) and her husband, Dale (Cassie Affleck), live in isolation.

A few months ago, their daughter died of diphtheria, and Abigail's life lost its meaning.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

She wrote in her diary:

"The weather was clear but cold. This morning I noticed that there was ice in my bedroom, for the first time this winter. ”

"As soon as the potatoes are washed, the water on them freezes into ice."

"There's no sharpness, no hope."

"The new year has begun again."

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

The new year has begun again, but Abigail's writings have left no hope in sight.

Cold, fragile, crumbling, like the layer of ice on a potato.

She did the same farm work repeatedly every day, and her life was mechanical and boring.

The relationship with her husband is also numb and cool after losing her daughter.

Dale didn't understand her soul, and she didn't want to open up to him and confess her pain.

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On this day, a new couple came to the county.

Wife Tully (Vanessa Kirby) is elegant and generous, and Abigail is immediately attracted to her.

A wonderful connection was forged between the two women.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

Abigail confides in Tully that her marriage to Dale has nothing to do with romance.

Both were just fulfilling their obligations so that the hard and empty life didn't look so scary.

And Tully faces the same dilemma as her.

Tully said her husband, Finney, had a bad temper and was extremely controlling.

Because he did not give him a child, the husband and wife were not in harmony.

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Tully asked Abigail again if she didn't have children either.

Abigail bowed her head and confided in someone for the first time about her pain.

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This exchange of hearts made Abigail feel unprecedented release and relief.

Her relationship with Tully also grew increasingly intimate.

And Tully's husband, Finney, sensed something.

He unkindly invited the Abigails to visit the house to see who his wife had been messing with in recent days.

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But Abigail and Tully knew nothing about his thoughts.

They huddled in the back kitchen corner, and Tully grinned and asked Abigail if he had missed her.

"Of course."

It's like a girlfriend's flirtation, or a joke to express the truth.

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To celebrate Abigail's birthday, Tully bought her a copy of the atlas of her dreams.

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They sat by the fire and talked again about the absurdity of life.

Tully said her husband had a small notebook that kept a record of everyone she went out to meet.

Whoever they are and how long they have been seen, they all remember clearly.

Finney also used to say to her, "The wife has no control over her body, but her husband does." ”

Abigail listened quietly.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

On this day, the two talked late.

When Tully returned home from her birthday visit, she was caught up in a storm that nearly killed her.

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Finney takes her to recuperation, and Abigail is worried.

But Tully was back, and it was spring.

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A deadly storm made the two finally pluck up the courage to reveal their hearts to each other.

Tully told Abigail that he only wanted to be with her.

Their souls overlap and they achieve complete honesty with each other.

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Since the child's death, Dale has become increasingly emotional.

When Abigail and Tully are together, Dale gets upset.

Finney also develops jealousy when Tully leaves home.

So he once again invited Abigail and Dale to dinner.

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Abigail noticed a bruise on Tully's neck.

Tully told Abigail that there was much more she didn't know.

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For the entire week that followed, Tully didn't go looking for Abigail again.

Unable to bear it, Abigail runs to Tully's house, only to find the house empty, leaving only a bloody headscarf.

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Desperate, she tried to call the police for help, but received no feedback.

Eventually, she received a letter from Tully.

Tully told her she and Finney had moved 85 miles away.

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Abigail insisted on going to see Tully.

Dale repeatedly stopped him, but finally decided to accompany her.

However, when they arrived, they saw only a cold corpse on the bed.

Tully was dead, and Finney claimed to be diphtheria.

But Abigail was convinced that it was Finney who had poisoned Tully.

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Abigail was back on her farm.

She and Dale continue to live together, but are increasingly distant.

A dull life, day after day, although meaningless, is not unbearable.

She was the bird in the cage again.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

In those days, women's strength was weak, but there were still a few sparks.

Mary Wollstonecraft's Feminist Defense officially launched the feminist war.

Feminist pioneers used their emaciated bodies to fight against patriarchal injustice.

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But that year, there was still more than half a century away from the complete awakening of women's consciousness.

The vigorous women's suffrage movement has not really taken place.

The whole group of women groped forward in the endless dark night, half dreaming and half awake, and without hesitation.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

And Abigail and Tully are also members of this half-dream and half-awake.

But they are still different after all.

As a child, Abigail played the daughter of King Lear.

"Come on, let's go to prison, like birds singing in cages."

Abigail believes that even if imprisoned in a birdcage, he can still sing.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

But Tully was different, and in the cage, she couldn't make a sound.

So she fled to Abigail, freed from an iron cage woven by suffocating life.

She tried to escape her husband's control, from the confinement of the so-called feminine way, and eventually became a martyr.

The violets are withering, and a new world is coming.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

Taiwanese writer Jian Wei wrote in her masterpiece "The Crack of April":

"Affection is a tragedy, and it must be read in death."

If the old world could not even accommodate the two women's hearts and minds, then withering was actually a kind of resistance.

Debauched and pure love, the goddess this forbidden new film is too amazing

*Author of this article: Eat Eat Eat

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