
Can't eat mung beans often? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should not eat, and eating mung beans is also contraindicated!

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Reading guide: As the saying goes: "The bitter summer does not leave the mung bean soup, and the brazier on the head is unharmed." I remember when I was a child, as long as the weather was hot, my grandfather always used an earthen casserole to cook a pot of mung bean soup, and after the mung bean soup was cooked, put the pot into the well water to soak, as long as I was thirsty, I scooped a bowl to drink, especially to quench the heat and quench thirst, so many years have passed, in the summer, my family drinks the most mung bean soup, because in the summer to drink more mung bean soup can also reduce the fire!

Can't eat mung beans often? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should not eat, and eating mung beans is also contraindicated!

According to research, mung beans are rich in nutrients such as "protein, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin B, and vitamin C". Because mung beans are a high-protein food, eating some mung beans can supplement enough amino acids for the body, and people who don't like meat can eat more mung beans. Moreover, the calcium contained in mung beans can prevent osteoporosis and enhance bone hardness, so mung beans are the most suitable food to eat in summer. Although mung beans have many effects and contain many nutrients, not all people are suitable for eating mung beans, the doctor reminds: these 3 kinds of people must not eat, and there are also contraindications to eating mung beans!

Can't eat mung beans often? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should not eat, and eating mung beans is also contraindicated!

The first type: people with a weak spleen and stomach

Why can mung beans reduce fire, this is because mung beans are a cold food, if you often have indigestion, chills, etc., you are likely to be a person with a weak spleen and stomach, and this kind of person is best not to eat mung beans, because after eating mung beans, it will make the spleen and stomach more cold, which is not conducive to the recovery of the body.

The second type: the elderly and children

The elderly and children are two types of people, their digestion ability is relatively poor, and mung bean is a high-protein food, protein needs to be hydrolyzed into amino acids and small molecule peptides under the action of enzymes, so that they can be absorbed by the body. People with poor physique have poor digestion and less enzymes in their bodies, and eating mung beans can lead to indigestion, which can lead to diarrhea or abdominal pain, so for their own health, people with poor physique try not to eat mung beans.

The third type: people who are taking various medicines

The older generation often says that mung bean is an antidote, and it is best not to eat mung beans when taking medicine, this is because the mung bean protein contained in mung beans can be combined with organophosphorus and heavy metals to form precipitates and reduce the efficacy, so during the period of taking medicine, do not eat mung beans, and the older generation is correct.

In addition to the above 3 types of people, everyone else can eat normally, but the amount of mung beans eaten every day should not exceed 60 grams, because mung beans are a relatively cold food. And in summer, I recommend that when you eat mung beans, try to cook them with some ingredients that help you sleep and replenish qi and blood, so that you can make your body healthier, so today I want to share 2 different ways to eat mung beans, I hope you can like it.

The first type: taro mung bean soup (to reduce heat and replenish qi and blood)

Can't eat mung beans often? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should not eat, and eating mung beans is also contraindicated!

[Ingredients preparation]: 200 grams of taro, 50 grams of mung beans, 15 grams of rock sugar.


1. First peel the taro and rinse it well, then cut the taro into squares of about 2 cm for later use.

2. Wash the mung beans and put them in the pot, then put 3 drops of rice vinegar and an appropriate amount of cold water into the pot, boil the water over high heat, put the taro into the pot lid, cover the pot, simmer for 25 minutes on low heat, then put the rock sugar into the pot, and continue to cook for 10 minutes to eat.

The second type: mung bean lotus seed tangerine peel (dispels dampness and helps sleep)

Can't eat mung beans often? The doctor reminded: These 3 types of people should not eat, and eating mung beans is also contraindicated!

[Ingredients preparation]: 50 grams of mung beans, 80 grams of lotus seeds, 5 grams of tangerine peel, appropriate amount of rock sugar.


1. After washing the mung beans, put all the mung beans and an appropriate amount of water into the pot, boil the water over high heat and change to low heat until the mung beans are boiled and bloom, then put all the mung bean soup into a juicer and grind them into mung bean paste.

2. Soak the lotus seeds for 2 hours and put them in the pot, then put an appropriate amount of hot water into the pot, boil for 30 minutes on low heat, pour out the water in which the lotus seeds are boiled, put the ground mung bean paste, rock sugar, and tangerine peel into the pot, and continue to cook for 5 minutes before eating.

Can't eat mung beans often? The doctor reminded: "People with spleen and stomach deficiency, the elderly and children, and people who are taking various medicines" These 3 types of people must not eat, and there are also contraindications for eating mung beans! If today's article is helpful to you, please follow and like, this is my greatest support. In the follow-up, Chef Hu will explain more cooking tips and health maintenance skills to everyone, and finally thank you for watching.

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