
Yang Jing met with the ANZAC Senior Civil Servants Seminar

author:Xinhuanet client

Beijing, 11 Sep (Xinhua) -- Yang Jing, state councilor and president of the National Academy of Administration, met with the fifth session of the Australia-New Zealand Senior Civil Servants Seminar at the Ziguang Pavilion in Zhongnanhai on 11 September.

Yang Jing welcomed senior ANZAC civil servants to China for study and introduced China's national governance and economic and social development. He said that during President Xi Jinping's visit to Australia and New Zealand, China, Australia and China and Singapore established a comprehensive strategic partnership. The seminar activities are conducive to sharing experience, enhancing mutual trust, and further promoting pragmatic cooperation and common development between China and Australia and China and Singapore.

Present at the meeting were Ken Smith, Dean of the ANZ Government College, Alan Firth, Founding Dean, Dong Zhengde, Deputy Director of the Australian Embassy in China, Huo Dawei, Deputy Director of the New Zealand Embassy in China, and responsible persons of relevant departments of central and state organs.

Yang Jing met with the ANZAC Senior Civil Servants Seminar

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