
What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

author:Jiaozuo Daily
What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Jiaozuo county (city) district secretaries "shoot" you!

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What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Guo Peng, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Xiuwu County CPC Committee

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

●On October 19, Guo Peng accompanied Geng Jianming, chairman of Rongsheng Group, and his party to inspect the cultural tourism project and conduct in-depth negotiations on the "Yipinyuan Township" project; went to Tianping Village, Xicun Township, together with General Yu Linxiang, former political commissar and secretary of the party committee of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Shen Shihui, professor of the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, and Mu Yuhua, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, unveiled the sketching base of the Tianping Grand Canyon; then investigated the construction of aesthetic economic projects, and successively went deep into the Sky City of Qinglongxia, the Glass Corridor Bridge of Fenglinxia, and the Sky Courtyard of Qixian Town Project sites such as Immortal Hall and Yuntai Mountain Zhenxishan Meishe learned in detail about the progress of the project and the existing problems, and required the project party to accelerate the construction progress, so as to provide strong support for the rural revitalization work led by the aesthetic economy.

● On October 20, Guo Peng held a meeting of secretaries to arrange a week of work; subsequently, he went to Xicun Township to investigate the poverty alleviation work, visited and comforted the grass-roots frontline poverty alleviation cadres, and encouraged them to unite the cadres and masses to jointly fight the battle against poverty.

●On October 21, Guo Peng attended the opening ceremony of Xiuwu County Government Affairs Service Center and delivered a speech; after the ceremony, he presided over the eleventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the Support Service Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area Development Working Committee at the County Culture and Arts Center; subsequently, participated in the second round of Hanfu Industry Investment Mobilization Meeting at the County Culture and Arts Center. At noon, he listened to the report on the design plan of the "Xun Xianting" homestay project at the county party committee; in the afternoon, he accompanied the supervision committee of the city's discipline inspection commission to systematically observe the rectification of the "6-45" problem and comprehensively improve the results of the annual activities of Xiuwu.

●On October 22, Guo Peng gave a special counseling report on "Practice of High-quality Development of The Cultivation of Martial Arts in the County" at the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee; in the afternoon, he participated in the "Second Editorial Committee of the County Party Committee in 2020" in the conference room of the County Standing Committee; subsequently, he presided over the 12th round of inspection and the 6th round of inspection of the 13th County Party Committee to extend the report meeting to the village.

●On October 23, Guo Peng listened to a special report on the solution of problems left over from history in the business room of the county party committee; at 9:00, he listened to and watched the commemorative meeting of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

On October 24, Guo Peng accompanied Lin Bing, an architect in the United States, and Zhang Yicheng, an expert in the Hanfu industry, and his party on a repair tour.

●On October 25th, Guo Peng participated in the "Greeting Chongyang Nian Dang Pro-Golden Wedding Celebration Activity" at the Convenience Service Center Square of Shaqiang Village, Qixian Town, and delivered a speech, sending flowers and commemorative gifts to the golden wedding couples on the spot, and cutting the golden wedding commemorative cake; subsequently, he went to the Party Building Aesthetic Complex in Zaiwan Village to participate in the first Hanfu "Kaimeng Ceremony" activity in Qixian Town, lit cinnabar for the children, and opened the wisdom of the red mole (Hongzhi); in the afternoon, he went to the Yuntai Ancient Town Shengshi Tangyun Project Site and the East China Cable Company to investigate the operation of the project.

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Lu Heping, secretary of the Mengzhou Municipal Party Committee

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

● On October 19, Lu Heping went to Mengzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to supervise the construction of the infectious disease room project. It is pointed out that the project is of great significance to improving the level of medical and health services in Mengzhou City and responding to the prevention and control of the epidemic, and it is necessary to accelerate the construction progress in strict accordance with the time node, coordinate the construction of the project, and ensure that the project is completed on schedule with high standards and high quality.

●On October 20, the Second Supervision Group of Jiaozuo Municipal Party Committee went to Mengzhou City to supervise the implementation of the spirit of the CPPCC Work Conference of the Central and Provincial Party Committees and Jiaozuo Municipal CPPCC Committees. Lu Heping attended the activities and reported to the inspection group at the forum on Mengzhou City's implementation of the spirit of the CPPCC work conference of the central and provincial party committees and the Jiaozuo Municipal CPC Committee and the strengthening of the building of CPPCC organs and organizations.

●On the morning of October 21, Lu Heping presided over the Mengzhou Economic Operation Work Conference. In the afternoon and evening, Mengzhou City held a public speech activity for the competitive selection of deputy section-level cadres in the city, and Lu Heping participated in the activity.

● On October 22, the national poverty alleviation advanced deeds tour report meeting was held, and the leaders of Lu Heping Mengzhou City listened to and watched the report meeting in the special video conference room of the party and government. After the meeting, Lu Heping went to the project offices of Jiuweikuan Food, Longfeng MOTA Tannery Plant, Yujie Electric Vehicle, Andos Environmental Protection and other projects to supervise the construction of key projects.

● On October 23, Lu Heping supervised the Union Road breakthrough project. He stressed: It is necessary to pay close attention to the time node, reverse the construction schedule, and hang up the chart for combat, speed up the progress of the project under the premise of ensuring quality and safety, and strive to open to traffic at an early date.

●On the morning of October 25, Lu Heping participated in an interview on the supervision of the implementation of the spirit of the CPPCC work conference of the central and provincial CPPCC committees. In the afternoon, listen to the planning report of the auspicious lake lighting project. Subsequently, we went to the bonded center and the industrial agglomeration area to supervise the construction of key projects.

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Mao Wenming, secretary of the Wenxian County PARTY Committee

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

●On the morning of October 19, Mao Wenming participated in the signing ceremony of wenxian academy (school) science and technology cooperation.

●On October 19, Mao Wenming participated in the unveiling ceremony of the internship training base of the School of Food Science and Engineering of Tianjin University of Science and Technology.

●On the morning of October 21, Mao Wenming conducted a special investigation on the market supervision work in Wenxian County. In the afternoon, Mao Wenming participated in the inspection group of Oriental Garden Investment Holdings and CCCC Dredging Group Co., Ltd.

● On the morning of October 22, Mao Wenming listened to and watched the 2020 National Poverty Alleviation Advanced Deeds Report Meeting. In the afternoon, Mao Wenming attended a briefing meeting on the implementation of the spirit of the CPPCC work conference of the central and provincial party committees and municipal CPPCC committees in Wen County.

●On the morning of October 23, Mao Wenming listened to and watched the live broadcast of the meeting commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Volunteer Army's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In the afternoon, Mao Wenming went to the industrial agglomeration area to investigate the construction of key projects.

●On the morning of October 25, Mao Wenming participated in the activity of sub-contracting and relocating households to relocate houses in Yuecun Street, which extends to the south of Renmin Avenue and widens and renovates. In the morning, Mao Wenming went to the home of Chai Jihua, a 104-year-old man in Beixin Street, Wenquan Street, and the county center respect for the elderly home, to send them the care and warmth of the party and the government, and extended festive greetings to the elderly in the county. In the afternoon, Mao Wenming attended a forum for inspecting veteran cadres of "Talking About Development together in Chongyang."

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Chen Hong, secretary of the Bo'ai County Party Committee

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

●On the morning of October 19, Chen Hong attended the opening ceremony of Hongyuan Seiko Co., Ltd.; studied and deployed the key work of this week. In the afternoon, Chen Hong presided over the promotion meeting of the revitalization of "zombie enterprises" in the industrial agglomeration area.

●On the morning of October 20, Chen Hong attended the county-wide cadre conference, accompanied the leaders of the Inspection and Supervision Office of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office, and supervised and investigated the inspection and rectification work of the county. In the afternoon, Chen Hong studied the county's economic operation and project construction.

●On the morning of October 21, Chen Hong attended the county-wide cadre conference and accompanied Yang Yahui, chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, to investigate the work of the CPPCC in the county. In the afternoon, Chen Hong went to Deting Town, Song County, to carry out the work of poverty alleviation.

●On the morning of October 22, Chen Hong accompanied Wang Xiaoping, secretary of the municipal party committee, to investigate the high-quality economic and social development of the county. In the afternoon, Chen Hong attended the research forum presided over by Wang Xiaoping, secretary of the municipal party committee.

●On the morning of October 23, Chen Hong listened to and watched the meeting to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Volunteer Army's war to resist US aggression and aid Korea; presided over the standing committee of the county party committee to convey and study the spirit of the investigation and study instructions of Wang Xiaoping, secretary of the municipal party committee, and made arrangements and arrangements on how to implement the spirit of the instructions of Wang Xiaoping, secretary of the municipal party committee. In the afternoon, Chen Hong listened to the progress report on the construction of the Taijiao high-speed rail project; listened to the work report of the main responsible comrades of the fire brigade.

●On the morning of October 24, Chen Hong participated in the commendation meeting of boai county to celebrate the 23rd Sanitation Workers' Day in Henan Province, and participated in the signing ceremony of Henan Ancai Hi-Tech with an annual output of 180,000 tons of rolled solar cell encapsulated glass project. In the afternoon, Chen Hong listened to the traffic bureau's work report on the construction of the "four good rural roads".

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Qin Yingjun, secretary of the Wuzhi County CPC Committee

●Qin Yingjun participated in the second session of the 2020 autumn semester of the 2020 youth cadre training at the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee.

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Demonstration Area (High-tech Zone)

Wang Jiapeng, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

●On October 19, Wang Jiapeng went to the construction site of Qinquan Lake Park and Binhe Road Project to conduct research, affirmed the construction progress, and asked to further accelerate the improvement of the project supporting construction projects and promote the project construction with high quality.

●On the morning of October 20, the Zhengzhou Municipal Party and Government Delegation inspected Mengniu Dairy (Jiaozuo) Company and Zhongyuan Industrial Design City in the demonstration area, accompanied by Wang Jiapeng.

●On the morning of October 21, Wang Jiapeng and Yang Tianju, chairman of Fanhua Group, discussed the investment and construction of the project.

●On the afternoon of October 21, Wang Jiapeng was invited to the Party School of Jiaozuo Municipal Party Committee to give a special counseling report, with the theme of "Innovation-driven Empowerment of High-quality Development" to explain to the students of the Autumn and Winter Cadre Training Class. Through a large number of vivid data, charts and examples, the explanation expounded the basic connotation of high-quality development and innovation-driven, the development status of China's scientific and technological innovation, the exploration and practice of innovation-driven implementation in the high-tech zone, etc., helped everyone learn and understand the new trends, new knowledge and new technologies at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation, exchanged and shared the good experience and good practices of the high-tech zone in grasping scientific and technological innovation, and put forward the methods, paths, measures and measures of innovation-driven high-quality development.

●On the morning of October 22, Niu Shujun, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, investigated the work of the Chinese testing company in the demonstration area of "starting from home", and Wang Jiapeng accompanied the investigation.

●On the morning of October 22, the demonstration area held a food safety creation oath ceremony in the ecological square, and at the same time opened the curtain of the food safety science popularization month. The conference stressed that the whole region should create standards against the standards, perform their duties, really do solid work, ensure the successful creation of food safety demonstration cities and counties (districts) with the quality and safety of agricultural products, and hand over satisfactory answers to the people of the whole region. Wang Jiapeng attended the meeting and made a speech.

●On the afternoon of October 23, Wang Jiapeng investigated the construction of the second phase of the Chuangji Zhigu and Science and Technology Park in the demonstration area.

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Wu Jun, secretary of the Liberated Area Party Committee

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

●On October 19, Wu Jun accompanied the Suzhou Institute of Geographical Sciences and Technology of Zhongke to investigate the liberated area.

●On the morning of October 20, Liu Qiuxiang, vice chairman of the CppcC Municipal Committee, and his party went to the Liberated Areas to conduct special inspections on the implementation of the spirit of the CPPCC work conference of the central and provincial party committees and the municipal CPPCC committee, and Wu Jun participated in the inspection and report meeting.

●On October 20, Wu Jun participated in the cadre recommendation inspection talk and democratic evaluation, and presided over the Standing Committee of the District Committee.

●On the morning of October 21, Wu Jun organized and held the Cultural Tourism Conference of the Liberated Areas and the Mobilization and Deployment Meeting for the Creation of a Provincial-level Global Tourism Demonstration Zone. In the afternoon, at the invitation of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee, Wu Jun combined with the study and implementation of the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and taught more than 260 students of the main class of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee in the autumn of 2020 with the theme of "Exploration and Practice of Strengthening innovation in Grass-roots Social Governance".

●On the morning of October 22, the opening ceremony of the 2020 Liberated Area Cadres and Workers Games was held in the Jiaozuo Power Plant Gymnasium, and Wu Jun announced the opening of the activity; Wu Jun organized and held the 2020 Social Science Intellectuals Symposium in the Liberated Areas. In the afternoon, a forum for retired cadres in the Liberated Areas was organized to report on the economic and social development of the whole region since the beginning of this year, and to solicit opinions and suggestions from veteran cadres on the key work in the second half of the year.

-- On the morning of 23 October, Wu Jun organized the leading group of the Liberated Areas to watch the live broadcast of the meeting commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Volunteer Army's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In the afternoon, he accompanied Liu Tao, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, to investigate the improvement of the river and the transformation of the old residential area in Heyang New Village.

●On October 24, the Liberated Areas launched the supervision of key proposals in 2020. Wu Jun successively went to Jiaozuo Lichuang Brake Company and Jiaozuo Norman Furnace Company to conduct on-site inspections and organize a symposium.

●On October 24, Wu Jun presided over a meeting of the leading group for party building of the Liberated District Committee, further studied in depth the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech on comprehensively and strictly administering the party and the party's organizational line in the new era, listened to the report on the work of grass-roots party organizations in comprehensively and strictly administering the party and the construction of party style and clean government, and arranged for the deployment of the district committee to comprehensively and strictly administer the party and the construction of party style and clean government.

●On October 25, Wu Jun conducted research and held a symposium on the development of the work of changing the term of office of the "two committees" in the village.

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Li Jianchao, secretary of the Shanyang District Party Committee

●Li Jianchao, secretary of the Shanyang District CPC Committee, went to the Central Party School to participate in training and study.

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Dong Hongqian, secretary of the Central Railway Station District Committee

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

●On the morning of October 19, Dong Hongqian accompanied Xu Yixian, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, to investigate the construction and upgrading of the park in the Ecological Botanical Garden of Zhongzhan District. After the event, a meeting was held to promote the Longxiang Lake project to listen to and study the planning, design and progress of Longxiang Lake. In the afternoon, Dong Hongqian met with Liu Honglin, chairman of Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation, to discuss matters related to the Henan Sanmu Surface Industrial Park project.

●On the morning of October 20, Dong Hongqian accompanied Ning Gaoning, chairman of ChemChina, to investigate Fengshen Tire.

●On the morning of October 22, Dong Hongqian listened to and watched the 2020 National Poverty Alleviation Advanced Deeds Report Meeting. After listening to and watching the report meeting on the advanced deeds of the national poverty alleviation, Dong Hongqian immediately held a meeting to quickly implement the spirit of the report meeting and redeploy the work of poverty alleviation in the whole region. Dong Hongqian pointed out that the report of the members of the report group deeply described their vivid practice and innovative measures in the frontline of poverty alleviation, which was touching, deeply inspiring and inspiring. All levels and departments of the whole region should learn from their unswerving faith, the realm of dedication, the perseverance of perseverance and the practice of innovation and hard work, comprehensively improve the quality and level of poverty alleviation work, and fight and win the battle against poverty with high quality.

-- On the morning of 23 October, Dong Hongqian listened to and watched the meeting commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army's war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. In the afternoon, Dong Hongqian accompanied Hu Xiaoping, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, to investigate the Dasha River section of the Zhongzhan District.

●On the morning of October 24, on the occasion of the 23rd "Sanitation Workers' Day" in Henan Province, Dong Hongqian visited the representatives of the sanitation workers, expressed holiday congratulations and sincere greetings to the majority of sanitation workers, and thanked them for their hard work. Dong Hongqian said that sanitation workers are "urban beauticians", who get up early and get dark all year round, wind and sun, brave the cold and heat, leave the dirty and tired to themselves, and dedicate the net and beauty to everyone. Especially in the "Four Cities Joint Creation", the majority of sanitation workers have always carried forward the fine tradition of hard-working and willing to dedicate, rushing to the front line, working in the first line, and the neat and beautiful beauty of the middle station embodies their hard work and sweat. Dong Hongqian urged the responsible comrades of relevant units to care for sanitation workers, help solve the difficulties and problems they encounter in their work and life in a timely manner, and implement various benefits such as wages, medical care, and labor insurance, so that sanitation workers can work with peace of mind and comfort.

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

Zong Jiazhen, secretary of the Macun District Party Committee

What's the heck during the week?! Jiaozuo many counties (cities) district "number one" public posting work! It's just that transparent

●On the morning of October 19, Zong Jiazhen presided over the coordination and promotion meeting of key project construction to study and promote the landing of the project of the Health Yuan Pharmaceutical Research Institute.

●On the morning of October 20, Zong Jiazhen led the heads of relevant departments to supervise and investigate the rural sewage treatment and dangerous house transformation work in the whole region. Zong Jiazhen and his party successively went to Wangzhuang Village in Waitingwang Street, Maozhai Village, Dongma Village, Houyue Village, and Zhangtianhe Village in Anyangcheng Street to inspect the progress of rural sewage treatment and the transformation of dangerous houses, listen to relevant situation reports, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the problems existing in the work.

●On the morning of October 21, Zong Jiazhen led the heads of relevant departments to supervise the construction of key projects in the region. Zong Jiazhen and his party successively went to Wanbang Houjiang (Jiaozuo) Agricultural Products Wholesale Market, Chuangbohui All Categories Live Broadcast Base, Bailuhu City Wetland Park and Jiaozuo Qianye Jing Calcium Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. and other places to check the progress of the project, listen to the progress of the project construction, learn more about the progress of the project construction, coordinate and solve the difficulties encountered in the promotion of the work, and arrange the deployment of the next step.

●On the afternoon of October 20, Chen Xiang, vice chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, led a delegation of supervision and inspection team to our district to supervise the implementation of the spirit of the CPPCC work conference of the central, provincial and municipal cppcc committees. Zong Jiazhen attended the inspection report meeting.

●On the afternoon of October 22, Zong Jiazhen presided over the study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the District Committee, focusing on the main contents of the third volume of "Xi Jinping on Governing the Country", the fifth topic of the third volume of "Xi Jinping on Governing the Country", and the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres at the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration).

●On October 23, under the solemn police badge, the Macun Branch of the Jiaozuo Municipal Public Security Bureau held a grand unveiling ceremony, and the participants witnessed this historic moment. Zong Jiazhen attended the ceremony.

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