
Novel: I was provoked by a strange beauty, and I was suddenly furious: my wife, I am not finished with you

author:Yue Shu House

Zhao Ming thought for a moment and then said, "I don't know much about the situation, and I don't know if those things are true or not." Since the chairman wants to know, I will tell you all I know. ”

Xie Yunyi nodded and said, "Ignore the true or false for the time being, you just tell me everything you know." ”

"The mysterious man called himself Fu Guangming, of course I checked it out, as if there was no such person. He said that her wife's name was Wang Shuli, and I hadn't found any information about this person. According to the mysterious man, it should have happened three years ago. He said that I got along with his wife Wang Shuli, and also let Wang Shuli become pregnant, and as a result, Wang Shuli chose to commit suicide. ”

"Wait a minute, you said Wang Shuli committed suicide?" Xie Yunyi asked in surprise.

Zhao Ming nodded and said, "Yes, according to the mysterious man' statement, this is it." However, I looked up the news and some reports at that time, but I didn't find any information about pregnant women committing suicide. The name Wang Shuli is also very common, so I can't find any relevant information about her at all. ”

"Well, the mysterious man called himself Fu Guangming, and he said that his wife's name was Wang Shuli, and it was you who killed his wife." What else? Xie Yunyi continued to ask.

"I have a good friend named Chen Yuan, and his wife Lin Li is also a good friend of mine. Lin Li had seen the mysterious man's side before, but Lin Li was not sure if the man was really a mysterious man hidden behind him. By the way, Lin Li once sent me an audio and video, and the woman in it should be the wife of the mysterious man. ”

"There is the wife of the mysterious man in the video and audio, should there be a man?" Who is that man? Xie Yunyi asked curiously.

Zhao Ming said solemnly: "The woman in the audio is called zhao ming, which is my name, and the person who is called Zhao Ming like me is actually a designer." That's the weirdest part. ”

"Oh, isn't it really you?" Zhao Ming, you honestly told me, is it really not you? Xie Yunyi didn't quite believe Zhao Ming's explanation.

"It's definitely not me in the audio, but the video file does have me, just a flash." There is no video of me having a relationship with that woman. Zhao Ming immediately explained seriously.

"How did you get photographed?" Xie Yunyi asked with a smile.

Zhao Ming smiled awkwardly, and then said, "Actually, it was taken by my friend's mobile phone." I think it was filmed inadvertently. However, the woman inside the video file and the audio file, no one knows whether it is the same woman. ”

"That is, the video was taken by your friend, and the audio was also recorded by your friend. But you don't know who the woman in the video or the woman in the audio is, right? Xie Yunyi asked alertly.

Zhao Ming quickly nodded and said, "Yes, that's it." And I also have no way to confirm who the woman in the video is. However, the audio file was obtained by the mysterious man, so he said that the woman's voice in the audio file was his wife Wang Shuli's. ”

Xie Yunyi smiled slightly and said, "No wonder the mysterious man is so sure that you killed his wife." If you change to any one person, it is estimated that you will think that Zhao Ming did it, right? ”

"Unfortunately it's really not me, if it were me, I would admit it." Chairman, do you understand my feelings and situation now? Zhao Ming explained very aggrievedly.

"If it wasn't you, who would it be?" Is there another man named Zhao Ming, and he also happens to be a designer? That is not your Zhao Ming, who has a relationship with the mysterious man's wife and killed people. Is there such a coincidence? Xie Yunyi felt a little unrealistic.

Zhao Ming sighed and said, "No, I also think it is very strange." I used to suspect that someone had deliberately framed me or tricked me. ”

"How is your friend named Chen Yuan doing with you?" Xie Yunyi suddenly asked.

"It's a great relationship, it's my best friend." What's wrong? Zhao Ming did not understand Xie Yunyi's meaning.

Xie Yunyi thought about it and said thoughtfully, "Have you ever asked your friend what happened to those video and audio things?" ”

Zhao Ming sighed, shook his head, and said, "I would like to ask for clarification, but unfortunately there is no chance now." ”

"Why?" Xie Yunyi asked curiously.

Zhao Ming smiled bitterly and said, "My friend has already committed suicide, how can a dead person have the opportunity to tell the truth?" ”

Xie Yunyi's eyes widened, she looked at Zhao Ming for a while, and said, "God, this is really a very tricky thing." Why did your friend commit suicide? ”

"Gambling, owed a lot of money, desperate, and finally chose to end his life." Zhao Ming replied calmly.

"Did you help him?" Xie Yunyi immediately asked.

Zhao Ming nodded and said, "I have helped, more than once, but at his level, it is estimated that the immortals will be difficult to rescue." ”

Xie Yunyi stood up, took a few steps, and said very seriously: "So, your friend may be the man in the audio." ”

Why do you think that? How can the man in the audio be called Zhao Ming by a woman? So how could it be my friend Chen Yuan? Zhao Ming felt a little unlikely.

Xie Yunyi calmly explained: "If there is a connection between video and audio files, I think it should be your friend who filmed and recorded it." In fact, your friend uses your name to fool around with other people's wives, which is a very normal thing. Think for yourself, is there such a possibility? ”

"The question is what is his purpose in doing this?" Zhao Ming still couldn't believe it.

Xie Yunyi said with a smile: "Every man who goes out to fool around basically does not want to reveal his true identity. Do you see what I mean? ”

"Chairman, what you mean is that my friend Chen Yuan pretended to be my name to fool around with women outside, and then even borrowed my profession, in short, he interacted with the other party in my name, the purpose is not to let the other party know his true identity, is this what he means?" Zhao Ming finally understood Xie Yunyi's analysis.

"Do you think it's possible?" Xie Yunyi asked rhetorically.

Zhao Ming fell into contemplation.

Xie Yunyi said something reasonable, and if this is really the case, then many things are well explained.

Zhao Ming's ID card was taken by Chen Yuan to open the \ room not once or twice, zhao Ming still clearly remembers the words that Chen Yuan said to Zhao Ming.

"Use your ID to help me get to the hotel to open a room."

"Why not use your own?"

"I don't socialize much, and if my wife finds out, I'll be in trouble." Zhao Ming, you can help, your wife knows that you are opening a room outside, you can also explain it. Don't you often entertain customers outside, and often open \ rooms for customers? ”

"Well, I'll give you my ID, so don't use it to do bad things!"

"Zhao Ming, who are the two of us with?" Can I still hurt you? ”

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