
From midnight to dawn! Dozens of warhawks took off in southeast China, tempering full-time combat capabilities dozens of warhawks took off at night, and China announced the establishment of a strategic air force

author:Rainbow video

Recently, in a certain military airfield in southeast China, dozens of war eagles took off overnight, people came and went in the airport, and officers and men fought from night to dawn.

From midnight to dawn! Dozens of warhawks took off in southeast China, tempering full-time combat capabilities dozens of warhawks took off at night, and China announced the establishment of a strategic air force


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" dozens of warhawks took off > night</h1>

According to a report by the Eastern Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on 7 September, a certain brigade of aviation units stationed on the southeast front line of the motherland organized flight training from the second half of the night to dawn, focusing on tempering the combat capability of the troops at all times.

Under the conditions of dark night, it is extremely difficult to organize the training of officers and men, which also puts forward higher requirements for various support elements, and in order to better meet the actual combat situation, some training subjects have been adjusted to a certain extent.

The training is closely related to the conditions set by the actual combat, and the existing resources have been rationally allocated, and the training work has been carried out flexibly to ensure the quality and effect of the training in an all-round way.

From midnight to dawn! Dozens of warhawks took off in southeast China, tempering full-time combat capabilities dozens of warhawks took off at night, and China announced the establishment of a strategic air force

In the middle of the night, accompanied by the roar of the battle, dozens of war eagles took off, and the pilots carried out flight training according to the instructions and the requirements of different subjects, accurately executed every action, and strived to achieve the greatest tactical effect of each action, and improved the actual combat ability of the fighter.

After the first batch of fighters who were trained returned to the course, the ground crew waved their batons, the fighters stopped at the designated position steadily, and the ground crew officers and men quickly surrounded the fighters, racing against time to "fill and hang" and send the war eagles out of the country "full of blood" again.

The training continued from night to dawn, dozens of fighters took turns to move, and the officers and men maintained a high enthusiasm for fighting during the training process. In the early hours of the morning, the fighters landed one after another, and the flight training was successfully completed. During the training, the officers and men's combat ability has been greatly improved.

From midnight to dawn! Dozens of warhawks took off in southeast China, tempering full-time combat capabilities dozens of warhawks took off at night, and China announced the establishment of a strategic air force

<H1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > China announced the establishment of a strategic air force</h1>

With continuous efforts, China has now entered the threshold of a strategic air force and further improved its actual combat capability. On August 31, a spokesman for China's Air Force said that the Chinese Air Force has officially entered the threshold of a strategic air force, which is of landmark significance.

The threshold of entering the strategic air force also means that the Chinese Air Force has three capabilities at the same time. In terms of strategic defense capabilities, the Chinese Air Force has the ability to guard China's territorial waters, airspace and territory from any foreign forces, and firmly guard China's security.

In terms of strategic strikes, the Chinese Air Force is able to cross various geographical obstacles within a relatively long range, break through the enemy's boundaries, complete the attack on the enemy's deep strategic targets, and carry out precision strikes on the targets.

From midnight to dawn! Dozens of warhawks took off in southeast China, tempering full-time combat capabilities dozens of warhawks took off at night, and China announced the establishment of a strategic air force

In terms of strategic delivery capabilities, the Chinese Air Force is able to complete the task of delivering combat materiel on a large scale and on a large scale in a relatively short period of time and deliver them to designated locations. This is of great significance in modern warfare and can be said to be the key point in defeating the enemy.

China's entry into the threshold of the strategic air force also means that China's official recognition of the Chinese air force has initially built a complete air-space integrated combat system, not a single link of progress, but the overall improvement of the overall combat capability.

After years of development, the Chinese Air Force has a variety of advanced fighters, bombers and transport aircraft models, which can be integrated with the help of informatization, and quickly matched according to the needs of the battlefield to complete a variety of combat tasks.

It is precisely because of the strong will and determination of the country, coupled with the unremitting efforts of the Air Force, that this stage of achievement can be achieved.

Editor: Li Jianguo

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