
Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

author:Flower Pet Sink

Known as the "Little Bird of Prey", Berau usually feeds on insects, but can also catch frogs, mice and even other small birds. The captured bait is worn and hung on thorns, just as humans hang meat on meat hooks, hence the name butcher bird. As a new bird species loved by people, Berau is easy to press the mouth, and change food, has a strong personality and a brave appearance, and is deeply loved by the majority of bird friends. So how should Berau be raised? Today Xiaobian will talk to you about it:

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

<h1>The Search for Berauvo:</h1>

First of all, explain that the chicks do not have the whole nest end, one is tired, the other is not good for protecting the birds, take one or two is good, a nest generally has 5 or 6 chicks, take one or two can be, leave some to the mother bird. Some people use the excuse that if you take one, the mother bird will abandon the nest and die in the whole nest, which is impossible, even if there is only one chick left, the mother bird will feed it. Don't take out the chicks and then use the chicks to lure the old birds for trapping. Then everyone calmly thinks about whether they really like it before picking up the chicks, whether they will insist on feeding it to the end, whether the family will have opinions on your raising of Berau, think clearly about whether they want to raise this bird, and whether they have the time, conditions, patience and love to treat it. If these are all right, after all, they are all life, and since they have paid for it, they will be responsible for Berau.

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

Berau is territorial, and each Berau has its own territorial range of activities. Having discovered the territory of Berau, it is much easier to find a nest in its territory. Berau territory is generally a vast flat land (meadows, vegetable fields, pastoral areas, swamps, etc.), generally usually see the place where there is Berau activities, breeding season to visit more, there will always be discovery. There are two nest-finding schemes, the first of which is a carpet search directly within the territory of Berau. If you can't find a nest, you should find a tree about 3 to 6 meters high in the vegetable field and at the foot of the mountain in the territory, and if you can't find it, search for vegetable fields, thorn bushes or low plants next to the grass, because the Berau nest is not necessarily in the tree. The second option is to find the adult Berau within the territory of Berau and follow him. This requires patience, and sometimes Berlau can be motionless for tens of minutes. Walk around in the territory of Berau and find berau on the wires, branches, and then you find a place that is easy to hide and crouch to observe it, if it flies down to catch the insect and fly into a certain place, don't go over first, still in place to see if it is flying out there, if it comes out of the place where the insect just flew in, go there to find it, if it comes out from somewhere else, then start from the place where it goes in and look for the distance where it comes out, you can find the nest! This method is suitable for when Berau has chicks. These nest-finding experiences of bird friends will be more or less affected according to the terrain, weather and other conditions, so... You have to rely on your own perseverance, and insisting on looking will always find it.

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

<h1>Selection of chicks</h1>

The chicks have short hairs all over their bodies, and the top of their heads is covered with dense capillaries, but the wings are still very short and have not exploded, that is, when they are out of the shell for about 6 days, they are suitable for raising. Experienced people know that when the chicks come out of the shell for about 4 days, they can regulate their body temperature, which means that the survival rate is greatly improved at this time, and it is easier to survive after 6 days of shelling. Too big to be wild, not enough relatives; too small to feed, high in technology. Out of the shell 6 days to dig suitable for the public candidates.

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

The selection of chicks should be a nest of chicks with a large head, a large body, a thick mouth, thick feet, black hairs covering the upper nose and above the eyes, and a god with eyes. The above-mentioned black hair covering the nose and above the eyes is a male bird, and the black hair but the nose but not the eyes are the female birds. However, there is little difference between male and female singing, and the female bird is more docile, the coat color is darker, the voice is softer, and the mouth is less learned. Male birds learn to be diligent, have rough calls, and have brighter coat colors, and choose according to personal preferences

<h1>Feeding patterns from chick stage to sub-adult birds:</h1>

Before leaving the nest, feed raw lean meat, fish pork beef chicken all kinds of meat, raw lean meat, tomato minced sauce mixed with cooked egg yolk, cuttlefish bone powder, you can also chop the egg shell into powder to add, there are grasshoppers, river shrimp can be fed a few grasshoppers or river prawns a day. For example, commuters can be fed once at 7:00 in the morning, every half hour from 11:30 to 14:00 p.m., every half hour from 17:00 to 19:00 in the afternoon, the last time at 19:00, and the last feeding should be full. Note: The above refers to a amount the size of a thumb fingernail. If there is a large amount of time, it can be fed about every half hour, and the amount of peanuts and rice is fed at a time. The right hand uses flat bamboo slices to pick up the mixed meat sauce, the left hand gently taps the side of the nest to make a vibration and whistles a sound to it, it will open its mouth to beg, the feeding action should be light, the bamboo slice should be held steadily, and each bite should be small. The whistle should be the same every time, let it know that there is food when it hears the sound, and let it form a conditioned reflex.

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

After the tail is about 4 cm long, you can change food to let it learn to eat homemade Berau feed, how to change food, there is information on the Internet, here I will not say in detail. My feed formula is 25% chicken feed, 40% fish, cuttlefish bone meal 5%, tomatoes 15%, raw eggs 15%, and usually catch some spiders, grasshoppers, cockroaches to feed! Tomatoes are put into a deeper pot or porcelain jar with a stick to form a sauce, fish is chopped into a meat sauce with a knife and bone, and chicken feed is put into a deeper basin or porcelain jar with a stick to form a powder. Then put everything in the basin and beat the raw eggs and stir well, then steam, take it out to a dry and ventilated place (I choose the shade that the sun does not shine) and dry it and put it in a container for preservation. Half a month's worth of food at a time can be made, and it is easy to deteriorate after eating more. The tail is fed homemade feed from 4 cm to the time before the moulting, and the ratio of various meats is 1:1, and after the moulting (adults), the homemade Burrow feed is the main food, and a piece of thumb-sized raw meat is given in the morning, middle and evening. The meat cannot be broken, otherwise it is easy to be emaciated and die.

<h1>Berauto Axis:</h1>

Spitting is a way of excreting food debris specific to birds of prey or a few other insectivores. The shaft is indigestible animal fur bones, fish spines, plant fibers, insect carapace and other food residues accumulated in The Berau stomach, which is kneaded into an oval ball and then spit out along the esophagus to the mouth. Generally speaking, it is normal for Berau to spit out one or two axes a day and two axes for three days, but it is not normal to spit more or less on the contrary. If you vomit too much, it means that the indigestible substances in the food are too much, the nutrient absorption is small, and over time it will be emaciated and die. Pinch the shaft to see which substance has the most content in it, that is, to reduce the food ratio of the substance accordingly or to break the substance. If there is more chicken feed, it means that the chicken feed is too hard or too coarse, and it should be ground or steamed and then added to the formula to make Berau feed.

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

Burrow can not digest the fruits of most plants, the main food of the wild Berau is a variety of insects and frogs, lizards, birds, snakes and other small animals, meat accounted for a minority. Therefore, you should usually feed more meat and insects with more animal protein content, and try to feed less fruits or artificial products (bread, ham sausage, biscuits, etc.).

<h1>Daily management:</h1>

Berlau can fly short distances, the tail length to about 3 cm can teach it to bathe, so that the bird to develop the habit of loving bathing is very necessary, to bathe it can increase the relationship between the bird and the owner. Choose a hot sunny day at noon, prepare a small basin that is not as deep as possible, not smooth, and does not reflect light, fill it with water about 2 cm deep, and let it bask in the sun for a few minutes (let it heat). Put the basin in front of it to whistle the whistle that it usually feeds food, use your fingers to pluck the water to let it see, at first it may be a little afraid to go down, continue to whistle the water patiently waiting for it. It will eventually be tempted to jump into the basin of water, and then it will wash itself, and you just have to watch. After that gradually deepen the water to the depth of the water (about 4 cm) at its knees. After a fixed time to bathe it, you can bathe it once in the summer and once in the afternoon, and once or twice a week in the winter, choose the noon of the sunny weather to bathe it.

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

Usually take more time to accompany it, play with it, tease it more, touch it, otherwise it is just hungry to feed, no matter when it grows up, there is no difference between growing up and wild birds, because the chicks will be reborn, if the owner accompanies it less, it will cause it to be more and more afraid of people, and it will fly randomly when it sees people. For example, the bird that has always been very well-behaved, one day saw you flying around, stretched out food to give it food to eat, it screamed .... It's like a wild bird that has just been caught, rather than feeding the big chicks from a young age. At this time, you can't be angry, be patient and take it slowly, whistle a few times it is familiar to feed it when the whistle makes it slowly relax, and then feed it. It's starting to come back, don't be discouraged by the fact that you think you were so well-behaved, and now you've become like this in an instant. When it just knows you, be sure to pay attention to playing with it more and teasing it and re-establishing feelings. This period of time can not reduce the number of baths, as a fixed time every day to bathe. Stick to it for a while and you will successfully pass the rebirth period, and the bird will become closer to you. Birds in the wild want to live independently without their parents, which is anti-birth, this is the instinct of birds. If it is stocked, the anti-growth period should reduce the number of times it is released, close it more, and then release it after the anti-growth period. Otherwise, the anti-birth period is easy to fly away.

No birds of the Berauko can be polycultured with other birds, because berau will eat them when they are hungry.

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

<h1>Pressure port:</h1>

To press the mouth is to learn to sing for Berlau (like a human child who learns to speak). The tail of the Berau chick is as long as an adult bird (about 30 days after the shell is released), at which point the mouth can be pressed. First download bird calls on the Internet, such as thrush, lark, indigo and other bird song recordings, you want it to learn what sound to download what sound, mechanical sounds, chickens, ducks, dogs, cats and insects and other sounds are OK, but do not be too complex sound. Personally, I think that all kinds of bird calls and cat and dog calls are easier for Burlau to learn. You can let it learn simple first, such as thrush singing, magpie singing, indigo singing, lark thirteen mouth, sparrow mouth, can be searched in cool dog music or online. Play for half an hour each morning and at dusk, with a smaller but clear sound. Let it listen, it listens many times, and slowly learns. The best pressure is the period from 30 days out of the shell to before the molting, and the pressure is also required in the period from late autumn to before winter (to consolidate the foundation). Then the next spring I started singing, and it was basically the same as the recording you played. Note: At this time, the beginning is to really learn to sing, last year's chicks until the winter before the singing can only be regarded as a small singing, or flower singing, and the big singing is very different. Berlau learned to mouth for life, and can be pressed at any time after that, from simple to complex. Just keep playing the recording for it to listen to, and one day it will learn!

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

<h1>Small story:</h1>

The chick's tail grows to half the length of the adult bird and begins to mutter, "Small singing" is called a small song. In the wild, if Berau hid and sang the mouth of the thrush, you would think that there was only a thrush singing, not that Berau was singing. Berlau's ability to respond is very strong, imitating the hammer hitting the stone, the dog screaming, the school radio and many other sounds can not be difficult to defeat it. Berlau's singing period is very long, you can sing all year round, the key is that you have to feed well, mental state should be good.

If you want to listen to the call, it is better to raise brown backs. If you want to train hunting, it is better to raise a wedge-tailed Burrow. Other Berau are slightly inferior in singing and hunting skills to these two berau. The wedge-tailed Berau is the largest in size, but the singing and imitation song is not as good as the brown-backed Berlau, so the wedge-tailed Burrow training hunting is more suitable than other Berau. The brown-backed Burrow is slightly smaller than the wedge-tailed Burrow, but the imitation song is definitely first-class, and can sing and dance (few birds can do this), the appearance is also very handsome (although not enough wedge-tailed Burrau), and the training and hunting is only a little inferior to the wedge-tailed Burlau. It is better to raise berau or recommend raising brown-backed berau.

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

In addition, there is also a blackened type of brown-backed Burrow, which is more common in the south, so it cannot be said to be a variation. Ornithologists have studied that they do not belong to the new species. The appearance has a variety of shapes such as normal other parts of the face, normal black other parts of the upper body, complete black and gray black. Melanized and normal brown-backed reproduction, brown-backed and brown-backed reproduction, blackening and blackening reproduction may occur in blackened offspring, and normal offspring may also occur. The blackened type is no different from the brown-backed Burrow except for black. In Yunnan, there is a black belt covered by eyes that extends to the top of the head, the back of the neck and even the upper back of the brown-backed Burrow, which belongs to the southwest Asian species of brown-backed Burrow.

<h1>Common Diseases and Treatments in Berau:</h1>

The main symptoms of gastrointestinal disease: the mouth of the bird's mouth is white and bloodless, the whole body feathers are fluffy like a round ball, do not like to move, eat less, feces are thin and more watery, etc...

Treatment: Use gentamicin sulfate (sold in veterinary pharmacies) granules pills or injections, mixed into Berlau food to feed, morning, middle and evening once, each time a granule or half of the injection is mixed into the meat sauce feeding.

Fracture treatment: 1. Wash the fracture site with disinfectant and slowly align the fracture site. 2. Cut into a long strip of about 5 mm with anti-inflammatory pain relief cream (tape), start from the bottom of the fracture and first circle around, then go up, and overlap each other for about 2 mm when circling, until the fracture is re-circled. 3. Then use the goose feather tube (straw pair cut into two pieces, thin bamboo pieces into two pieces) to clamp the fracture site left and right, and the upper and lower ends of the clipboard are fixed with tape. 4. Then put on the cage coat and place it in a resting place for resting. 5. Feed with calcium, phosphorus and high protein. 6. Generally, the fracture can be healed after 10 to 15 days; the dressing can be broken in about 20 days.

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

If berau is on fire, you can catch some spiders to feed, or feed some mung bean noodles, spiders and mung bean noodles can reduce the fire. If the Berau feces are green jelly-like, it means that it is on fire.

For the time being, I hope that everyone can gain something, the experience they summarized is the best, and more Berau breeding skills still have to be felt by themselves.

Finally, I declare again that the nest should not be a nest end, but one or two can be taken out, and the protection of the ecology is the key.

Pet Thematic | The Search for Berau's Nest at Various Stages of Growth, Daily Management and Treatment of Common Diseases: Selection of Chicks From Chick Stage to Sub-Adult Feeding Methods: Berau Tu Axis: Daily Management: Pressure Mouth: Small Talk: Common Diseases and Treatment Methods of Berau:

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