
Zhao Ming wants to come out of "Let the Bullets Fly" and recently released a photo to make a comeback with a new image

author:Lao Sun Entertainment Discovery
Zhao Ming wants to come out of "Let the Bullets Fly" and recently released a photo to make a comeback with a new image

Zhao Ming wants to come out of "Let the Bullets Fly" and recently released a photo to make a comeback with a new image

Speaking of Zhao Ming, many friends may not be impressed, but when jiang Wen is mentioned in the 2010 film "Let the Bullets Fly", he may suddenly remember a folk girl in the film. It's just that she doesn't have many small supporting roles in the film, but the audience who has seen this movie should remember her "bold" performance in the film. After all, her picture in the film is only a few tens of seconds, and a line. In fact, she is also the production assistant of the film.

Zhao Ming wants to come out of "Let the Bullets Fly" and recently released a photo to make a comeback with a new image

Above: Zhao Ming only appeared in the movie "Let the Bullets Fly" for tens of seconds and a line

However, after the screening of the movie "Let the Bullets Fly", Zhao Ming did not become popular. After that, Zhao Ming has successively played some roles, but there are few roles that can be remembered by the audience. In 2013, Zhao Ming played a nameless village woman in the movie "One Night Surprise", and he could only say that he made a cameo. After that, Zhao Ming seemed to be completely silent in the show business circle. What has she been doing for at least recent years? There has always been a lot of debate.

Zhao Ming wants to come out of "Let the Bullets Fly" and recently released a photo to make a comeback with a new image

Above: Zhao Ming is 33 years old, this is a photo of her 31 years old

Recently, Zhao Ming finally appeared a new dynamic: released a set of photos, some netizens said that Zhao Ming seems to be going to announce a comeback with a cool royal sister posture. We can see Zhao Ming's unique positioning through this set of photo styles: the relationship between black and white in cool tones and the light and dark relationship of the characters, and the severe and charming facial features gaze at the camera with a confused mood.

Zhao Ming wants to come out of "Let the Bullets Fly" and recently released a photo to make a comeback with a new image

In a word, this group of photographs from hair ornaments to dress, although the style of painting is simple, but all reveal a strong aura, inadvertently highlighting her charm and heroism. In the words of Zhao Ming: This time I want to use a kind of "sa" to advertise, as an actor, I am very three-dimensional.

Zhao Ming wants to come out of "Let the Bullets Fly" and recently released a photo to make a comeback with a new image

However, in the face of the photo released by Zhao Ming, some netizens expressed a sneering and sneering attitude. But there are also people who "come out" for her, for example, the message called "Rely on you Tan Fat" supports Zhao Ming: It is not strange to send a photo... For a professional actor, especially a Zhao Ming who has maintained the image of "big milk sister" because of nudity, it may be a challenge to my career, and I am looking forward to the future surprise of this "big milk sister".

Zhao Ming wants to come out of "Let the Bullets Fly" and recently released a photo to make a comeback with a new image

In the face of the support of "relying on you Tan Fat", Zhao Ming also responded: "Thank you Teacher Tan Fei for speaking out for me!" Thank you to your friends who have been supporting me! I do things steadily and frankly! Have a question? No problem! Please also support everyone! In fact, the reason for Zhao Ming's recent operation is very simple: she is going to decide to get rid of the "meat bomb" image, let the world see the "desire sister" into a "royal sister", look forward to challenging the textured role, and do not want most viewers to just remember that she is the "big chest sister" in "Let the Bullet Fly". She said: "After 'Let the Bullets Fly', although I got a lot of attention, these attentions were superficial pursuits of me, not recognition of my acting skills.

Zhao Ming wants to come out of "Let the Bullets Fly" and recently released a photo to make a comeback with a new image

Due to the recent release of the photo caused a hot discussion, Zhao Ming expressed her original intention: As an actor, just because of the good figure and let the audience remember is not a good thing, which will make people ignore the performance and art, (this) is the sadness of the actor, so my release of the photo is really solemn, but also thoughtful. I had to present my determination with a whole new image and form, the determination of an actor!

Zhao Ming wants to come out of "Let the Bullets Fly" and recently released a photo to make a comeback with a new image

Some netizens said that they had not seen Zhao Ming's play for a long time. Don't wait too long, Zhao Ming is currently playing a major role in a movie. "After all these years of baptism, I realized the importance of subverting myself. I've always had confidence in myself, and it's the pursuit of being an actor to keep amazed. Zhao Ming said. It seems that she is serious this time.

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