
Zhang He "Immediate Gong" (Putou Town, Jiangdu, Yangzhou)

author:History of Jiangdu

According to legend, Zhang He, a fiancée of Qianlong Yi ugly Ke Wujinshi, lived in Yuantan Village in Putou and was a Miss Qianjin of the Yuan family.

Zhang He "Immediate Gong" (Putou Town, Jiangdu, Yangzhou)

In the year of Zhang and Zhongwu Jinshi, his unmarried father-in-law celebrated him at home. Zhang He took ma Tong to drive the horse to his father-in-law's house, and after getting off the horse, he gave gifts and gossiped with the guests one by one in front of the door. There was a soap horn tree the size of a bowl on the threshing ground in front of the door, and a guest said: "Zhang Jinshi has mastered martial arts, and today he may as well pull up this soap horn tree to open our eyes and see." The guests all bowed their hands in unison and asked Zhang He.

Zhang He estimated that he could completely uproot this tree with his own force, so he said, "The younger generation is now ugly." Without saying a word, he held the tree in both hands and pulled it up hard, but he failed to pull the tree up many times. Zhang He was immediately red in the face and did not say a word, that is, he asked Ma Tong to lead the horse and get on the horse to return home.

Zhang He "Immediate Gong" (Putou Town, Jiangdu, Yangzhou)

When Zhang He arrived home, he was sullen and unhappy, and his mother asked, "Why did my son go to my unmarried father-in-law's house so quickly?" Zhang He told his mother about the tree pulling, and her mother laughed after hearing it: "My son is a kung fu on the horse, how can you use force to pull up the tree when you are not on the horse?" After Zhang He listened, he suddenly realized, immediately got on his horse, and flew to the house of his unmarried father-in-law.

Zhang He "Immediate Gong" (Putou Town, Jiangdu, Yangzhou)

At this time, the guests in front of the door were still complaining about not inviting Zhang and pulling up trees. Zhang He rode to the door, galloped up on the threshing field, and after a few laps, when the horse had just rubbed the soap horn tree, saying that it was late and fast, Zhang He bowed his waist, held the tree in his right hand, shouted loudly, and took advantage of the horse's running momentum to uproot the soap horn tree, and the whole audience applauded in unison. Zhang He ran three laps in front of his unmarried father-in-law's house, with his legs clipped to the horse's back and whipped back.

Since then, Zhang He has never gone to his unmarried father-in-law's house again, and this affair has ended. (Xi Yaming)

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