
Zixing vigorously carries out clean and honest construction to promote high-quality development

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment, September 16 (Correspondent Zhu Xiaorong, Hu Sufang, Li Fangping) "The No. 8 work was cleverly selected, the theme was prominent, and the meaning was profound, and it won the first prize of this competition." On September 15th, at the selection site of the "Chinese Medicine Painting Qinglian" Painting Creation Competition of Zixing Medical Group Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, 43 works drawn with Chinese herbal medicines were uniquely creative and lifelike, and the meaning of "clean and incorruptible" jumped on the paper.

Zixing vigorously carries out clean and honest construction to promote high-quality development

This is a microcosm of Zixing City's vigorous promotion of clean and honest construction. Over the past year, the city has conscientiously implemented the opinions of the provincial party committee and the Chenzhou municipal party committee on promoting the building of clean and honest government, thoroughly implemented the construction of clean and honest organs, clean villages, clean enterprises, clean schools, clean hospitals, and clean family style, and made every effort to create a political ecology and development environment in which cadres are upright, the government is clean, the politics is clean, and the society is clear, helping the construction of the "one pole and six districts" and boosting the high-quality economic and social development of Zixing.

Zixing vigorously carries out clean and honest construction to promote high-quality development

In August this year, Zixing Medical Group Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital integrated the concept of honesty with the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, and held a painting and creation contest of "Painting Clean and Honest In Chinese Medicine" to promote the construction of clean and honest hospitals and cultivate the value concept of integrity and integrity of the majority of medical workers. With the theme of inheriting the culture of traditional Chinese medicine and disseminating the concept of clean medical practice, in accordance with the principle of strict conservation and elimination of waste, all works are based on Chinese herbal medicine as the main raw material, the pharmacological effect of traditional Chinese medicine implies the theme of "clean and honest", and the unique culture of honesty of traditional Chinese medicine is used to cultivate medical ethics and medical style.

Zixing vigorously carries out clean and honest construction to promote high-quality development

"Taoists believe that Taiji Bagua symbolizes the vastness of divine powers and deters evil, and Bagua is consistent with the yin and yang theory of Chinese medicine, so we chose 11 flavors of Chinese medicine such as safflower, astragalus, green leaf, cassia seed, etc., and drew this 'Taiji Bagua Diagram', and its pharmacological effect just means 'honesty and honesty, the benevolence of the doctor'." After the competition, the first prize winner Wang Linglong introduced his creative concept.

It is understood that in the process of building a clean and honest hospital, the Zixing Medical Group Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital implemented the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, deepened the construction of work style, organized and signed the "Commitment to the Honest Practice of Medical Personnel" and the "Agreement on Doctors and Patients Not Receiving and Sending "Red Packets", and unblocked the channels for letters and visits to report complaints, set up a reporting mailbox, established a complaint handling mechanism, and increased the discipline supervision of the "nine no-nos" of medical practice. At the same time, it is necessary to increase publicity and warning education on honest government, strengthen supervision of power, and implement systems such as the "four not directly in charge" of party and government posts, reports on matters related to the personal affairs of leading cadres, and heart-to-heart talks. Since the beginning of this year, the hospital has carried out a total of 13 disciplinary inspections, rejected 5 red envelopes for a total of 2200 yuan, carried out 4 warning education sessions, 1 collective integrity talk, and reminded 235 people.

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