
Help Gan products enter Guangdong, Guangdong products out of the circle Longxun Expressway auspicious service area opens to welcome guests

author:Southern News Network

On June 30, Guangdong Communications Group announced that the Longxun Expressway, the seventh inter-provincial high-speed corridor between Guangdong and Jiangxi, was completed and opened to traffic, and the auspicious service area of the project opened to welcome guests on the same day.

Help Gan products enter Guangdong, Guangdong products out of the circle Longxun Expressway auspicious service area opens to welcome guests

The design concept of the main service building scheme of Jixiang Service Area is derived from the city flower triangle plum in Heyuan City, extracting the basic geometric prototype of the triangle plum "triangle" and integrating the hexagonal umbrella shape.

Help Gan products enter Guangdong, Guangdong products out of the circle Longxun Expressway auspicious service area opens to welcome guests

"There are a total of 106 umbrella units in the service area building. An umbrella is assembled by 1 special-shaped column, 6 edge banding beams, 6 cantilever beams, 18 UHPC panels, a total of 31 prefabricated parts, and the appearance is formed by pouring fair-faced concrete at one time. The overall assembly rate is 93%, which greatly reduces the amount of on-site pouring materials and decorative materials. Cai Jiaxin, secretary of the Party branch and director of Longxun Expressway, introduced that the service building is supported by the "umbrella frame", and the "umbrella surface" is connected as a whole to form the roof of the service building, with a strong sense of design, which will bring a new travel and rest experience to the drivers and passengers.

The project integrates the forward-looking prefabricated design concept into the standard unitized design, in order to create a representative, innovative and avant-garde boutique design in the exquisite and small building volume.

At the same time, the pillars, beams and roof panels of the auspicious service building are made of fair-faced concrete as the main material, and the wall body is combined with fair-faced concrete finished hanging board and glass curtain wall, with a unified appearance tone, containing natural simplicity and elegant and heavy artistic atmosphere, simple and gorgeous, without decoration and whitewashing, taking into account environmental protection and beauty.

Help Gan products enter Guangdong, Guangdong products out of the circle Longxun Expressway auspicious service area opens to welcome guests

The Jixiang service area is characterized by standardization, high assembly rate, flow space, and self-shading system. The window-to-wall area ratio of the façade of the service building is appropriate, which can make full use of natural lighting and reduce the energy consumption of lighting fixtures; The layout of the building is scattered, the windward side is not blocked by each other, and the façade is equipped with an open fan to make full use of natural ventilation, improve the thermal environment, and reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning in the transitional season; The roof is insulated by vacuum insulation panels, the exterior walls are made of fair-faced concrete composite wall panels, and the exterior windows and curtain walls are made of heat-insulating aluminum alloy insulating glass, which are isolated from the outdoor heat exchange to the greatest extent, and the average energy-saving rate of energy-saving design reaches more than 72%......

In terms of the functional positioning of the service area, Longxun Expressway combines the function of the service area with the "Millions of Projects", innovates the resource utilization and commercial value development of the service area, and actively explores the integrated development of the service area and local tourism, culture, industry, products and other surrounding resources.

The project introduces Guangdong Nanfang Township Investment Industry Development Co., Ltd. to cooperate in the construction of the auspicious service area "Southern Vegetable Basket Rural Revitalization Product Pavilion", with the revitalization of rural industries as the criterion and the rural exhibit hall as the link, to build an exchange platform for agricultural products between Guangdong and Jiangxi, and to create two important exhibition and sales channels of "Guangdong Hundred Counties Specialty Pavilion" and "Jiangxi Products into Guangdong Exhibition Hall", which are equipped with Guangdong Province landmark product display area, Guangdong Province Baijia souvenir area, Jiangxi Province high-quality agricultural products exhibition area, Heyuan City special agricultural products experience area, integrated into the characteristic folk customs of Guangdong and Jiangxi, Humanistic elements and local characteristics, use high-quality agricultural products and characteristic handicrafts to tell the stories of Guangdong and Jiangxi, realize "high-speed" goods, promote "Jiangxi products into the bay", and implement the "Millions and Thousands of Projects" for Guangdong and promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangdong and Jiangxi.

Help Gan products enter Guangdong, Guangdong products out of the circle Longxun Expressway auspicious service area opens to welcome guests

The product hall will also carry out regular periodic exhibition and sales activities to provide more product choices for past drivers and passengers, and use the exhibition hall as a link to promote the circulation and sales of agricultural products. Through the local specialty exhibition and sales area, tourists can enjoy convenient services while gaining an in-depth understanding of Guangdong's local culture and customs.

The staff reminded that a total of 4 480 kilowatt charging hosts have been installed in the auspicious service area, which can provide charging services for 32 new energy vehicles at the same time, but the gas station in the service area has not yet been put into use.

Southern Net, Guangdong Study Reporter Luo Tianzi

Correspondents: Yue Jiaojixuan, Song Sisi

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