
Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and every day of my life is the whole of life

author:Hanging pot Ya Doctor


How hard is it to escape from a life that you can see through at a glance? Many times, Mary felt that her life was boring, and once, she also had dreams and was full of spirits. She threw herself into her life with all her enthusiasm, giving everything for her family, but only lost herself. However, day after day, her husband became more and more ignorant of her, and even the children felt that their mother should live a life that truly belonged to her. Finally, one day, on her husband's 40th birthday, she decided to surprise him: she embarked on a cruise ship sailing around the world alone, hoping to escape from life at a glance and give herself a chance to be born again. She met all kinds of people, each with their own plight, and finally found a way to heal herself on this journey.

In fact, from the moment life is born, every day is the first day of the rest of life.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and every day of my life is the whole of life

Life is a line full of twists and turns and unknowns linked by a point. During this period, too many people ignore that each end actually means another start, so he seems to be confused and helpless and even all kinds of depression and pain, in fact, as long as you have the courage to break the original state, you have half the chance of rebirth, and even the next will be surprised, because you are pulling away from the worst state and breaking yourself, so the worst is not the status quo. Of course, the premise is courage, to have to say goodbye to the past, to say goodbye to sluggishness, to say goodbye to unpleasantness, to say goodbye to lifelessness, to say goodbye to all that is not worthy of courage and determination.

The warrior ladies in the story have all done it, so they have all been given a new lease of life...

Blessings and wishes that every brave person who has the courage to say goodbye to the past, let go of the past, and start a new life can live a comfortable and loving life!

"If you bloom, the butterflies will come." If you are wonderful, the sky is at your own disposal. ”

Throw the list of unwanted things in your life to the sea, and every day after that is the first day of the rest of your life.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and every day of my life is the whole of life


We know the accident and tomorrow we don't know which one comes first. In this age of peace, the trajectory of our lives is so regular, if today is the last day of our lives, then how should you live this day?

If I had only one last day in my life, I would do the final job with all my strength.

No matter where you are today, what kind of work you do, or the unemployed, you should treat every day as your last day, because then you will know that your life is so wonderful.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and every day of my life is the whole of life


Every day of life is considered the whole of life.

Every day you wake up, today you have to finish today's things, tomorrow's you are not today's you, you want to wait for you to fall asleep, tonight you will die.

Treating each day as a short life will make you look forward to each day. This is actually a very interesting idea, don't feel that life is very long, it is not long, yesterday's memory is just a memory for you, the feeling of everything you did before, you will find that there is no way to fully restore that feeling.

Memories are just what you died yesterday left for you today.

And don't leave things to you tomorrow, because yesterday's you didn't leave you much.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and every day of my life is the whole of life

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