
Today is the first day of the rest of your life

author:Nanjing big orange said room


After watching "Happy Death Day" in the cinema, the most impressive thing was not only the heroine's high appearance, but also the sentence posted on the door: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." ”

A few days ago, I placed an order to buy "Ma Jiahui's Family Travels", and according to Ma Jiahui, he put some photos of himself in the book this time. As for the reason for this, his answer seems to be a little out of tune: because people at this age do not know when they will die.

Wang Shuo, a man of letters who looked very lewd, experienced the death of his friend Liang Zuo, his father, and his brother in 2001.

When people reach middle age, death is always very close, so close that you can smell that dangerous breath.

The people who read my articles are still very young, and young people always seem to be far away from death.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

Writer Liu Liangcheng said when writing about horses: "When horses are too old to walk, they will know how to walk many roads in the world." ”

Life, oh no, is when the "horse student" is nearing the end, and the old horse hopes to share his experience with the young horse, so that they can learn lessons and take fewer detours.

But, young horse, who would want to ask the old horse for advice? Even if they listen to the teachings of the old horses, they will not really take those truths to heart, because they are young, so they have a lot of time and energy to trial and error.

In the process of taking detours, generations of young horses eventually grow into old horses, and the experience of generations of old horses is always ignored by young horses.

Everything is like a reincarnation. It's not about horses, it's about people.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life


Today is the first day of the rest of your life, and no matter what day you read this, this statement still holds true.

The movie "Happy Death Day", like its predecessor "Groundhog Day", tells the story of the protagonist trapped on the same day.

In the film, the protagonist tries and makes mistakes again and again in the repeated days, and in the process gradually changes himself and becomes a better person. Because of this, they eventually jump out of the loop and achieve liberation.

Reality is naturally not a movie, but life is like a repetition. What makes people get into the quagmire is the immutable nature of the self.

Like the protagonist of the movie, when we encounter the problems of life, the first thing we think of is not to change ourselves, but to complain about difficulties.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

In fact, there are some things in life that can only be "done and obeyed by destiny", the only thing we can do is to change ourselves, as for the results, many times we can only lose to luck.

By changing yourself, you can become a better person, but not necessarily like the movie, to change the ending of one thing.

Everyone's origins are different, their family backgrounds are different, and some people have worked hard with all their strength to achieve something that is probably not as good as what others have when they are born.

I am not talking about the gap between ordinary people and the rich, but the difference between ordinary people and ordinary people. Children in the mountains are not born with the same children as children in the city, so life is inherently unfair, which is a reality that everyone needs to face.

The difference between people is not only at the beginning, but also at the end, because the end is often uncontrollable. Illness, disaster, accident, these unexpected factors can end one person's life, at the same time, they can easily spare another person.

Therefore, having a feeling that you may die at any time may give you a new understanding of life.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life


Today is the first day of the rest of your life, and the truth of life is that it is not divided according to the order of Valentine's Day and Spring Festival. Life is just a collection of things you've done over a period of time.

All festivals are man-made, but the rotation of the earth is natural, and we are living according to the calendar, going to work on weekdays and relaxing on rest days. And time does not pay attention to human settings, or more accurately, time is only a human setting.

I went to see Ocean Park today, and the jellyfish's introductory board says they only have an average lifespan of a few months. Through the huge glass, I gazed at them and felt a touching vitality.

I can't understand jellyfish, just as they can't understand me, but we're all beings on this lonely planet. We are all alive in the present, and the future will disappear from this world.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

Jellyfish have no literature, no movies, not even language, no concept of time, they just live.

Human beings are obsessed with time and are also cut by time. If today is the first day of the rest of your life, then this hour is the first hour of the rest of your life, and this minute is the first minute of the rest of your life.

Are you satisfied with this minute? Are you satisfied with this hour? Can you die today without regrets? If the answers were all no, would you look at time again?

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