
Jackie Chan entered a platform, the first day of the fan exceeded 20 million, how is the performance better than Andy Lau Zhou Xingchi?

author:Guifei Entertainment Sports Clip

Although there are fights between fans, it is undeniable that Jackie Chan, Andy Lau and Stephen Chow are the three stars with the strongest domestic fan base at present, Andy Lau entered the Douyin platform early, with fans as high as 70 million+, Jackie Chan entered a platform on the first day, the fans exceeded 20 million, Zhou Xingchi still did not enter any platform, not willing to show his face! How is Jackie Chan's data compared to Andy Lau? If Zhou Xingchi goes to Douyin, what data can be achieved?

Jackie Chan entered a platform, the first day of the fan exceeded 20 million, how is the performance better than Andy Lau Zhou Xingchi?

Many friends who do not know much about the operation of self-media mistakenly believe that reaching this number is simply relying on the number of fans. However, in the author's opinion, the actual composition should include:

1. Platform push stream. This is the most important channel for celebrities to increase fans, celebrities are also ordinary users, if there is no platform to push the flow, fans are no different from you and me. Taking the author's Douyin account as an example, a short video introducing rural love is simple and almost eyeless, but it is that yuexian died on the night of the death of the hot stream, and the number of views exceeded 10 million in one night, which has been more than half a month since the release of the video of the work, and the work is not directly related to Yu Yuexian. The scope of the push stream is so wide that someone scolds in the comment area, why push this? And and and Andy Lau, Jackie Chan, Zhou Xingchi and other top artists, the traffic is much greater than ordinary people. Friends who often brush vibrato should have added Yuan Lao's cottage account, which can be called one of the peaks of the platform push flow.

Jackie Chan entered a platform, the first day of the fan exceeded 20 million, how is the performance better than Andy Lau Zhou Xingchi?

2. Big V rubs the current. Many professional self-media operators on the platform can have a keen insight into such hot traffic, and Cheng, Liu and Zhou are all in the top stream, and everyone will rush to release works related to their entry. Whether it is a real movie fan or a fake fan, it does not affect the help recommendation at all. If you don't like it, traffic and powder absorption are king. This operation will complete the fans of two channels for the stars, one is that the big V fans directly pay attention to the stars and complete the fan grafting. The second is to expand the scope of publicity, and users who do not pay attention to the big V pay attention to the star because they brush the big V work.

Jackie Chan entered a platform, the first day of the fan exceeded 20 million, how is the performance better than Andy Lau Zhou Xingchi?

3. Fans (fans) pay attention. The author analyzes that in the top-stream big V, the proportion of fans formed by this channel is about 7-80%, and the stronger the strength, the lower the proportion. Because the greater the influence of the star, the greater the number of fans formed by the platform push stream and the big V recommendation.

Jackie Chan entered a platform, the first day of the fan exceeded 20 million, how is the performance better than Andy Lau Zhou Xingchi?

Therefore, whether it is Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, or Stephen Chow, in principle, the fan composition method includes but is not limited to the above three. In addition, it should be noted that the Douyin platform has nearly 700 million users, and the capacity is obviously much larger than the KS platform (including the author and his relatives and friends around him are not regular users of KS), so jackie Chan's achievement of 20 million fans on the first day is even more valuable.

Jackie Chan entered a platform, the first day of the fan exceeded 20 million, how is the performance better than Andy Lau Zhou Xingchi?

As for the number of potential fans after Zhou Xingchi entered the debate, in principle, it will be very impressive. Because compared with Hua Tsai and Jackie Chan outgoing personality, frequently appearing in social media, activities, film and television works, Xingye rarely shows his face, there is no social media, once settled in Douyin, the first to settle or exclusively settled in the four words, must make the platform more willing to push the stream. As for the fan base and stickiness, I will not repeat it, it is too easy to lead to war.

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