
"Farewell, Las Vegas" will attack, Wang Ji Wu Qilong plays mother and son, and Wang Ziwen plays "Beauty Drift"

author:Fans of legendary mini-dramas

When it comes to the TV series with the theme of "Beauty Drift", we have to say that the old drama "Beijingers in New York" directed by Feng Xiaogang tells the story of a Chinese couple going to New York in the United States to chase their dreams. That drama tells the embarrassing life experienced by Chinese couples in the United States, and is a real life demonstration of the Mei drift in the last century. In today's rapid development of China, domestic life is far more comfortable and convenient than life in the United States, in this environment, director Yang Yaya made a TV series with the same Theme of American Drift, that is, "Farewell, Las Vegas".

"Farewell, Las Vegas" will attack, Wang Ji Wu Qilong plays mother and son, and Wang Ziwen plays "Beauty Drift"

"Farewell, Las Vegas" is starred by Wu Qilong and Wang Ziwen as the male and female protagonists, Wang Ji as an important supporting role, and Ke Lan, Gu Zhixin, Guo Xiaodong and others starring. This drama mainly tells the story of a young man and woman with their own lives and aspirations, who met by chance in Las Vegas in the United States, and after experiencing a series of events such as friendship, love, marriage and the morbid pursuit of money, they found that returning to China to chase their dreams was the best life choice.

"Farewell, Las Vegas" will attack, Wang Ji Wu Qilong plays mother and son, and Wang Ziwen plays "Beauty Drift"

In the play, Wu Qilong plays Olive, an abandoned orphan who is adopted by Wang Jiufeng, played by Wang Ji, and raised in the United States. Growing up, Olive became the owner of a restaurant, a character with Chinese general gentleness and kindness, kindness and thoughtfulness, so even in the United States, Olive is loved by foreigners.

"Farewell, Las Vegas" will attack, Wang Ji Wu Qilong plays mother and son, and Wang Ziwen plays "Beauty Drift"

Wang Ziwen plays the wind, just like her name, a young girl like the wind, who went to the United States to pursue her musical dreams. Feng Er has a foreign boyfriend in the United States, and this boyfriend is her music manager. After an argument, Wang Ziwen broke into the restaurant run by Olive, so the two met. After meeting and getting to know each other, Wind and Olive fall in love and decide to get married.

"Farewell, Las Vegas" will attack, Wang Ji Wu Qilong plays mother and son, and Wang Ziwen plays "Beauty Drift"

After getting married, the couple began to face economic problems, and in the city of Las Vegas, it was a way to get rich, so the two began a journey of self-loss. After experiencing a series of setbacks and blows, Olive and Feng'er realized that the prosperity they saw was only illusory, and returning to China to develop was the most correct choice for them.

"Farewell, Las Vegas" will attack, Wang Ji Wu Qilong plays mother and son, and Wang Ziwen plays "Beauty Drift"

The old drama bone Wang Ji is a major attraction of this drama, she has starred in the American drift theme drama "Beijinger in New York", will play Olive's adoptive mother in the play, is an old Beijing who has lived in the United States for more than thirty years, doing things vigorously, as the restaurant foreman, she is the big sister in the restaurant. Daole, played by Guo Xiaodong, is a Shandong farmer who only wants to get rich, and because of his stubborn personality, he made a lot of jokes in the play.

"Farewell, Las Vegas" will attack, Wang Ji Wu Qilong plays mother and son, and Wang Ziwen plays "Beauty Drift"
"Farewell, Las Vegas" will attack, Wang Ji Wu Qilong plays mother and son, and Wang Ziwen plays "Beauty Drift"

On the whole, this TV series about the life of "Beauty Drift" "Farewell, Las Vegas" is a new drama with a lot of points to watch. However, many scenes in this drama involve "gambling", so it is very difficult to pass the trial. The show was filmed in 2017, but for some reason it has not been broadcast, but last year, the show was renamed "Ah, Hometown Cloud", which reduced the gambling scenes in the play, so it is possible to broadcast this year. Are you looking forward to this show?

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