
Tuogu Four Ministers: With loyalty and filial piety, the son of the seventh generation of different kings Jin Riyan.

author:Refreshing breeze DSZ

In the long history of the Han Dynasty, there is a name that is not as loud as Huo Guang and Sang Hongyang, but it also shines with the light of loyalty and filial piety. He was a foreign prince, but he became one of the most trusted courtiers of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. His life experience is tortuous and bizarre, from a Xiongnu nobleman to a slave, and then step by step to climb to the high position of an important minister in the court. He was known for his strict tutoring, and even went so far as to kill his son Mingzhi. He made meritorious contributions to saving the driver at a critical juncture and became one of the four ministers of Tuogu. His descendants continued his spirit of loyalty and filial piety, and seven generations held important positions in the imperial court. This legend is none other than Kim Il-pan. What kind of wisdom is contained in his story? How did he find a balance between his alien identity and his role as a loyal servant? How did he pass on the spirit of loyalty and filial piety to seven generations?

Kim Il-pan's childhood was a tragic turn from a proud son of heaven to a humble slave. He was originally from a prominent background, the son of the Hun Hutu King, and his real name was Riyan. On the grassland, he should be the little prince who is in the limelight, enjoying a noble status and a privileged life. However, the twist of fate came unexpectedly.

At that time, when the Han and Huns were at war, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent the general Huo Qubing to lead the army to attack the Xiongnu in the north. Faced with strong Han pressure, King Hutu decided to surrender. However, on the way to surrender, King Hutu suddenly changed his mind and wanted to repent. This move angered the Han court and eventually led to the killing of King Hutu.

The death of his father completely changed the trajectory of Riyan's life

At the age of fourteen, along with his mother and younger brother, he went from a noble member of the royal family to a lowly slave overnight. They were taken to Chang'an and handed over to the government for disposal. For this young Xiongnu prince, this was undoubtedly a huge blow and test.

In the government of the Han Dynasty, Riyan was assigned to raise horses at the Yellow Gate. It was a lowly position that tended to the royal horses. From the prince to the groom, the huge gap in identity is embarrassing. However, it was in such a difficult situation that Hippan showed extraordinary character and ability.

Despite being in a foreign country and facing an unknown fate, Riyan did not give up on himself. On the contrary, he showed maturity and responsibility beyond his years. He knew that as the only male in the family, he was responsible for taking care of his mother and younger brother. This sense of responsibility made him calm and introverted, worked diligently, and did not dare to slack off.

In the days of horse breeding, Hinata showed extraordinary talent. He has a unique affinity for horses, which may stem from his lineage as a prince of the steppe. Under his care, the royal horses became exceptionally strong and beautiful. This special talent laid the groundwork for his future fate.

One day, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty held a grand banquet in the palace to inspect the royal horses. Hi Pan and dozens of other slaves who kept horses were summoned and led their horses past the temple. At this time, the beauties of the harem gathered, and everyone couldn't help but look at it secretly. Only Ri Yan always kept his head down and didn't dare to raise his eyes.

This move of Riyan attracted the attention of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Unlike the curious gaze of others, the respectfulness and self-discipline shown by Riyan surprised Emperor Wu of Han. Coupled with the tall figure and handsome appearance of Riyan, as well as the excellent state of the horses he was responsible for, Emperor Wu of Han became interested in this young man.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty summoned Riyan and asked him about his origins. When he learned that Riyan was actually the prince of the Xiongnu, Emperor Wu of Han was even more surprised. He admired the dignity and self-discipline that Hi Pan maintained in the face of adversity, and was also attracted by his talents. As a result, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty decided to give Ri Yan a chance to get rid of his status as a slave.

In this way, Riyan went from a humble horse slave to a member of the Han court. He was appointed horse warden and was responsible for the management of the royal horses. This appointment is not only a recognition of Riyan's ability, but also the beginning of a turning point in his fate.

From then on, Ri Yan began his career in the Han Dynasty. With his diligence, loyalty, and talent, he gradually won the trust of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. From the horse supervisor to the servant, and then to the horse captain and the Guanglu doctor, Ri Yan climbed the ladder of his career step by step. His life has turned a new page.

The turning point in Jin Riyan's fate began with the court review of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. At that time, Emperor Wu of Han noticed that this alien young man was not only tall and handsome, but more importantly, he showed respect and self-discipline that was very different from other slaves. This kind of conduct, in the eyes of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was exactly what the imperial court needed.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty immediately summoned Jin Riyan and inquired in detail about his background

After learning that he was the son of King Hutu of the Xiongnu, Emperor Wu of Han was even more surprised. The fact that a former prince of a foreign race could maintain such a noble character in such a humble situation could not help but make Emperor Wu of Han look at him with admiration.

So, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty decided to give Jin Riyan a chance. He first bestowed a crown on Kim Il-pan Tang Mu, which was a very high honor, symbolizing the liberation from slavery and becoming a free man. Subsequently, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed Jin Riyan as a horse supervisor to manage the royal horses. This appointment is not only a recognition of Kim Il-pan's ability, but also a trust in his loyalty.

Tuogu Four Ministers: With loyalty and filial piety, the son of the seventh generation of different kings Jin Riyan.

In the position of horse supervisor, Kim Il-pan showed extraordinary talent. He is not only proficient in horsemanship, but also knows how horses are used and how to care for them. Under his management, the horses of the royal stables became more robust and beautiful, which further won the appreciation of Emperor Wu of Han.

Kim Il-pan's talent and loyalty soon gained more recognition. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gradually promoted him, first appointing him as a servant, an important position close to the emperor. Shizhong can not only enter the palace at any time, but also be responsible for conveying the emperor's will, which shows that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has reached a very high level of trust in Jin Riyan.

Subsequently, Kim Il-pin was appointed as the commander of the horses. This position was originally exclusive to the emperor's son-in-law, but Jin Riyan was not the emperor's son-in-law, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made an exception to grant him this position, which shows the importance he attaches to him. Not only was he an honorary position, but he was also responsible for managing the palace guards, which further demonstrated the trust that Emperor Wu of Han placed in Jin Riyan.

Eventually, Kim Il-pyun was promoted to Dr. Gwangrok. Doctor Guanglu was a high-ranking civil official in the Han Dynasty and was responsible for participating in the discussion and decision-making of major state affairs. Being able to climb from an alien slave to such a high position shows Kim Il-pan's talent and loyalty.

However, Kim's path to promotion was not all smooth sailing. Because of his alien status, many ministers in the court had a grudge against him. Some people even talked behind their backs, saying that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty valued a "Hu'er" so much. These discussions reached the ears of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but instead of alienating Jin Riyan because of this, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty valued him even more.

This attitude of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty shows that he knows people well on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also reflects his political wisdom in trying to break national boundaries and recruit talents. In the context of frequent wars with the Xiongnu at that time, the reuse of a Xiongnu prince was undoubtedly of great political significance.

In order to further commend Jin Riyan's loyalty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also specially gave him the surname Jin. The origin of this surname is related to the family history of Kim Il-pan. According to records, King Hutu, the father of Jin Ilyan, once cast a gold figure to worship the heavens. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gave Jin Riyan the surname Jin on this ground, on the one hand, to praise him, and on the other hand, to hope that he would not forget his origin and family glory.

Since then, the day has officially become the golden day. This surname is not only an honor, but also a place of great promise on Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Jin Ilyan also did not live up to the trust of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he always maintained his loyalty to the Han Dynasty, worked diligently in the court, and made important contributions to the politics and military of the Han Dynasty.

The rise of Jin Il-yan was not only a reversal of personal fate, but also a microcosm of the political inclusiveness of the Han Dynasty. It shows the way of employing people of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and also provides an example for the integration of ethnic groups in later generations. The story of Jin Riyan has become a legend in the history of the Han Dynasty, and it has also left valuable political wisdom for future generations.

Kim Il-pan's position in the imperial court has become increasingly solid, but he has not let up his demands on himself and his family. On the contrary, he was more strict with the education of his family, especially the discipline of his children, which can be called harsh. This strict style of family education, later known as the "Jin Family Law", became a model for family education in the Han Dynasty.

Kim's philosophy of tutoring stems from his personal experience and deep understanding of Han Dynasty culture

As an alien who gradually rose from slave to high-ranking official, he knew that it was not easy to gain a foothold in the court of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, he paid special attention to cultivating the character and ability of his children, hoping that they would inherit their status and serve the Han Dynasty.

Kim Il-pan's style of tutoring is known for being harsh. He often admonished his children: "I am a native of Hu, the grace of the Han family, and I am ranked as the third duke." You Cao should remember the hardships of your father and ancestors, and don't be arrogant with wealth. This sentence is not only a warning to his children, but also reflects Jin Riyan's sober understanding of his own identity and his gratitude to the Han Dynasty.

However, Kim Il-pan's strict tutoring did not stop at verbal instruction. He also set a series of strict rules that his children must follow. These rules cover all aspects of daily life, from daily routines to dealing with people. For example, he asked his children to get up early every day to read and not to be lazy. Meals must be dignified and not gluttonous; When dealing with others, you must be humble and courteous, and you must not be arrogant and rude.

Kim Il-pan's strict tutoring caused quite a bit of controversy at the time. Some people think that he is too harsh and will suppress the nature of his children; There are also people who agree with his approach, believing that this is the only way to cultivate excellent talents. But in any case, Kim Il-pan's tutoring method did achieve remarkable results. Most of his children and grandchildren became important ministers of the imperial court, continuing the glory of the Jin family.

The most famous example of Kim Il-pan's strict tutoring is the "Killing of the Son Mingzhi" incident. This incident happened when Kim Il-yan's eldest son, Kim An-sang, was still young. At that time, because of his pride and complacency, Jin Anshang did not follow the family rules, and often mixed with some gentlemen and behaved debauched. Kim Il-pan's repeated warnings were ineffective, and he finally decided to take extreme measures.

One day, Kim Il-pan gathered the whole family and severely reprimanded Kim An-shang in front of everyone. He said: "Although I am of a different race, I have received the favor of the emperor and am ranked as the third prince. As my eldest son, you do not want to make progress, but play with things and lose your mind, and if you continue like this, you will ruin your family. After speaking, Jin Ilyan ordered someone to take the torture instrument and execute Jin Anshang on the spot.

Jin An knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and other family members also pleaded for him. Seeing this, Jin Riyan relieved his mouth a little and said, "Thinking that you are young and ignorant, I will spare your life for the time being." But if you do it again, you will not be spared! Subsequently, he ordered someone to beat Jin An on dozens of boards as a punishment.

Tuogu Four Ministers: With loyalty and filial piety, the son of the seventh generation of different kings Jin Riyan.

This event caused a sensation at the time. Many people were shocked by Kim Il-pan's harshness. Some people think he is too cruel, but others praise his decisiveness and the importance he attaches to family honor.

In fact, Kim Il-yan had no real intention of killing his own son. His goal was to teach Kim a profound lesson about the consequences of his actions. This practice of "killing children and killing Mingzhi" is actually an extreme way of education.

After this incident, Jin Anshang really changed his past mistakes and became diligent and studious, with good conduct. He also later became an outstanding official, continuing the glory of the Kim family.

When Emperor Wu of Han learned of this incident, instead of blaming Jin Riyan, he praised him even more. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty believed that Jin Riyan's ability to discipline his son so strictly showed his loyalty to the country and the importance he attached to the honor of his family. This strengthened Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's trust in Jin Riyan.

Jin Riyan's strict tutoring not only influenced his children and grandchildren, but also had a profound impact on family education throughout the Han Dynasty. Many aristocratic families began to emulate the Kim family law, emphasizing strict discipline over their children. Although this type of education may seem too harsh today, it did produce many excellent talents in the social context of the time.

Jin Ilpan's contributions to the Han Wu Dynasty were manifold, not only in his official duties, but also in his influence on national policy and his participation in foreign affairs. As a former Xiongnu prince, Jin played a unique role in handling Han-Hungarian relations.

On the military side, Jin Ilpan, with his in-depth knowledge of the Xiongnu, provided valuable advice for the Han Dynasty to formulate a strategy against the Xiongnu. In the second year of Yuanzhan (121 BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty decided to launch a large-scale attack on the Xiongnu. When developing the battle plan, Kim Il-pan made a unique proposal. He pointed out that the living habits and tactics of the Xiongnu were very different from those of the Han army, and it would be difficult to achieve a decisive victory if they followed the conventional way of fighting. He suggested that the Han army learn the cavalry and archery skills of the Xiongnu and adopt the tactics of rapid assault by light cavalry.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty adopted Jin Riyan's suggestion and specially formed a light cavalry unit, led by Huo Quzhi. This army made many achievements in later battles, especially in the Battle of Hexi, Huo Qubing led the light cavalry deep into the hinterland of the Xiongnu, defeated the Xiongnu Youxian King in one fell swoop, and laid the foundation for the Han Dynasty to seize the Hexi Corridor.

On the diplomatic front, Kim Il-pan also played an important role

In the second year of Yuan Ding (115 BC), the Xiongnu Shan Yu sent an envoy to Chang'an, expressing his willingness to make peace with the Han Dynasty. The ministers of the DPRK and China have different opinions on this proposal. Some advocate acceptance, arguing that it can temporarily ease border pressure; There were also those who objected, fearing that this was just a delaying tactic by the Huns.

At this critical moment, Kim Il-pan put forward his own views. He pointed out that the Xiongnu's offer of peace could indeed be deceptive, but it was not wise to reject it altogether. He suggested that it was acceptable to be peaceful, but at the same time it was necessary to strengthen border defense and continue to develop military forces. He said: "Peace can be exchanged for peace for a while, but true peace requires great strength to maintain." "

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty adopted Jin Riyan's suggestion. He accepted the Huns' request for peace, but at the same time ordered the strengthening of border defenses and continued military training. This decision not only eased the pressure on the border at the time, but also left room for further military action in the future.

In addition to military and diplomatic, Kim Il-pan also contributed culturally. As an alien who has successfully integrated into Han culture, he is well aware of the importance of cultural exchange. He repeatedly suggested to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty that the cultural education of the frontier areas should be strengthened.

At the suggestion of Jin Ilpan, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered the establishment of schools in the border areas to teach Han culture. These schools are not only for Han Chinese, but also for young people of different races. Jin also personally participated in the compilation of teaching materials, presenting the essence of Han culture in an easy-to-understand way. These measures greatly promoted the spread of Han culture in the border areas and laid the foundation for later ethnic integration.

Kim was also involved in the legal reform of the Han Dynasty. He noted that the law at that time had many discriminatory provisions against people of different races, which was not conducive to national integration. He proposed to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty that these laws should be amended to give people of different races a more equal legal status.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty adopted Jin Riyan's suggestion and ordered the relevant laws to be amended. The new law stipulates that anyone of a different race who submits to the Han Dynasty can enjoy the same legal rights as the Han Chinese. This reform greatly strengthened the sense of identity of the aliens with the Han Dynasty and promoted ethnic integration.

In terms of economic policy, Kim Il-pan also put forward unique insights. At that time, the Han Dynasty's monopoly policy on salt and iron caused a lot of controversy. Some people think that this practice is too harsh and will cause public resentment. Kim Il-pan proposed a compromise plan. He suggested that while maintaining the monopoly on salt and iron, the control of the private sector could be appropriately relaxed, and some private individuals could be allowed to participate in the production and trade of salt and iron.

This suggestion of Jin Riyan was approved by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered this new management method to be piloted in some areas. The results proved that this practice not only guaranteed the state's financial revenue, but also alleviated the discontent of the people, and achieved good results.

Tuogu Four Ministers: With loyalty and filial piety, the son of the seventh generation of different kings Jin Riyan.

Kim's contribution to the DPRK is not only reflected in the specific policy proposals, but more importantly, he provides a unique perspective for the Han Dynasty. As an alien who successfully integrated into Han culture, he was able to look at the development of the Han Dynasty from a broader perspective. His very existence was a symbol of the inclusiveness and openness of the Han Dynasty, and provided useful inspiration for the national policies of later generations.

Jin Riyan served in the court of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty for many years, and still maintained a strong enthusiasm for work until his later years. However, as he got older, he began to think about how to ensure that his political legacy would continue. In the last years of his life, Kim focused on nurturing the next generation of talent and consolidating his political ideas.

In the sixth year of Yuanfeng (105 BC), Jin Riyan, who was already over seventy years old, made a bold proposal to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He believed that in order to ensure the continuity and stability of the imperial court's policies, it was necessary to establish an advisory group composed of experienced old ministers and young officials with potential. This advisory group can provide advice to the emperor in a variety of ways, and at the same time serve as a platform for training young officials.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty agreed with this suggestion and appointed Jin Ilyan as the chief adviser of the advisory group. Over the next few years, Kim Il-pyong carefully selected a group of young officials to join the advisory group. Among them were Du Yannian and Wei Xiang, who later became important ministers during the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty. Kim Il-pyun often discussed state affairs with these young officials and shared his experience and insights.

The establishment of this advisory group not only provided a more comprehensive decision-making reference for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but also cultivated a group of outstanding talents for the Han Dynasty. Many of the young officials who participated in advisory groups went on to excel in their later political careers and became the backbone of Han politics.

In addition to cultivating talents, Kim also devoted himself to systematizing his political ideas in his later years. He began compiling a book called The Politics of the Kim Family, which focused on his views on the governance of the country. This work covers many aspects such as military, diplomatic, economic, and cultural, and is a summary of Kim Il-pan's many years of political experience.

In "The Politics of the Kim Family", Kim Il-pan emphasized the importance of cultural integration. He believes that a strong country needs not only military and economic strength, but also strong cultural cohesion. He put forward the cultural concept of "harmony but difference", and advocated promoting the exchange and integration of different cultures while maintaining the cultural characteristics of various ethnic groups.

This work caused widespread discussion in the imperial court at the time. Although some of the ideas were considered too idealistic, the ideas on ethnic integration and cultural exchange had a profound impact on the ethnic policy of the later Han dynasty.

The exact date of Jin Riyan's death is unknown, but it is speculated that it should have been in the later years of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Before his death, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty personally visited him, which reflected Jin Riyan's high status in the imperial court. It is said that when he was dying, Jin Riyan was still making a message to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, reminding him to be kind to other races and promote ethnic integration.

After Kim Il-pan's death, a grand funeral was held at the imperial court. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made an exception to allow his burial site close to the tomb of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, which was the highest tribute to Jin Riyan's life's contributions.

The death of Jin Ilyan marked the end of an important political figure during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. However, his influence is far from over. The young officials he trained played an important role in later politics, and many of his policy recommendations were continued in the later Han dynasty.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that the policy of ethnic integration proposed by Jin Ilpan was further developed in the later Han Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, the imperial court enacted a series of policies to promote ethnic integration, many of which can be traced back to the advice of Jin Ilyan. For example, the imperial court encouraged Han Chinese to intermarry with ethnic minorities and set up schools in border areas to teach Han culture, all of which were suggested by Kim Il-pan in his early years.

The story of Jin Ilpan was also widely circulated in later generations and became a symbol of inclusiveness and openness in the Han Dynasty. His journey from a Xiongnu slave to a high-ranking minister of the Han Dynasty was regarded by later generations as a model of upward mobility and inspired many aspirants.

In literary works, Kim Il-pan has also been portrayed many times as a typical example of a loyal minister. For example, in the Yuan Dynasty's miscellaneous drama "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's Autumn Style", Jin Riyan was portrayed as an outspoken and loyal image. These literary works further strengthened the positive image of Kim Il-pan among the people.

The political legacy of Kim Il Pan still played a role in the late Han Dynasty. Many of his ideas, such as promoting ethnic integration, attaching importance to culture and education, and balancing the relationship between the central and local governments, became important components of the later Han Dynasty's statecraft. It can be said that Jin Riyan was not only an important figure in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but also one of the key figures who influenced the political trend of the entire Western Han Dynasty.

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