
Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life


The family of origin, the cradle of our upbringing, has a profound impact on our lives. It's not just a place where we learn to walk and talk, it's a melting pot that shapes our character and values. Wang Ziwen's story is a good example.

Wang Ziwen, a child who grew up in an incomplete family. The lack of warmth and care in his home environment made him feel an unspeakable loneliness from an early age. Growing up in such an environment, Wang Ziwen gradually formed a sensitive and thoughtful character. He always carefully observes the reactions of those around him, fearing that his actions will cause inconvenience to others. This excessive self-consciousness makes him extremely cautious when interacting with others, and even has some low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem, a seemingly inconspicuous psychological state, has played an important role in Wang Ziwen's life. He always feels that he is inferior to others, and this low self-evaluation often makes him lack the self-confidence he should have in the face of challenges and opportunities. His fear of failure and rejection led him to escape rather than face it bravely.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

However, life doesn't stop with your escape. In the process of growing up, Wang Ziwen inevitably had to face the establishment of intimate relationships. However, the absence of his original family makes him particularly vulnerable in intimate relationships. He longs to be loved, to be cared for, and this strong need makes him become too demanding in intimate relationships. He hopes that the other party can give him more attention and love, so as to make up for the missing part of his heart.

However, intimacy is not a one-sided claim, it requires the joint efforts and dedication of both parties. Wang Ziwen's excessive demands often put pressure on his partner. They may feel tired, and sometimes even feel guilty for not being able to meet Wang Ziwen's needs. This stress and guilt, if not handled properly, can have a negative impact on intimacy and may even lead to a breakdown of the relationship.

Wang Ziwen's story allows us to see the profound impact of the original family on personal character and intimate relationships. It reminds us that the importance of the home environment cannot be overlooked. A loving and caring family is able to raise confident, optimistic children. A family that lacks warmth and support may cause children to encounter more difficulties and challenges on the road to growth.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

Of course, this is not to say that Wang Ziwen's story is destined to be a tragedy. Everyone has the power to change their own destiny. Through self-awareness, learning and growth, it is entirely possible for Wang Ziwen to step out of the shadow of his original family and establish a healthy and stable intimate relationship. This requires him to first recognize his own problems, and then bravely face and solve them. Only in this way can he truly grow and have a better future.

In this process, we, as bystanders, can also give Wang Ziwen more understanding and support. We can help him find a solution to his problem by listening to his story, giving him encouragement and advice. Everyone's growth path will not be smooth sailing, but with the help and support of those around you, this road will become broader and brighter.

Wang Ziwen's story continues, and his character and intimacy are constantly evolving and changing. We look forward to him being able to find his own happiness, and looking forward to him being able to overcome the influence of his original family and become a more confident and stronger person. It's a story about growth, about love, about self-redemption, and it's full of challenges, but it's also full of hope.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

The TV series "Ode to Joy", I believe many people have seen it, it is not only an urban life drama, but also a drama that profoundly reveals the impact of the original family on personal growth. Among them, the role of Fan Shengmei is a very typical example.

Fan Shengmei, a woman who was neglected in her original family and at the same time suffered from great material pressure. Her family environment is not wealthy, and her parents have high expectations for her, but they hope that she can improve the family's financial situation through her own efforts. Fan Shengmei, who grew up in this environment, has a strong sense of insecurity and a desire for material things in her heart. She knew that only material affluence could bring her a certain sense of security.

This desire for material things also influenced her choices in intimate relationships. When looking for a partner, Fan Shengmei often unconsciously considers material conditions as an important consideration. She wanted to find someone who could provide her with material security to make up for the missing part of her family of origin. However, this kind of material-based intimacy often lacks real emotional communication and understanding, which makes her emotional path full of twists and turns.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

The relationship between Fan Shengmei and Wang Baichuan is a good proof. Wang Baichuan is an ordinary white-collar worker, although he truly loves Fan Shengmei, his material conditions cannot fully meet Fan Shengmei's needs. This made Fan Shengmei often feel dissatisfied and anxious when she got along with Wang Baichuan. She worries that her future is not secure, and that she will find herself in trouble again because of a lack of material things.

This dissatisfaction and anxiety gradually manifested itself in the relationship between the two. Fan Shengmei began to make more material demands on Wang Baichuan, hoping that he could give her more material support. However, Wang Baichuan also had his own pressures and difficulties, and he could not fully meet Fan Shengmei's requirements. This contradiction and conflict makes their relationship tense and complicated.

Fan Shengmei's dissatisfaction with her original family also played a role in her relationship with Wang Baichuan. She projected her dissatisfaction and expectations onto Wang Baichuan, hoping that he could become her ideal partner and bring her material and emotional satisfaction. But there is often a big gap between reality and ideals, and Wang Baichuan cannot fully meet Fan Shengmei's expectations, which makes Fan Shengmei feel disappointed and painful.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

Fan Shengmei's story allows us to see the profound influence of the family of origin on personal emotional needs and intimate relationship choices. It tells us that a person's experiences in her family of origin can profoundly affect her values and behavior patterns. A person who is materially and emotionally neglected will often seek compensation in intimate relationships, but this compensation often does not really solve the problem and can lead to more contradictions and conflicts.

Of course, Fan Shengmei's story also brings us some inspiration. It reminds us that we need to have the courage to self-awareness and self-growth in the face of the problems of our family of origin. We cannot pin our happiness entirely on others, nor can we expect others to fully meet our needs. We need to learn to be independent, to learn to be self-satisfied, to learn to seek true emotional communication and understanding in intimate relationships.

At the same time, we need to understand and respect the choices and difficulties of others. In intimate relationships, we should not blindly take, but learn to give and tolerate. Only in this way can we build a healthy and stable relationship and truly achieve self-growth and happiness.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

Fan Shengmei's story continues, and her relationship with Wang Baichuan is constantly developing and changing. We look forward to her being able to recognize her own problems and learn to grow and be independent. We look forward to a healthier and more stable relationship with Wang." It's a story about growth, about love, about self-redemption, and it's full of challenges, but it's also full of hope.

The drama "It's All Good" shows the complexity of the original family to the fullest. The role of Su Mingyu is a vivid portrayal of the influence of the original family. She was born into a patriarchal family and did not receive the attention and love she deserved since she was a child. In such an environment, she had to learn to be independent and learn to face life's challenges on her own. But at the same time, this environment also made her emotionally reserved, fearing that too close a relationship would hurt her again.

Su Mingyu's independent personality is a way for her to fight against the injustice of her original family. She studied hard, worked hard, and eventually became a strong woman in the workplace. Her success is a powerful response to that kind of sexism and a proof of her self-worth. Behind this success, however, lies a deep emotional struggle. She longs for love, but is afraid of it. She is afraid that her emotional investment will end up not being rewarded as she should in her original family.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

Emotionally, Su Mingyu always keeps a certain distance. She was afraid that too intimate a relationship would make her lose herself and that she would be hurt again. This fear makes her always hesitate and even evade when facing her feelings. She is afraid that her emotional investment will end up not being rewarded as she should in her original family. This fear makes her always hesitate and even evade when facing her feelings.

But Su Mingyu is not a person who completely closes himself. In the depths of her heart, there is still a longing for love. When she meets someone as gentle and considerate as Shi Tiandong, her heart will also be shaken. She began to try to accept the care and love of others, and began to try to establish an intimate relationship. But this attempt has not been smooth sailing. The influence of her family of origin has always made her emotionally full of contradictions and struggles.

Su Mingyu's story allows us to see the profound impact of the original family on personal emotions. It tells us that a person's emotional patterns are largely shaped by her family of origin. A person who has been hurt in the family of origin tends to appear more cautious and conservative emotionally. They fear being hurt again and that their emotional investment will not be rewarded.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

Of course, this is not to say that Su Mingyu's story is destined to be a tragedy. Everyone has the power to change their own destiny. Through self-awareness, learning and growth, it is entirely possible for Su Mingyu to step out of the shadow of her original family and establish a healthy and stable intimate relationship. This requires her to first recognize her own problems, and then bravely face and solve them. Only in this way can she truly grow and have a better future.

Su Mingyu's story continues, and her personality and emotional state are constantly developing and changing. We look forward to her finding her own happiness, and looking forward to her being able to overcome the influence of her family of origin and become a more confident and stronger person. It's a story about growth, about love, about self-redemption, and it's full of challenges, but it's also full of hope. 12457

The family of origin, the place where we first know the world, often unconsciously shapes our character and behavior patterns. Wang Ziwen, Fan Shengmei, and Su Mingyu, three characters from different family backgrounds, although they have their own life trajectories, their stories together reveal the profound impact of family problems on personal growth and intimacy.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

Wang Ziwen, a child who grew up in an incomplete family, lacked that warmth and security from the family since he was a child. This lack made him plant the seeds of inferiority complex deep in his heart. He always felt that he was not good enough and did not deserve to be loved, and this inferiority complex made him always seem overly cautious and even a little evasive when interacting with people. He is afraid that his shortcomings will be discovered by others, and he is afraid that he will not be able to meet the expectations of others.

Fan Shengmei, a woman who has been materially and emotionally neglected. Her family of origin did not give her enough love and support, which made her grow up with a strong sense of insecurity. She is always worried that she will lose everything she has, and this insecurity makes her become too dependent in intimate relationships, always trying to seek emotional and material compensation from her partner, but this often leads to an imbalance in the relationship.

Su Mingyu, a woman who grew up in a patriarchal family environment, did not give her the attention and support she deserved. This upbringing made her feel a deep sense of unfairness and neglect deep down. She learns to be independent and learns to solve problems on her own, but at the same time, she also becomes somewhat closed and conservative emotionally. Her fear that an overly intimate relationship would hurt her again, and this fear made her always hesitate to enter into intimacy.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

These problems have undoubtedly become obstacles in their intimate relationships. The inferiority complex makes Wang Ziwen lack self-confidence when establishing contact with people, and dare not take the initiative to pursue the relationship he wants; Fan Shengmei's insecurities make her too demanding in the relationship, which can put pressure on her partner; Su Mingyu's closed-mindedness and conservatism make her always keep her distance in the face of intimate relationships, and she does not dare to open her heart easily.

However, these problems are not insurmountable. Everyone has the power to change their own destiny. Through self-awareness, learning and growth, it is entirely possible for them to step out of the shadow of their family of origin and establish a healthy and stable intimate relationship. This requires them to first recognize their own problems, and then be brave enough to face and solve them. Only in this way can they truly grow and have a better future.

The story of Wang Ziwen, Fan Shengmei and Su Mingyu continues, and their personalities and emotional states are constantly developing and changing. We look forward to them being able to find their own happiness, and we look forward to them being able to overcome the influence of their original family and become a more confident and stronger person. It's a story about growth, about love, about self-redemption, and it's full of challenges, but it's also full of hope.

Wang Ziwen talks about the original family: The relationship between you and your parents determines the happiness of your life

The original family, a topic that each of us can't avoid, is like a mirror, reflecting the trajectory of our growth. Each of us is more or less affected by our family of origin, and these influences can be positive or negative. But it is important that we recognize these impacts and learn how to face and address them.

First and foremost, recognizing the influence of the family of origin is the first step in personal growth. It's not just about recognizing that our behavior patterns and emotional responses may have originated from childhood experiences, it's about understanding how those experiences have shaped who we are today. For example, a child who grows up in a demanding family environment may become particularly perfectionist and always worry that he is not doing well enough, and this excessive self-demand often comes from the desire for parental approval in childhood.

However, recognizing these influences does not mean that we are bound by them. Even if negatively affected by the family of origin, adults still have the opportunity to change through self-effort and become the person they want to be. The process may not be easy, but it is definitely possible.

The first step in self-effort is self-awareness. We need to dig deeper into ourselves, explore our inner world, and find out those deep-seated fears and expectations. This may take time and patience, and may even require professional help, such as counseling. But only by truly understanding ourselves can we get to the root of the problem and solve it in a targeted manner.

Next, we need to learn self-acceptance. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and we can't deny ourselves because of the influence of our family of origin. Instead, we should accept our imperfections, recognize our own worth, and believe in our ability to change and grow.

In addition, we need to build positive relationships. Good interpersonal relationships can provide us with support and encouragement, help us overcome difficulties and achieve self-growth. This could mean that we need to look for people who understand us and support us, or it can mean that we need to learn how to communicate and communicate with people more effectively.

Finally, we need to keep learning and growing. It's not just about learning new knowledge and skills, it's about learning how to better understand yourself and others, and how to deal with emotions and relationships more effectively. Through continuous learning, we can gradually get rid of the negative influence of our family of origin and become more independent and confident people.

Personal growth is an ongoing process that requires us to constantly self-reflect and challenge ourselves. While the influences of our family of origin may cause us some difficulties, they also provide us with opportunities to grow. Through self-effort, we can gradually overcome these difficulties, achieve self-transcendence, and finally become the person we want to be. It's a journey full of challenges, but it's also one of hope and possibility.

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