
Unlock the N tricks of the fat intestines - dry pot fat intestines, spicy crisp, rice killer killer

author:Sheep M Diet

Sheep's previous article unlocked the nine-turn large intestine, and the third unlocked was the dry pot fat intestine.

The taste is quite tempting, not old and tender, spicy and fragrant, super addictive, absolutely good ingredients for drinking, and invincible killer of rice.

Pay attention to me, continue to unlock more fat intestine tricks to eat, the next fat intestine, how do you want to eat? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to tell me!

Unlock the N tricks of the fat intestines - dry pot fat intestines, spicy crisp, rice killer killer

First of all, share the cleaning method of fat intestines:

The purchased untreated fat intestines need to be rubbed with flour, salt and vinegar for 5 minutes (to remove mucus and fishy odor), rinse with running water a few times, and then reverse the intestines to clean the inner layer, remove the excess oil and lymph, do not have to go too clean, a little bit of brine out of the taste will be better, and then pour flour, salt and vinegar also rub the inner layer for 5 minutes, and then reverse back to the original appearance, marinate with white wine for 15 minutes, and then rinse it with water.

Unlock the N tricks of the fat intestines - dry pot fat intestines, spicy crisp, rice killer killer

First, the material:

Fat intestines

Sliced ginger, shallots, garlic heads, garlic sprouts

Green and red pepper (circled)

Onion (sliced)

Dried chili peppers (cut into segments)

Rattan peppers

Star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, yamana, grass fruit

Sichuan-style dry pot sauce

Chicken powder, sugar

Cumin powder


Second, the method:

Unlock the N tricks of the fat intestines - dry pot fat intestines, spicy crisp, rice killer killer

1, boil fat intestines - pour water in the pot, clean the fat intestines, cold water under the pot, add ginger and shallots, star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, shanna, grass fruits, cooking wine, cook for 20 minutes, fish out;

2, change the knife - after cutting into your favorite shape, slightly evenly wrapped in corn starch;

3, fried fat intestines - hot pot pour oil, 60% oil temperature, the fat intestines under the knife under the frying pan, about three or two minutes, fat intestines slightly golden fish out of the filter oil for backup;

4, back to the pot to fry fat intestines - the pot left an appropriate amount of oil, pour in ginger, garlic, rattan pepper, dried pepper, Sichuan flavor dry pot sauce, stir-fry, and then pour into the fat intestines to stir-fry a few times, green, red pepper, pour in chicken powder, sugar, the side of the pot drizzle with an appropriate amount of cooking wine, sprinkle with cumin powder, garlic seedlings pour in, stir-fry evenly;

5, plate - the iron pot first preheat, the bottom of the pot into the onion pad bottom, the fat intestines in the pot into the iron pot, sprinkle with sesame seeds, coriander decoration can be.

Unlock the N tricks of the fat intestines - dry pot fat intestines, spicy crisp, rice killer killer

You can add your favorite side dishes to it, and you can have a different flavor!

A delicious red color, fresh taste, long aftertaste, full of strength of the dry pot fat sausage is completed, come to a bottle of cool beer or with a bowl of rice, excellent!

Unlock the N tricks of the fat intestines - dry pot fat intestines, spicy crisp, rice killer killer

Follow-up to unlock more fat intestine eating methods, pay attention to sheep M food record, eat "grass" is not lost "record", the next article hopes to unlock the kind of fat intestine eating method? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, like me to pay more attention to me!

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