
Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, every day there are several dishes to share with you, pay attention to take you to appreciate the taste of the tongue of the world.

Dry pot fat sausage is a traditional famous dish, fat intestines are full of strength, long aftertaste, the taste is quite tempting, spicy and fragrant, absolutely the killer of rice, super addictive.

The following is to share the detailed steps for everyone, and have friends who like it to take a look at it together.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Ingredients: Fatty sausages

Side dishes: celery, onion

Accessories: ginger, dried chili pepper, green onion, garlic, green pepper, millet pepper

Ingredients: star anise, fragrant leaves, white nuts, white root, peppercorns

Seasoning: cooking wine, salt, chicken powder, pepper, sugar, thirteen spices, oyster sauce, spicy sauce, pepper oil, cooked sesame seeds

1. Prepare the ingredients below

Supermarket-bought 300 grams of cooked fatty sausages for later use.

Fat intestines have flatulence, when you do not deal with it well at home, it is best to buy a supermarket cooked fat intestine to make a dry pot.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

2. Prepare the excipients below

Half a ginger, pat the ginger flat and set aside in a basin.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

3. Prepare the large ingredients below

Prepare a plate and grab 2 grams of star anise, 1 gram of coriander leaves, 2 grams of white curd, 1 gram of white root, 2 grams of peppercorns, these kinds of large ingredients are used to cook fat sausages.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

4. Start blanching below

Boil water in the pot, pour cold water into the fat intestine, fat intestine blanched water, mainly for cleaning and sterilization, wait until the water boils, then cook for 1 minute, pour out the fat intestine to control the water for later.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Let's cook the fat sausage again, this time for flavor.

Burn oil in the pot, add 2 grams of dried chili peppers, pour in the prepared large ingredients, add ginger, quickly stir-fry, stir-fry the large ingredients to make the aroma, ginger can reduce the fishy taste, add an appropriate amount of water, the amount of water is better than the fat intestines.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Pour in the old pump to the base color, add cooking wine, cooking wine can further reduce the fishy taste of fat intestines, add two spoons of salt, add a bottom flavor, and then add a spoonful of chicken powder, a spoonful of pepper.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Cover the pot and simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Fifteen minutes later, open the lid of the pot, use chopsticks to prick the fat intestines, if you can easily penetrate, it means that the fat intestines are cooked, fish out the fat intestines, rinse with cool water, and let cool for later.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

5. Prepare the excipients below

Prepare the green onion in small pieces, cut into small pieces and set aside in a bowl.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Prepare 4 garlic, pat the garlic flat and set aside in a bowl.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Prepare half a piece of ginger, cut the ginger into diamond-shaped slices and set aside.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Prepare 15 grams of green peppercorns, cut into chili rings and set aside in a pot.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Prepare 8 g of millet peppers, similarly cut into chili rings and place in a pot for later.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

6. Prepare the side dishes below

Prepare a celery, cut into about 3 cm pieces, and then cut into wide strips.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Set aside with green onion, ginger, garlic, then grab 1 gram of peppercorns and set aside.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Cut the fat intestines into small pieces and set aside in a basin.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Prepare an onion, cut into thin strips and set aside in a basin.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

7. Start cooking below

We slide the fat intestines, burn the oil in the pot, wait until the oil temperature is 50% hot, pour in the fat intestines, and after twenty seconds, pour out the fat intestines to control the oil and set aside.

Fat intestine lubrication time should not be too long, generally about 20 seconds.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Leave a little oil in the pan, add green onion, ginger, garlic, stir-fry a few times, pour in the celery, peppercorns, and then add green and millet pepper rings, quickly stir-fry.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

After sautéing the aroma, pour in the fat sausage.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Add oyster sauce to enhance the umami taste, add a spoonful of spicy sauce, drizzle with a little cooking wine, stir-fry for a while on high heat, stir-fry the seasonings evenly, and pour in the pepper oil.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Use an onion as a base in a dry pan.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Pour the sautéed fatty sausages into a dry pan and garnish with cooked sesame seeds.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Well, a dry pot fat sausage with full color and flavor is ready.

Dry pot fat intestines master this skill, fat intestines are fresh and crispy, not old and tender, even eat two bowls of rice

Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are simple and practical dishes for your reference every day

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