
"Jiangnan Metropolis Daily and Alibaba reward 10,000 yuan per day" Li Wenqi, thank you

author:Jiangnan Metropolis Daily

Wen | Figure Shu Xiaoyan, a reporter of Jiangnan Metropolis Daily

Jiangnan Metropolis Daily, together with Alibaba Daily Positive Energy, awarded Li Wenqi a special prize for positive energy who bravely saved a light woman, and rewarded him with a positive energy bonus of 10,000 yuan, thanking him for his help in the cold wind and cold water.

"Jiangnan Metropolis Daily and Alibaba reward 10,000 yuan per day" Li Wenqi, thank you

● "Dead clinging to the girl and refusing to let go is his respect and cherishing of life"

Life is always unsatisfactory, and the difficult thing is to grit your teeth and go on. And he himself stands in the face of adversity, but he still has the goodwill to do his best to help others. Alibaba staff called to express the hope that the reporter of Jiangnan Metropolis Daily could convey respect to Li Wenqi on his behalf and pay tribute to his persistence and cherishing of life.

"Jiangnan Metropolis Daily and Alibaba reward 10,000 yuan per day" Li Wenqi, thank you

In the award speech to Li Wenqi, Tiantian Positive Energy wrote:

The autumn wind is strong, the river is cold, and the cries of the women in the water touch the hearts of the people on the shore. Accidentally losing his right palm, he resolutely entered the water and saved a life.

Choking on the water and not turning back is his effort to save people. Clinging to the girl's refusal to let go is his respect and cherishing of life.

"Everyday Positive Energy" is a large-scale public welfare open platform jointly built by Alibaba Group and more than 100 mainstream media including Jiangnan Metropolis Daily, with the purpose of "spreading positive energy and promoting truth, goodness and beauty", looking for and rewarding ordinary people for good deeds in the whole society. At present, Daily Positive Energy has rewarded tens of thousands of positive energy figures from all walks of life, and invested more than 86 million yuan in public welfare funds. Earlier, Jiangnan Metropolis Daily reported that Liu Xuanguang, a retired old man who wrapped a lost child in a coat and waited for his parents, Zeng Yaoyao, the "conscience boss" of Wuning County, and Jiang Feiqiu, a member of the Fengcheng Chengguan team who held hands to help the elderly find a stall, also won this award.

● "Helping people without trying anything, helping people in my heart is a joy "

Li Wenqi described in detail to reporters the process of saving people. At 8 a.m. that day, when he passed the Taiping Bridge in the county seat, he saw many people lying on the bridge to watch. He looked up and saw a woman struggling in the river and making a cry for help.

Seeing that the woman could not support for too long, the situation was very urgent, Li Wenqi immediately ran to the side of the steps at the head of the bridge, took off his coat, plunged into the water, swam seventy or eighty meters later to the side of the woman who fell into the water, found that her head was sinking, Li Wenqi quickly used his left hand to the woman's armpit to support it, lifting it out of the water. After the woman's head came out, she took a few breaths to ease up, crying and saying "Save me".

Worried that the woman was too struggling to avoid rescue, Li Wenqi replied: "Save you, you have to listen to me, maintain physical strength I will save you up." Li Wenqi and the woman wanted to swim to the pier 30 meters away, at this time the crowd on the bridge threw a bamboo pole down, Li Wenqi quickly swam over and clamped the bamboo pole under the armpit of his right hand, and the other end reached out to the woman, telling the other party to hold it gently with both hands. Subsequently, Li Wenqi cocked the other party's bamboo pole, slowly swam to the shore with the woman, and rescued the woman on the shore with the firefighters waiting to meet.

As for why he quickly went into the water to save people at that time, Li Wenqi said that the situation was critical, he did not have time to think about it, and he was more confident in his own water nature, and his desire was to save people.

It is understood that this is not the first time that Li Wenqi has rescued others, five or six years ago, he once rescued a child who fell into the water in the Litan River in Nancheng County. The helpful Li Wenqi said: "I am such a person, helping people without trying anything, helping people in my heart is a kind of happiness." "

Li Wenqi is a veteran, although he was physically disabled by an accident, he always adhered to the optimistic and strong nature, and passed on the good family style to the next generation, when educating his children, he often chanted "as long as he has the ability, try to help people in difficulty."

Editor: Chen Jie

Review: Jin Luyao

Editorial Board: Huang Lianwen

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