
Working women, why aren't you angry

author:Watch movie magazines

Eighty years ago, Ruan Lingyu, a music teacher in [New Women], wrote for a magazine, but because she did not want to be the lover of the school trustee, she was dismissed from the school and committed suicide by taking medicine.

How can you not be angry?

That year, Isuzu Yamada in [Langhua Lamentations] worked for a pharmaceutical company, but in order to rescue his father and provide for his brother to complete his education, he committed himself to being a lover of the boss.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ The picture above is [New Women], and the picture below is [Langhua Lamentations], they spare no effort for their work, but they can't get the respect of men

Eighty years later, [the first half of my life] changed the image of the original independent girl in Yishu, and the workplace was able to step forward thanks to the man's order.

A year later, [Unnatural Death] was broadcast, and the female forensic doctor Sancheng openly questioned the murder weapon, but was caught by the "gender":

In recent years, there have been more and more female scholars, who are inexperienced but love to talk big.

An immature female scholar who speaks volumes. The sacred judiciary has been tricked by women!

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ In episode 3 of "Unnatural Death", in court, Mitsuru is discriminated against on the basis of sex

When it was, Sancheng yu was frozen, half-dazed, and pulled out a laugh:

You bite a woman, I am not born as a woman, can you choose gender when you are born?

She finally got angry, I clapped my hands and applauded, and for a moment I forgot that this kind of gender discrimination in the workplace is really a thousand in Japan and China.


"Unnatural Death" is a Japanese drama.

There are 10 episodes in total, and each episode will borrow a murder case to criticize certain social phenomena. For example, online violence, school bullying, overtime work.

What impressed me the most was episode 3.

When the female forensic doctor Sancheng went to court as an agent witness and showed the procurator a business card, the other party was stunned:

You are Dr. Sancheng, aren't you an assistant? I only heard your last name and didn't expect it to be a woman.

Before going to court, a lawyer advised her to "button up her shirt completely." Because the referees are all elderly men, the presiding judge is also conservative, which is not good for women.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ "Unnatural Death", the lawyer suggested that Sancheng button up his shirt

Earlier, Japan treated professional women far less harshly.

In the Jomon period, women were a symbol of abundant food and clothing, and people flourished, and they were worshipped and revered.

In the sixth century, the first empress appeared, Emperor Tuigu. She introduced Chinese culture, set up a crown of twelve orders, issued a seventeen-article constitution, and can be regarded as the earliest professional girl.

After that, the emperor (female) ascended the throne, and throughout the Nara period, there were women who dominated the throne, and there were six female emperors, known as the "Century of Empresses".

During the Heian period, a large number of professional women emerged.

They write japanese songs, diaries, and monogatari. The author of "The Tale of Genji" is Zi Shibu, one of them, the author of the contemporaneous "Pillow Grass" and "Diary of a Higher Level", who is also a woman.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ Japanese female figures in ukiyo-e

However, samurai emerged, seized power, established the shogunate, and ushered in the Kamakura era, which was based on samurai rule.

In the blink of an eye, women's status plummeted, much less than before.

When a samurai family gives birth to a boy, it must be reported, but the girl does not have to, because it is not counted, and it has no right to inherit the family property. Those who are literate read the "Women's University" and study the practice of being a wife.

Cautious words, talent must not be revealed, from agricultural production to focus on housework, the idea of "male outside, female inside" is deeply rooted.

Its theoretical basis is quoted from the Chinese "Confucianism of Solitude".

At that time, the entire Han Dynasty was advocating that "a woman without talent is virtuous", just need to know how to sew and wash the pulp, and even produced a "Female Commandment".

Since then, the status of women in China has become increasingly inferior.

In the Sui Dynasty, they could not be counted as the population of the divided land, but they were counted as the heads of the family taxpayers. In the Song Dynasty, they were forcibly tied to their feet, and "starvation was small, and the loss of temperance was great."

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ The wind of foot binding in the Song Dynasty spread throughout the folk, and even in the Qing Dynasty, it was women's pursuit of beauty, and it would be praised by Confucians if it was well wrapped

Therefore, Chinese can always find resonance in Japanese dramas. Because it is also a Confucian cultural circle, the soil under the feet is hundreds of years of male superiority and female inferiority.

But why aren't you angry?

Why not throw away the shroud, stand up, tell him you're angry, tell him what a samurai can do, and you can too?


In 1947, the Showa Constitution was promulgated.

It was formulated by the General Command of the United Nations Forces in Japan. There was also a female translator named Sirota Gordon, a women's rights advocate.

She asked, "Can we put into law a proposal for equality between men and women?"

Sure enough, the Japanese side refused and took a tough attitude. According to Gordon's recollection, the resistance was fierce, just as he had said that he would abolish the emperor system.

Fortunately, it finally passed.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ The original Constitution of Japan was written by Emperor Hirohito

But before long, women discovered that the constitution's so-called "equality between men and women" was useless. And in the workplace, it is particularly obvious.

In the 1960s, japan's economy was developing rapidly, and the labor force was in short supply, but women could only work as secretaries or front desks, arrive at the company early every day, pour tea and water, and endure sexual harassment.

I wrote about women before, and the European and American women in it were in the same situation as in the 60s.

There is an ETV network radio station in Japan that produced an episode [Life and the Constitution: Is Equality between Men and Women Achieved] on the 70th anniversary of the promulgation of the Constitution, that is, in 2017.

Kenshiro Kawashima, after becoming a teacher, in addition to class, also poured tea for the male teacher and cleaned the office regularly.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ Life and the Constitution, a Japanese working woman in the 1960s

China is not much better.

In 1933[Fat Powder Market], Hu Di played the heroine Li Cuifen, who worked in a department store, but was teased by the boss when she went to work.

In excruciating pain, she chose to leave her job. After that, I worked so hard that I opened a cooperative store. This was a very difficult "feat" to achieve at the time.

Later, screenwriter Xia Yan published a statement in the newspaper, forced by censorship pressure, to change to this ending. In its original work, Li Cuifen had a tragic ending.

That is to say, Cuifen, who was sexually harassed by her boss, would have a hard time surviving if she did not sell her body.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ [Fat powder market], such a self-reliant female figure, in the early Chinese films, is an exception

In 1945, [Modern Woman], Yun Zhen's family was well-off and had a successful career, giving speeches everywhere, advocating equality between men and women, but divorced because her husband felt that she "did not care about her family".

Also from a wealthy family, the United States and Britain can handle household chores outside of work. This is actually the director's criticism of Yunzhen's kind of professional women.

At the end of the film, Yun Zhen suddenly wakes up to the fact that only returning to the family is the way out for women.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ "Huaying Special Issue" reported on the movie [Modern Women], and in the lower left is Ouyang Shafei, who plays Yunzhen

In 1923, Lu Xun wrote a speech called "What Happens After Nala Left", saying that she had either fallen or returned, because she had nothing but an awakened heart.

Money matters.

He even proposed that in today's society, economic rights are the most important, "There should be an equal distribution between men and women at home, and in society there should be equal power between men and women."

Zhang Ailing is used to ridicule people, and she also believes that the empty awakening heart is not worth mentioning, only enough to "go, go upstairs".

Since the 1950s, there have been four social discussions in China about "women going home". In 1994, Li Yinhe finally couldn't bear it:

The Constitution stipulates that citizens have the right to work, and women are citizens, so women also have the right to work.

Prior to that, in 1985, Japan enacted the Equal Employment Act for Men and Women to ensure equality between men and women in the workplace.

Therefore, in the Japanese drama "Tokyo Women's Picture Book", the handsome female boss said:

In 1985, the Equal Employment Opportunities Act for Men and Women was enacted, and I do not hire women who do not know this law.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ The above picture is the Equal Employment Opportunities Law for Men and Women, and the picture below is the "Tokyo Women's Picture Book", which can prevent women from encountering discrimination in recruitment, promotion, salary increase, retirement, etc

But what about knowing?

After 1990, some enterprises took advantage of legal loopholes and set up two types of recruitment positions, "general position" and "general position".

The former will be intensively cultivated and has great room for promotion. The latter is only responsible for the company's chores, such as pouring tea and water, and photocopying documents.

This is certainly for women.

In the Japanese drama [I don't work today], the heroine works for a property company, doing "general duties", filling out forms, loading goods, making coffee for everyone, and so on.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ "Don't go to work today", the work of the heroine is to fill out forms and package goods

Therefore, in [unnatural death], forensic doctor Misumi is suspected of being just an "assistant", because women who climb to this position are really rare.

But even if you do "general work", can women be treated equally?

In the Japanese drama [Non-Mother White Book], the heroine is about to enter the age of 50 and is the first generation protected by the "Employment Law".

She is a boss in a company, but she is often reprimanded by men who are subordinates, and if she sheds tears, the other party will say:

Crying is a common tactic used by women.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ "Non-Mother White Book", the female boss suffered discrimination in the company, embattled

In the [problem restaurant], a female employee working in a catering company was asked by her supervisor to go to the conference room due to a work mistake and apologize naked in front of 20 men.

Also, walk around the conference room.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ One of the controversial scenes in "Problem Restaurant" claims to portray men as too straight male cancer

In addition, women are not paid as much as men.

According to a 2013 survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, women earn only 80% of men's wages, even if they work together.

The Professional Life of Women in East Asia contains:

In South Korea, women working full-time earn the equivalent of 54.6 percent of men's income; in Taiwan, women earn 69.8 percent of men's income.

In the mainland, the figure is 68 per cent.

Why? Because whether it is China or Japan, there is a tacit view in society:

Sooner or later, women will have to return to the family, sacrificing career development to a certain extent, and cannot be flexibly used as talents.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ In the Japanese drama "HOPE ~ Unborn ~", the man let the woman answer the phone to make a photocopy, and complained behind his back

Even with so much in common, there is still a gap between China and Japan: not knowing it.

[Dulala Promotion] self-proclaimed "female white-collar workplace survival manual", actually leaned on the male boss, fell into a one-night stand, and played the aunt drama of "two women fighting for a man".

The heroine in [Shanshan is coming] benefits from the domineering president who is willing to contract a fish pond for her. The female designer in [Carat Lovers] also relies on the eldest son of the jewelry tycoon.

Including [the first half of my life], Luo Zijun, who claims to be a "turned woman", still relies on the humility and guidance of men to ascend to the throne.

[Why Sheng Zhenmo] is more blunt, the male protagonist did not even say a superfluous word, directly throw a card to the female protagonist -

Working women, why aren't you angry

Without these, professional women can not talk about any strength and capital, to complete their gorgeous turnaround.

However, whether the status is not equal, or the man gives up, as a professional woman, why don't you get angry?

Why not tell them, tell the screenwriters, that women's right to pursue careers is innate and never needs gifts?


In contrast to single women, the situation of married women in the workplace can only be described as "severe".

For example, in 1960, Naruse Mikio [when a woman walks up the stairs].

The heroine is the bar owner's wife, after the death of her husband, she must not only run the bar, but also be responsible for her husband's parents, give her brother money to fight a lawsuit, and seek medical treatment for her nephew.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ [When a woman walks up the stairs], a woman who is caught between career and family

Another example is 1934, Cai Chusheng's "New Woman".

In order to get a job in Shanghai, the heroine Ruan Lingyu concealed the fact that she was married and had children, and disguised herself as a single woman.

It can be seen that in the era when female employment is not yet common, if you want to survive, you must pay a price. Married women, on the other hand, have to make sacrifices.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ Ruan Lingyu in [New Women], suffers from male oppression

Zhang Yuping and Han Yimei's 2013 paper, "Marriage, Parenthood, and Labor Outcomes for Women and Men," wrote:

Once married and having children, the wife's income will be significantly lower than that of the husband. Among them, the income of married women in urban areas (11984.58) is 35% lower than that of men (18434.33), and the income of married women in rural areas (9507.16) is 32% lower than that of men (13916.20).

An HR girl (Japanese) from a French bank said:

As soon as they get married, working women have no chance of promotion.

In 2013, the BBC made a documentary called "Don't Talk To Japanese About Sex", in which working women said it was difficult to reconcile family and work.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ [Don't talk to Japanese people about sex], working moms feel sorry for the company

In fact, in Japan, married men have a "spouse allowance" in their salaries, and if they have children, they will also increase the "childcare allowance".

However, if the man's wife also has a job, the subsidy will be reduced, and the man will be levied a higher personal tax.

This mainstream attitude is no small tremor for married professional women.

In the 2017 Global Gender Gap Index, Of the 142 countries, China ranked 100, Japan ranked 114th, and South Korea ranked 118th.

The first place is still Iceland, while the Philippines is the only Asian country to squeeze into the top ten.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️In the top ten of the 2017 Global Gender Gap Index, Iceland dominated the first place for many years

The report reads:

Chinese women spend 44.6 percent of their total working hours on unpaid work such as caring for their families, compared with 18.9 percent for men.

I think of actress Haiqing, who said in an interview:

Everybody told me that you can be a working woman, but you can't affect the family.

I wanted to make a difference in my acting career, but every time I took a step forward, my family covered me like a net. So how do I fight?

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ Chinese actress Haiqing, who successfully portrayed her daughter-in-law in "Wang Gui and Anna", is known as a "daughter-in-law professional household"

In Japan, married professional women are often referred to as "devil's wives."

They performed a ballet "Carmen", changed Carmen into a professional woman, and in order to get ahead, they did whatever it took to steal company secrets and frame their lover Jose, and the ending was quite tragic.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ The lines in "Problem Restaurant" puncture the ideas of the Japanese "Carmen"

But even if married professional women are entrusted with heavy responsibilities, once they take leave to have children and return to the workplace, they will be difficult, and even start all over again.

This is what the Japanese drama [Director of Business Natsuko Yoshira] is about.

The heroine got married and had children, took three years of maternity leave, and when she returned to the workplace, she was transferred to the business department (sales department).

The jianghu is no longer the jianghu, she not only has to socialize with customers, but also has to deal with lazy subordinates. But the boss made it very clear:

Companies want to use you to show our tolerance for women of childbearing age.

Working women, why aren't you angry

©️ "Business Minister Yoshira Natsuko" screenshot, originally a gold medal planning of the advertising agency, was not reused after giving birth, and the husband also complained

Back to that part [unnatural death].

Do you know what happened to the female forensic doctor Sancheng later?

Prosecutors were blunt, saying that "shirking responsibility is characteristic of women". The defendant was also ungrateful, saying, "I can't let a woman be my witness."

In the end, Sancheng gave up testifying in court and put another male colleague in charge, while he ran to deal with some office disputes.

So, women in the workplace, why aren't you angry?

Please tell him that you have had enough, and many times, it is not women who can't do it, but society, companies and families, giving too much prejudice and too little support.

You tell him.