
Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

author:Looking at people in the fog is not necessarily right

Yuan Yuxuan's birthday in July 1997, not yet 20 years old... Reading on the play

This face is actually quite good-looking, under the U.S. X camera, everyone is white and red with blingbling apple muscle

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

The official picture is also beautiful

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

It is not ugly to be intercepted occasionally

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

1. Suspected plastic surgery face ???? Someone released photos of her in middle school

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

But to be honest, oh, the little lord thinks that a middle school girl looks so pretty, ah, and the difference from the current appearance is not big, nor do I see any traces of plastic surgery.........

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

2. Live in a mansion and go to a top private school

Yuan Yuxuan lives in a townhouse with a large courtyard in Shanghai's Minhang District, and did not photograph what Yuan Yuxuan's family looked like, but from her early morning out, it can be recognized that there are such villas near her home

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

And she herself has posted photos of playing with dogs at home, as well as the courtyard

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

And there are quite a few animals in the house, at least four huskies, a golden retriever and a cat plus many rare and unnamed beasts

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Raising snakes.........

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

chameleon????? There are a lot of varieties

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Her school, in addition to playing, her middle school is also very dazzling

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Top Shanghai private middle schools, tut, tuition you know

Whether a woman is rich or not, but also depends on the bag, such as when she was 18 years old, she carried a 3W+ bag

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old
Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Rich second-generation boyfriend's luxury car? Sigh

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

You pat me, I pat you

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Boyfriend shows his true face

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

3, Yuan Girl's former Weibo was pulled out of the scale is also large enough to exceed the brain hole

For example, this kind of large-scale begging for support..................

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

And this kind of ... ... ... ... [ Write this kind of words seems to be a member of Wang Sicong's wife group????

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Oh yes, speaking of Wang Sicong, this picture must be released

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

4, no manners, open your mouth and get angry

When I first recorded the first grade, the director asked Yuan Yuxuan to go to a crew to ask for a play, and the crew interview was set in this kind of place ↓↓

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

YES This is the downstairs of the Hengdian Interview Hotel..................

A group role in this play

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Yuan Yuxuan pleaded bitterly and hoped to get 1,000 yuan a day's salary............ As a result, the director group said that hehe, a group performance will take 1,000 ???? a day.

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Subsequently, several reporters were asked to enter the house to shoot Yuan Yuxuan's request for a play, the director group did not nibble, the people present did not nibble, Yuan Yuxuan said loudly, who are you??? Which media are you from??? Why are you patting me???? You will invade my privacy in this way, ah, quickly delete the !!!

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Reporters present said

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

I really can't imagine that such a student who has not yet debuted, just a freshman student on the drama treats the media so rudely............ In the future, I will really play the female number one, but how can I get it???? I thought that a mouth with sharp teeth could be invincible in the world...

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Moreover, when she was in the first grade, a girl named Xing Fei ran out of the school for two days and did not return to school, and when she returned, she was severely criticized by the class teacher Tong Da, and at that time, Xing Fei had tears in her eyes and did not dare to look directly at the teachers

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Then Yuan Yuxuan jumped out, and Angry Tong Dawei said teacher you can't say this about Xing Fei [Yo, instantly feel good righteousness is not ????

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

In a battle of words, Tong Dawei felt paralyzed

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

But Aunt Yuan did not forgive, "Teacher, do you think you are our friend?" "You didn't act as our friend"

Yuan Yuxuan, who used to be so angry that Tong was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck, was less than 20 years old

Huh huh huh huh... Please allow the little lord to roll his eyes wildly for 84 times

Why ask your teacher to be your friend in class???? Yuan girl, you are a happy and harmonious teacher-student idol drama to see more is not ah??????

The road of the entertainment industry is still long,,, to learn acting, you must first learn to be a person, bye-bye

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