
According to observations, men prefer women who can coax people

author:Marriage and love expert Wei Tingting

In life, we often encounter such people, when talking about their feelings, they are always making demands on each other, but rarely asking for themselves. What they think in their hearts is that since you love me so much, it is your honor to be with me, and naturally it should be up to you to pay, and I have come to enjoy.

If love is really like this, should the person who fell in love first, or the person who loves the most, blindly give and become the humble party?

I never think of love that way. In my opinion, only love that goes in both directions can go further and be happier. Blindly paying will only make yourself more and more passive, more and more humble, and it is difficult to keep a love; just to enjoy the other party's pay, one day will make the other party disappointed and chilled. At that time, love will gradually disappear with this disappointment.

According to observations, men prefer women who can coax people

As long as you pay your own sincerity, people who want to protect a love well must want to have a good ending. Whether this ending will become your ideal appearance, the most important thing is that the two get along.

Harmony, tacit understanding of love, in order to create more happiness.

Belinsky said: "Love is the harmony and tacit understanding of two intimate souls in life and faithful, kind, beautiful things. ”

In love, there is a tacit understanding that you can guess the other person's mind, and the other party is also very aware of your inner activities. Although we often say that the sweet words in love should not be trusted, it is easy to immerse you in a pretend love. But we also have to admit that two people who love each other together are very eager to hear each other say something heartwarming.

According to observations, men prefer women who can coax people

Especially when there are some misunderstandings and contradictions, if they are ignored, these contradictions and misunderstandings will snowball like a snowball, until finally it will cause great harm to this feeling. On the contrary, if you use some nice words to coax the other party, these misunderstandings and contradictions will naturally be resolved.

In the relationship between men and women, what we hate most is verbal miserliness. Many times, things that can be solved in a few words are always unwilling to say it, for fear that they have become the "losing" party.

The opposite sex gets along, if you want to win the reason, you will eventually lose the feelings. The moment you lose, you will naturally have the deepest feelings. If you regret it by then, it will be too late.

In love, knowing how to "coax" each other is also a kind of dedication.

According to observations, men prefer women who can coax people

When we fall in love with someone, we can't help but care about each other and care about each other. Seeing a smile on the other side, our mood will become very clear; seeing a frown from the other party, our hearts will also be sad.

Giving, which is very common in love, is also the most intuitive manifestation of whether one person loves another person or not. If you don't even have the most basic effort, how can you let the other party feel your sincerity?

Gabel said, "Sincere love is richest in giving." ”

Many times we overlook that sweet words are also a kind of dedication. Like the couples around us who have been together for many years, they often complain that their lives are too plain and feel that they have no love. The reason why they feel this way is because they lack the flavoring agent of "sweet words" in their lives.

According to observations, men prefer women who can coax people

For this, many people will feel that it is not necessary, and those are things that only exist between young couples. Both of them have been together for so many years, why bother? There will be such a thought, which is undoubtedly the greatest harm to love.

Everything is two-sided, many people will only think that "sweet words" are lies, but do not know that it is also the flavor of love, it can also make love easier and simpler.

The more women who can coax people, the more they are favored by men.

Zhang Xiaoxian said: "Lovers will always say a lot of boring things, do some boring things, happiness is to have someone to accompany you bored, it is rare that neither of you are bored." ”

Some people may feel that it is better to waste time on these things that make each other happy than to do something more meaningful and worthwhile. But in love, what is meaningful and worthwhile?

According to observations, men prefer women who can coax people

In my opinion, it is not that to fall in love, we have to work hard towards the future life, we also have to take care of the life in front of us. If you can't even take care of the present, what is the future?

We can often see some people, after falling in love, every day thinking about how to work hard for the future of the two, but ignoring each other because of this, and finally losing love. When I think about it later, I will only feel that I am young and crazy, leaving too many regrets.

A smart woman will definitely pay attention to her own present moment, even if the day is a little difficult, she will use her own strength to create more joy and happiness.

They will know how to make men happy, no matter what difficult things men encounter, they always have some optimistic views of their own to enlighten men and make each other's mood better.

According to observations, men prefer women who can coax people

Love is regardless of the length of time, since you have fallen in love, you should find a way to make the time of both people happy and sweet.

Hugo once said, "For love, what is the year?" It's both a minute and a century. It is said to be minute because in the sweetness of love it is fleeting like lightning; it is said to be century because it is the eternal life of happiness after it has built life in us. ”

In sweet love, women want to be coaxed and spoiled by men, but at the same time, they must be clear that in men's hearts, they also hope that women can coax themselves, and can often say some nice words and encourage their own words.

Women are ignored in men's hearts, and it is even more clear that women who are favored by men are women who will coax people.