
Can ginger rub the scalp and really cure hair loss?

author:Micropulsion local health
Can ginger rub the scalp and really cure hair loss?

In order to revive the "dead" hair, people have searched up and down for thousands of years, and most of the home remedies created are irritating, such as the Western medicine grandfather Hippocrates once used a mixture of pigeon dung, cumin, mustard and nettle to treat hair loss, and the result is of course "no one left". Ginger is no exception, the legend of ginger curing hair loss is widely circulated, and there is no shortage of "witnesses" to call ginger. Is ginger really that magical? Does treating hair loss really work?

Ginger is rich in ingredients, from which can be extracted including ginger oil, ginger oil resin, gingerol, diphenylheptane and other substances, and the treatment of hair loss related components are ginger phenol and ginger alcohol in ginger oil, etc., animal experiments show that gingerol can dilate blood vessels, gingerol can enhance myocardial contractility, which also indirectly shows that ginger rubbing scalp does make local blood vessels dilate, promote scalp blood circulation, but just promote blood circulation can treat hair loss?

The answer, of course, is no. We have mentioned in detail the types of hair loss before, the most common is androgenic alopecia, androgenic alopecia is closely related to local hormone levels and high expression of androgen receptors, and is not directly related to blood circulation, so for androgenic alopecia, ginger rubbing scalp is useless.

What's worse is that gingerol, gingerol and other substances can prolong the telogen period of hair follicles, inhibit cell proliferation, and promote apoptosis, which is undoubtedly worse for hair loss, while ginger is rich in ingredients, and the risk of directly wiping the scalp leads to contact dermatitis is very high, and there is no need to take this risk.

We can still see a lot of shampoo and hair care products containing ginger extract on the market, do these products have a role?

Ginger after chemical process extraction, purification, impurities are reduced, the risk of allergies is reduced, and the concentration is also within the controllable range, the use of such products will promote scalp blood circulation, a certain concentration of ginger extract can also inhibit the growth of microorganisms, Staphylococcus aureus, Malassezia, Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, etc. have a good inhibitory effect, improve the scalp microenvironment, but for hair loss itself is still no therapeutic effect, so if hair loss occurs, please also go to the hospital for formal treatment, Don't get over ginger.

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