
Opening of the First Session of the Sixth Municipal People's Congress Sun Min Yan Shuishi participated in the group deliberations of the Anyuan delegation

author:Anyuan News

On October 28, the first session of the Sixth People's Congress of Ganzhou City opened, and Mayor Xu Nanji, on behalf of the Ganzhou Municipal People's Government, made a work report to the conference, reviewed the work of the past five years, and put forward the work ideas for the next five years. After the opening ceremony, the representatives of the delegation of our county warmly deliberated on the work report of the municipal government at the discussion point.

Opening of the First Session of the Sixth Municipal People's Congress Sun Min Yan Shuishi participated in the group deliberations of the Anyuan delegation

Sun Min, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee and secretary general, Yan Shuishi, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Yang Yougu, secretary of the county party committee, Li Qiuping, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, and county leaders Yao Jindi and Xiao Lu, attended the discussion. Jiang Qiaosheng and Wang Peng attended the meeting as observers.

Opening of the First Session of the Sixth Municipal People's Congress Sun Min Yan Shuishi participated in the group deliberations of the Anyuan delegation

During the deliberations, the NPC deputies unanimously held that the "Government Work Report" made by Comrade Xu Nanji on behalf of the Municipal People's Government summed up the past by seeking truth from facts and effectively planned future measures.

Opening of the First Session of the Sixth Municipal People's Congress Sun Min Yan Shuishi participated in the group deliberations of the Anyuan delegation

After listening carefully to the speeches of some deputies, Sun Min said

The government work report comprehensively and objectively summarizes the work of the government in the past 5 years, clarifies the development ideas of Ganzhou in the next 5 years, and is in line with the report of the sixth party congress of the city, with a high political position, practical implementation measures, a clear theme, clear thinking, and strong guidance and operability, which I fully agree with.

Sun Min pointed out

In recent years, Anyuan's economy and society have entered the fast lane of development, and various work has achieved remarkable results, which is a vivid microcosm of the city's development and changes. It is hoped that Anyuan County will thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixth Party Congress and the Municipal Two Sessions of the City, promote industrial development with high quality, deepen reform and opening up at a high level, promote urban and rural construction with high value, adhere to a blueprint to the end, and strive to show Anyuan's responsibility in the implementation of the "three major strategies and eight major actions" and realize Anyuan's actions.

Opening of the First Session of the Sixth Municipal People's Congress Sun Min Yan Shuishi participated in the group deliberations of the Anyuan delegation

Yan Shuishi said when deliberating the report

The government work report is simple in style and concise in language. The report summarizes very realistically, insists on speaking with numbers, does not talk about the process but only talks about the results; the benchmarking is accurate, closely following the decision-making and deployment of the "three major strategies and eight major actions" put forward by the municipal party committee; the goal is very high, and the main expected goals put forward are both to act according to their ability and to do their best; they are very strict with themselves, and they specifically propose to comprehensively strengthen the government's own construction, which is a pragmatic and good report.

Yan Shuishi pointed out

At present, the construction of Anyuan project is in full swing, the docking is integrated into the water, the creation of 5A is pure fire, and the development trend is like day in the sky. It is hoped that Anyuan's industrial development in the future will be the first, the integration into the Bay Area will be the first, the navel orange industry will take the lead, the tourism development will be far ahead, and all work will be in the forefront of the provincial and municipal competition for excellence.

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