
The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

author:Hammer nonchalant

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > two days ago, Tie Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the impact of leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min. </h1>

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

Friends who are more familiar with Jiangling should know that Sun Min is a crucial figure for Jiangling, and it can be said that he shaped the dying Jiangxi Automobile Factory into a brilliant Jiangling later.

Born in 1936, Sun Min graduated from Jilin University of Technology in 1959, majoring in automotive design, and was assigned to the Science and Technology Department of the Eighth Machine Department in September of the same year, responsible for the tractor business. In 1964, during the "Four Qings" movement, Sun Min was sent to work in the Jiangxi Tractor Factory because of family composition problems. In 1980, he was transferred to the Mechanical Design Institute as the director of the office before officially starting to contact the automobile manufacturing industry. Sun Min officially became acquainted with Jiangxi Automobile Manufacturing Plant (hereinafter referred to as Jiangqi) in 1982.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

The predecessor of Jiangqi Was an automobile repair plant under the Jiangxi Provincial Transportation Bureau in 1947 during the Nationalist Government. After liberation, it was restructured into Jiangxi Auto Parts Factory, which did auto repair on the one hand and produced auto parts on the other. In 1967, Jiangxi Auto Parts Factory was renamed Jinggangshan Automobile Factory. Began to imitate the Soviet Gaz to produce Jinggangshan brand cars. However, due to the weak technical strength of the factory and the lack of quality awareness, Jinggangshan automobiles have serious running, running, dripping and leaking, and the sales volume is extremely poor. By 1983, it had lost 56 million yuan in 16 years, an average annual loss of 4 million yuan, which was the largest loss in Jiangxi Province at that time.

Jiangqi Automobile has come to the brink of bankruptcy due to years of losses and long-term insolvency, and the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, as the competent unit, decided to send a working group to take over Jiangqi in order to change this situation, and Sun Min is one of the members of the working group.

In 1983, the working group stayed in Jiangqi for more than half a year, and most people thought that Jiangqi at this time was already terminally ill and the medicine was ineffective, so the head did not turn back and whisked his sleeve away, only a few people stayed, Sun Min was one of them. Sun Min, who stayed at Jiangqi, began to serve as the deputy director of Jiangqi, focusing on the problem of technological reform.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

Under the efforts of Sun Min, the quality problem of Jinggangshan has been well solved, and sales have begun to increase gradually. In 1984, in the past year alone, Jinggangshan's sales volume reached four figures, and the factory achieved a turnaround in just one year. Sun Min, a hero, naturally became the director of Jiangqi Inostitut.

Although Jiangqi's sales have risen, Sun Min understands that this improvement is only temporary. In 1983, BAIC and Jeep had already opened a joint venture, and if the joint venture model entered The country, Jinggangshan, a Product of the Soviet Union in the 1940s, would not be able to cope with it at all. So Hu SunMin set his eyes on the third-generation N-series light truck of Isuzu in Japan next door.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

This model was born in 1975, and the imported version sold quite well in Guangdong. Think about it, do it. Jiangqi wants to produce this car far less easily than Sun Min thought.

There are two ways in front of Sun Min, one is to go directly to Isuzu, and the other is to introduce it from other domestic car companies.

First of all, the hope of success is very slim; Jiangqi Motor was nominally part of the China Southern Automobile United Company at that time, and it was not qualified to introduce models independently. Nanlian's development plan for Jiangqi is to be a supporting enterprise of Nanqi, so it is impossible to help Jiangqi introduce projects.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

Speaking of the second article, the only one in China that had this model technology at that time was The North Second Automobile. However, at that time, the BJ130 of the North Second Automobile sold very well, so after the China Automobile Corporation gave the model information to the North Second Automobile, the Second Automobile chose to hide this model. How could Bei'er Automobile transfer a new model that it had not yet produced to Jiangqi?

Numerous difficulties forced Sun Min to be cornered, and he could only go to various departments every day to grind hard bubbles. In the end, the Southern Automobile Federation was forced to be impatient and had to throw this problem to the China Automobile Corporation, and Sun Min took advantage of the two points of the disagreement between the China Automobile Corporation and the Southern Automobile Federation and the dissatisfaction with the North Second Automobile Corporation to get the support of the China Automobile Corporation. In this way, Jiangqi Motor used China Automobile Corporation to catch up with Isuzu of Japan.

After Sun Min went to Japan to investigate, he immediately stared at the NHR of the fourth generation of N series light trucks that was just born in 1984, which was later the first generation of Jiangxi Isuzu.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

In 1986, Jiangxi Isuzu officially began production, and the localization rate soon exceeded 40%. With novel technology and appearance, stable and reliable quality, Jiangxi Isuzu became a hit.

It is said that at that time, there was also a hot phenomenon of not being able to get the goods for several months in advance. Of course, the popularity of Jiangxi Isuzu has also ushered in the dissatisfaction of peers. For example, the former Isuzu model of Kitaji Automobile.

The hot sales of Jiangxi Isuzu made Bei'erQi repent, and quickly launched a new generation of Isuzu cab in a hurry; yes, you read it right, it is the cab.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

Jiangxi Isuzu, which adopts imported Isuzu engines, is better than this product of Bei'er Automobile in terms of quality and driving texture. In the end, Jiangxi Wushi is stunned to crush The North Second Automobile at a price half more expensive than the North Second Automobile. The same encounter with The Second Automobile of the North is faw small liberation. The Jiangxi Fifty Isuzu, which costs more than 110,000 yuan, is to beat the small liberation that costs more than 60,000 yuan to the skin. This also confirms Sun Min's unique vision from one side, and it is indeed worthwhile to introduce this Isuzu model.

The hot sales of the Isuzu model have made Jiangqi a lot of money. In 1988, it made a profit of 50 million yuan a year, and even in the case of the downturn in the whole industry in 1989, Jiangqi Motor also achieved profits and taxes of 63.9 million yuan, ranking among the 500 largest enterprises in the country. Who would have thought that five years ago, Jiangqi Was still the number one loss-making enterprise in Jiangxi Province.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

In 1988, Jiangqi Automobile united 36 industrial enterprises in the province to form the "Jiangxi Automobile Industry Group Corporation", and a year later merged with the Nanchang Sewing Machine Factory, unveiling the wave of mergers and acquisitions of Jiangxi enterprises, in just a few years, Jiangxi Washing Machine General Factory, Jiangxi Trailer Factory, Nanchang Steel Circle Factory, Jiangxi Steel Window Factory, Nanchang Fuel Tank Factory, Jiangxi Water Tank Factory, Nanchang Brake Factory were successively merged by Jiangqi Automobile, and carried out a large-scale reorganization.

On July 28, 1991, after several years of violent development, Jiangqi Motor was officially upgraded to become "Jiangling Motors Group Company", and Sun Min also became the first chairman and general manager of Jiangling Motors Group Company.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

In the course of development in recent years, Sun Min has gradually realized the serious restrictions of imported engines on Jiangling, and many times Jiangling's production capacity will not be released due to insufficient engines. There are only two ways to solve this problem: one is to build it yourself, and the other is to set up a joint venture company. It was unlikely that a product comparable to the Isuzu engine could be built in a short period of time, so under the efforts of Sun Min, a joint venture Jiangling appeared in April 1993, and is jointly funded by Isuzu and ITOCHU Trading Company in Japan, with the two holding a total of 25% of the shares and the Jiangling Group accounting for 75% of the shares.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

In fact, sun min also has a purpose for setting up a joint venture company, that is, he wants Isuzu pickup trucks. At that time, in southern China, some self-employed people had already become rich first, and they urgently needed a model that could not only bring some materials out to talk about business, but also send a cargo to pull some accessories and at the same time be a means of transportation.

The only models that meet the above conditions are vans and pickup trucks, and at that time, the domestic van market has been playing like a hot kiln, and the Changhe river in Jiangxi is also drying this, and Jiangqi must not be able to dry vans. On the other hand, the pickup truck market is a blue ocean, and there are quite few pickup trucks in China in the mid-eighties, at this time, if a new type of pickup truck is introduced back, it is absolutely invincible in the world.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

In August 1993, the Isuzu pickup truck was officially rolled off the production line, and Sun Min was one step closer to the goal in his heart.

Due to the implementation of the pickup truck project, the demand for engines has further increased, and Sun Min has felt the restrictions on imported engines. It is imminent to establish its own engine factory, but in the past two years, jiangling has spent a lot of money on annexing the east and west, and has just established a pickup truck production line, and it is really not enough to build an engine production line that can meet its own production needs.

What to do? The company is short of money, then go public, so Hu SunMin found the relevant leaders of Jiangxi Province and proposed the idea of listing, who knows that most people in the audience do not agree with the listing of Jiangling. Everyone thinks that Jiangling is not short of money, at this time, there is not much difference between engaging in engine factories, and now life is not very good. Desperate, Sun Min had to find Gao Xiqing, then the chief adviser of the CSRC, and let him do the work of Wu Guanzheng, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of the province. This paved the way for Jiangling's listing.

At 10:30 on December 1, 1993, with the bell ringing of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Jiangling A shares were officially listed. Sun Min, who had money after the listing, finally got his wish to start his own engine factory.

After the completion of the engine project in 1995, it was able to supply 120,000 engines to Jiangling every year, completely solving the limitation of vehicle manufacturing capacity caused by insufficient engine supply.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

Do you think Sun Min is satisfied? No, he didn't, and at this moment a bigger plan was brewing in Sun Min's mind - he was going to make a passenger car. However, in the mid-1990s, the state's control over the licensing qualifications of passenger cars was still relatively strict, and Jiangling hastily proposed that the relevant parties of passenger cars could not agree to it, so Sun Min thought of a way to save the country through the curve. That is to find a foreign car company with a full range of models of joint venture, wait for a year or two after the factory is built, the production line is ready, and then secretly get some passenger cars by hand.

So Hu Sunmin led people to find the United States GM, but was rejected. Sun Min, who was in the United States, took people to find Ford again, who admitted that the two sides had a particularly pleasant chat, so in 1995, Jiangling Ford was established.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

Of course, good luck does not always favor the same person, and the first two years after Quanshun was put into production in 1997 were dismal, and Jiangling was almost dragged down. The stock price fell sharply for two consecutive years, all because Lao Mei misestimated the market value of Quanshun in China and set the price to more than 200,000. After Lao Mei couldn't bear to hand over the control of the project to Jiangling in the third year, Sun Min returned to the peak with a wave of price reductions and triplets, and Quanshun also became one of the legendary models that accounted for half of the country's bread sales.

JiangLing stood up again.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

Fast forward to the afternoon of June 6, 2003, Nanchang Mayor Li Douluo personally visited Jiangling Group and presided over the announcement of the new personnel appointment of Jiangling Group by the municipal party committee: Comrade Sun Min served as the economic adviser of the Nanchang Municipal People's Government and no longer served as the secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Jiangling Motors Group Company; Comrade Gong Jianhua, member of the Standing Committee of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee (who also concurrently served as the head of the Nanchang Industrial Leading Group Group Group), was appointed secretary of the party committee and director of Jiangling Motors Group Company; and Comrade Jiang Linsheng was appointed deputy secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Jiangling Motors Group Company Comrade Zhou Ming, assistant to the mayor of Nanchang Municipal Government, is a member of the party committee and director of Jiangling Motors Group Company. At the age of 67, Sun Min officially retired.

The dying small factory to the Red Flag in Ganzhong, Jiangling may really thank Sun Min, the chairman of the miracle, two days ago, The Hammer wrote a post about the Wuhan Light Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and in the comment area, an old employee of the Wuhan Light Factory had a feeling and spoke about the influence of the leadership on the factory. Hammer has also been working in the company seriously, so I am also deeply touched by this, and the shadows that flash in my mind are in addition to Xu Liuping, Wei Jianjun, and Li Shufu, who are still in power, as well as several people like Yang Rong and Sun Min who have retired. Yang Rong's thing has been said before, today let's talk about Sun Min.

From entering Jiangqi in 1983 to retiring in 2003, Sun Min paid for Jiangqi for twenty years. Jiangqi Automobile has turned from the province's largest loss-making household to an industry leader and a large-scale car company that plays an important role in the province. The old man also changed from a flourishing style to a white-haired man. This may be what a business leader and a business should look like.

Well, today's story ends here, and we have a chance to see you again.

Every car company is a good book, look at the car company's story and taste life. I am Hammer Kan, thank you for watching, and I wish you and your family peace, joy and long life.

Pay attention to the hammer to walk the night road, the next article we will talk about which car company? If you want to see anything, leave a message below

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