
Astronauts and gold medal reading promoters read aloud an excerpt from the general prologue of Barkin's "Riptide Trilogy" "Across Time and Space"

Beijing Reading Season Ends: More than 30,000 Reading Activities To Create a "Book-Fragrant Beijing"

The 2021 Beijing Reading for All and the 11th Reading Festival of The 11th Book Fragrance China Beijing Reading Season was held online on December 28, which brought this year's "Book Fragrance Beijing" reading tour to a successful end. In 2021, beijing's reading work for the whole people, with the theme of "Ode to reading a hundred years of road, exhibition and reading a new journey", held more than 30,000 reading activities of various types, covering more than 20 million people, and the construction of "Book Fragrant Capital" achieved outstanding results. At the event, Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Mengman, a well-known cultural scholar, shared their reading insights and reading promotion experience.

"I know that the torrents of life will not stop, and see where he carries me!" On November 14, the state media released a video sent by the Shenzhou 13 crew, Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu and Zhai Zhigang, three astronauts floating in the space station, staring at the blue homeland, and reading the excerpts of the general prologue of Ba Jin's "Riptide Trilogy" affectionately on the space station, which was affectionately called "poetry from afar" and "cosmic romance" by netizens.

On December 28th, Du Liang, Guo Jing, Zhang Ying, Liu Endong, Du Weiwei, Guo Qingli and other representatives who had just won the honor of "Gold Medal Reading Promoter" of the 11th Shuxiang China Beijing Reading Season recited the excerpt of the general prologue of the "Torrent Trilogy" again.

Reviewer: Pan Qiwen

Editor: Sun Min Zhang Zixin

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