
Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

author:The story of lazy travel

"If you only read a book, it becomes a bookcase." --Lu Xun

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

I still remember when we went to school, Lu Xun was still the "nightmare" of every student.

But Mr. Lu Xun in 2021 has transformed into "China's strongest bar spirit", "Asian terrier king" and "anti-internal volume master".

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

A picture of a gentleman smiling with a cigarette, coupled with a golden sentence that imitates his tone, sorry, I laugh first!

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

Comrade Lu Xun, who was enthusiastic in "The Age of Awakening", set up a sign of "No Dry" and went to the street to stand on the street, vividly interpreting what is called "anti-inner volume, starting from me"!

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

I just want to shout: Zhou Shuren, what other surprises do you have that we don't know?

Today, follow the little assistant to learn more about the story of "Xun Ge'er" and see his alternative contrast?

Zhou Shuren: Cover my little vest

To ask the writer with the most vests in modern times, Mr. Lu Xun should not give in, he has given himself more than one hundred and forty pen names, and the frequency of use can be said to be "moon throwing type".

I don't believe see the picture below ↓↓↓

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

(Lu Xun's pen name in those years)

"Ah two"? Worthy of you Mr. Yucai!

It is no wonder that Chen Danqing said: "Mr. Lu Xun is the first interesting person in China in the past hundred years." ”

You think that Xun Ge'er only likes to give his pen name, but he also likes to give people nicknames!

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

(Lu Xun's friend)

When Xun Ge'er was teaching at Peking University, there was a professor friend named Kawashima, who kept the student's head. Lu Xun found it funny and named it "A Pinch of Hair".

After Kawashima got married, Lu Xun once sent him a book and wrote this on the cover:

"My dear brother Mao, please take a hand out of your lover's arms and accept this boring and tedious "Outline of the History of Chinese Literature."

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

No wonder Mao Dun, who had been afraid of each other for many years, described him like this: "Spiritually, he is an old child. ”

Zhou Shuren: Take other people's roads, so that others have no way to go

How many people did Lu Xun "rob" of their jobs?

We can also write little love poems

In the Republic of China, for a while Xu Zhimo's love poem was very popular, what "I am a cloud in the sky, occasionally projected in your heart" ... etcetera.

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

(Xu Zhimo)

Mr. Lu Xun also joined in the hilarity and wrote a "lemon (small) lemon (acid) poem".

This is his manuscript ↓↓↓

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

Although it is written as a "love poem", it is also literature after all, and it belongs to the business scope of Xun Ge'er.

But he also worked as a designer? Did I hear you correctly?

My outfit is at the forefront of fashion

While others were still wearing long coats, 30-year-old Lu Xun had already put on his own design of the "limited edition Zhongshan Standing Collar".

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend
Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

("OOTD" by Xun Ge'er)

Later, Mr. Lu Xun also summed up a set of dressing theories: "Black is thin, white is fat; fat people can't wear horizontal stripes..."

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

In the end, his outfit was at the forefront of the times.

Replace Go with a pen and fight for a lifetime

On the afternoon of May 4, 1919, Beijing university students, represented by Fu Sinian, Deng Zhongxia, Luo Jialun, and others, gathered at Tiananmen Square to protest the infringement of China's sovereignty by the Paris Peace Conference, and the vigorous May Fourth Movement began.

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

(May Fourth Movement from The Age of Awakening)

Before the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, Lu Xun published the novel "Kong Yiji" in "New Youth", which profoundly exposed the poisoning of the imperial examination system on the spirit of intellectuals at that time and the oppression of people by the feudal system, which had a strong anti-feudal significance.

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

(Kong Yiji)

In the month of the May Fourth Movement, Lu Xun published a short story "Medicine" in New Youth, exposing the numbness and ignorance caused by the long-term feudal rule to the people, and secretly praising the heroic and indomitable spirit of the revolutionary Xia Yu, which caused great repercussions at the time.

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend
Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend


Lu Xun contributed "actual achievements" to the literary revolution with his novel creation, and for a long time, Lu Xun was considered to have assumed the role of the "main general" of the new cultural movement.

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend
Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

Lu Xun once said: "Literature and art are the sparks emitted by the national spirit, and at the same time, they are also the lights that guide the future of the national spirit." Mr. Ge used his pen to fight all his life, and was known as the "soul of the nation".

Watch the daily life of a writer

Lu Xun in my eyes: In those years in Beijing, I was with the pen all day.

In fact, during his more than ten years in Beijing, in addition to writing and teaching, Lu Xun also liked to drink with friends at night, lingered in the major bookstores of Liulichang, and tasted various Chinese and Western cuisines.

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

After the New Culture Movement, Lu Xun's family moved from Shaoxing Guild Hall to No. 21 Xisantiao (now in the Lu Xun Museum in Beijing), which is a typical courtyard. The three rooms in the south room are the reception room and library; one miscellaneous room in the courtyard in the east and west; three rooms in the north room, the east and west sides are the bedrooms of his mother and Juan, the middle hall is the dining room, and a small flat-roofed room is connected to the north, which is Lu Xun's bedroom and study. Because this room is like a courtyard with a tail on its head, it is jokingly called "tiger tail" by Lu Xun.

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

"Listening to plays, eating small restaurants, and visiting the glass factory" is known as the three major pleasures of the literati of the Republic of China, and Mr. Lu Xun is no exception. Often accompanied by his friend Xu Shoushou, he went to Liuli Factory, Taoran Pavilion and other places to relax on holidays.

Lu Xun: A foodie through and through

According to some people's research, Lu Xun often visited 65 restaurants in Beijing in the past 14 years, including high-end restaurants, Western-style restaurants, and small restaurants in the city.

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

(Three non-sticks)

Lu Xun especially likes Guangheju's one of the liquor soup "three non-stick", this dessert is like a cake non-cake, like a soup non-soup, when scooping food with a spoon, to one non-stick spoon, two non-stick plates, three non-stick teeth, refreshing and sharp, so the name "three non-stick".

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

(Winter cabbage buns)

According to the diary, during Lu Xun's stay in Beijing, he visited Zhongshan Park more than 80 times, of which more than 60 came to Jinyuxuan, just to eat winter vegetable buns.

Whether it is life or "fighting", there are many more stories about Mr. Sir. When you really understand Lu Xun and understand these literary masters, you will find that their lives are more fun, and one by one can be described as hidden "Duan Zi hands".

Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend
Si Biyuan studied the "Asian Terrier King" and "Anti-Inner Volume Master"? Take baby to see Xun Ge Contrast Meng on the weekend

(Exhibition at Lu Xun Museum)

The epidemic is not far away, when you have leisure time, you may wish to take the baby to the Lu Xun Museum to see the joy of life of the masters, pin Zhou Shuren's "universal golden sentences" in those years, let the baby discover the masters' alternative "contrasting cuteness", and learn the knowledge of literature and history in a relaxed and humorous atmosphere!

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