
Fun game "Dutch National Team" to enhance the core strength of players

author:Up the ball

This training program can improve the core strength of the players, while making boring exercises lively and fun.

Fun game "Dutch National Team" to enhance the core strength of players


Basic settings

Duration: 15 minutes

Number of people: 24

Football: 12

Logo barrels: 48 pcs

Training venue: 20 meters * 15 meters


Train in real combat

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Organizational approach

Players lie down in pairs facing each other, their hands resting between goals made up of horizontal marker plates.

There are players on the side of the ball doing push-ups, and in the process of doing push-ups, Shunshi uses his knees or thighs to push the ball (shoot) towards the opposite goal.

The opposing player must defend his goal with all his strength, cannot catch the ball with his hands, and must not move his hands away from the goal line. The most suitable place to catch the ball is the chest, that is, the main exercise when defending is the pectoralis major muscles and triceps.

Once you've finished defending, do push-ups to return the ball to your teammates on the other side. That is to say, in the course of attack, the player mainly exercises the muscles of the waist and abdomen.

And so on.


Guidance points

Demonstrate: Explain the rules and actions to the players before training.

Posture: Urge players to maintain a push-up posture for a long time, and not to lie down completely in the middle of the way.

Strike quickly: Use this to train the explosiveness of a player's muscles.

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