
Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

author:Little Cabinet Meow
Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

Sleeping young tangyuan Chinese garden cat

This issue talks about our native cats - Chinese pastoral cats, Chinese pastoral cats are a general term for a wide variety of cats in China, including Tanuki cats, Sichuan Jianzhou cats (four-eared cats), Sanhua cats, white cats, black cats (Xuan cats), black and white flower cats, yellow cats, Shandong lion cats and other varieties, of which tanuki cats and yellow foxes are the most common (gray tanuki cats are more rare), of which orange cats are the most prone to fat, and pure white long-haired heterochromatic eyes of Shandong lion cats are particularly rare and precious. Because China's history did not artificially select and cultivate cat breeds like goldfish, cat culture is not as developed as in Western countries. In the past, our Chinese ordinary cats have not had a scientific name, and in recent years, netizens have named the Chinese ordinary domestic cats "Chinese Pastoral Cats" according to the equally embarrassing Chinese ordinary domestic dogs. After six years of unremitting efforts by the China Great Wall Cat Club, the "Chinese Tanuki Cat" in the "Chinese Pastoral Cat" category has become the only chinese native natural breed recognized by the world in China. (ps: most of this paragraph is excerpted from Baidu Encyclopedia)

Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

Chinese Pastoral Cat Group Photo

Since the title is Cat Appreciation, this issue we have finally returned to the theme, in the next issue there will be a variety of cat appreciation, then without further ado, let's continue to look down. First, let's talk about the only native Chinese breed recognized by the CFA (The Cat Fanciers Association of the World Cat Lovers Association): the Chinese Tanuki Cat

Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

The CFA is the only purebred cat in China that is recognized as a native Chinese cat

You may wonder why the Tanuki cat is the only recognized purebred native cat. Because the Chinese pastoral cat that you usually see is basically a string (ps: this string is not another string, don't misunderstand, the skewers here are not the hot pot skewers we eat, here is the meaning of hybrids), for example, my family's cat Tangyuan, it and blue and white English short special similar, especially the coat color, but carefully observe the face shape, ear shape and some hair color markings of the slight difference and personality, it and the Chinese pastoral cat Sichuan Jianzhou cat is the same, so Tangyuan's parents, It should be the Short Blue Cat or Blue White and native cat breeding (ps: this is a personal guess), and then for example, the Linqing Lion Cat, its ancestors are Persian cats (traditional Angolan cats) and Rusi Tanuki cats (Shanxi West Tanuki cats) bred, and the Chinese Tanuki cat belongs to the natural cat species, is a cat breed that has evolved naturally through thousands of years, has a long history of genetic precipitation, so the genes of the Tanuki cat tend to be perfect, the appearance is also very in line with the natural aesthetics, healthy physique, making it easier to raise, And tanuki cat is one of the earliest natural breeds that appear in China's records of cats, people are most familiar with the history is the Song Dynasty "Tanuki cat for prince" story, so only the Chinese Tanuki cat is recognized as the only purebred native cat (ps: CFA certification standards for the Chinese Tanuki cat: Tanuki cat is one of the earliest natural breeds that appear in the records of Cats in China, its wide range, strong mouse catching ability, lively, active, balanced ability, smart and sensitive, is a working cat breed, strong body, symmetrical, However, because it has no thick bottom fluff, it is not hardy. Source Baidu Encyclopedia).

Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

Left Chinese Pastoral Cat Tang Yuan Right Ying Short Blue White Liuyi You can see from the picture that the coat color of the two is very similar

Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

Sichuan Jianzhou cat is also known as four-eared cat

Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

Shandong lion cat or Linqing lion cat

Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

The traditional Angora cat is native to Turkey and is also known as the Persian cat (Persian cat is also a collective name)

The coat under the neck and abdomen of the tanuki cat is grayish white, and the coat of the other parts of the body is black, gray or yellow and white, shaped like tiger skin, and the coat is short and shiny and smooth. The cat has strong mouse catching ability, high litter rate and fear of cold. Not too close to the owner, not in love with home. This kind of cat can be seen everywhere, mostly in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and other places.

Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

Yellow tanuki cat Commonly known as orange cat, large orange Ancient called golden tiger Because foreign countries divide orange into red, so the red cat that is said abroad is actually an orange cat

The tanuki cat has a very rounded head, very wide cheeks, the distance between the two ears, the size of the ears is very suitable, with a wide ear root, a deep ear, and the part at the tip is relatively rounded. The eyes are large and energetic, with the shape of a round apricot core, and people currently recognize transitional colors ranging from yellow, gold to green. Usually, there will be eyeliner in the eyes. The nose has a long nose line and is brick-red. Tanuki cats are medium in stature and have a broad chest cavity. The limbs, like the tail, are of moderate length, coordinated proportions, have greater strength, and are muscular.

Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

Round-headed yellow cat

Tanuki cats have an independent personality, lively and active, are very sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment, and the duration is the appearance of the aircraft ears, once the owner has changed, it will cause different degrees of harm to their psychology. Adult tanuki cats do not like to play with people very much (ps: In fact, Chinese pastoral cats are not very close to people, my tangyuan is not very close to people, will not be like June 1, jelly like the petite and cute), but it will always appear in people's visual range. Tanuki cat has a strong physical quality, under the natural development of thousands of years, the survival of the fittest has achieved a strong physique and a keen posture of the Tanuki cat, excellent physical immunity, and will make the Tanuki cat rarely sick.

Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

Tanuki cat that catches prey

Finally, take stock of the price of tanuki cats, in China, tanuki cats can be said to be everywhere, most tanuki cats can be said to be no money, in the ordinary pet market price between 20-300 yuan, it is also tanuki cats (can be said to be all Chinese pastoral cats) the price is low, everywhere, and not very close to people, resulting in most of the domestic shovelers on the tanuki cat biased, think that the local cat is not as good as foreign cats, resulting in the shoveling officer on the local cat care is very low, the degree of abandonment is also very high, here the author feels, No matter what breed of cat, as long as you adopt it, you have to take responsibility for it, the topic is a bit far away, and then look at the foreign price, 300-800 US dollars (excerpted from baidu article, here refers to all Chinese pastoral cat prices), this price is very high in foreign countries, and sure enough, no matter what it is, the price of abroad soared Ha [laughs], according to the author's understanding, our Tanuki cat has a pedigree certificate abroad, the more correct the pedigree, the higher the price.

Cat Appreciation (6) The little elf who accompanies us - the Chinese pastoral cat Tanuki flower cat

A Chinese pastoral cat that is difficult to find abroad

Well, this issue first inventory here, the next issue of the words we talk about the Chinese pastoral cat in the Linqing lion cat, lion cat is known as the Chinese muppet, has always been a noble cat, like the author of the audience can continue to pay attention to me, you can also send their own cats to the comment area, I will also comment one by one! [Laughs]

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