
Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

author:Titanium Media APP
Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

After the acceleration of the automobile into the era of electrification, many people feel that the brand pattern built since the invention of the internal combustion engine will be completely subverted in this "electric revolution". Judging from the development trend in the past 5 years, whether it is Tesla, a brother of electric vehicles, or new forces such as Weilai and Xiaopeng in China, they have hitched a ride in this electrification reform.

But will a change at the heart of the car's driving force reshuffle the entire industry? At least in the next few years, it will not be enough to produce such a big shock, and the reason is actually very simple: the speed of traditional car companies is accelerating.

Although brands such as Ford and Mercedes-Benz, which have a century-old history, officially entered the electrification track late, as long as the goal has been set, relying on the existing technology accumulation and the resource advantages in manufacturing and design, traditional manufacturers may not necessarily fall behind in this "electric war".

<h2>Put an electric suit on the Mustang</h2>

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

The brand "Ford" is believed to be no stranger to many people, and in the eyes of the post-70s/80s, the leather and durable Fox and the powerful Mondeo belong to the memory of a generation. For post-90s/00 users, more memories may come from the cool F-150 Raptor and the sound of Mustang (Mustang) galloping by.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

At the same time, the Mustang can also be said to be the most historical and representative model of the Ford brand, in the 1960s, with the original Mustang, Ford opened up a new battlefield for civilian two-door sports cars. Now in the wave of electrification, Ford also hopes to convert the gasoline flowing in the genes of this classic model into electricity, so that Ford can quickly gain attention in the electric vehicle market.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

The new Ford Mustang Mach-E can still find many design elements belonging to the Mustang family from the front of the vehicle, the most eye-catching of course is the flying Mustang logo, and the shape of the grille and headlights is also evolved from the classic model. It is worth noting that in the grille part, this car adopts a closed design, which is due to the different needs of electric vehicles and fuel vehicles for heat dissipation, and the closed grille can further reduce the wind resistance of the whole vehicle.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

The Ford Mustang Mach-E did not follow the design of the traditional fuel model coupe, but instead adopted an SUV-style coupe shape. Although the Ford Music Mach-E is detached from the family style from the perspective of overall visual tension and personalization, for the average user, the new shape brings better practical attributes.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

The length, width and height of the vehicle are 4730× 1886 × 1621mm, which is a relatively compact coupe, thanks to the power layout characteristics of electric vehicles, the wheelbase has increased to 2984mm. From the perspective of wheelbase parameters, the rear space of the vehicle should be very abundant, but the actual space performance does not give people a very deep impression, compared with the Xiaopeng P7 with almost the wheelbase, the leg space in the rear row can only be regarded as average, compared with the head space is relatively abundant.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

The Ford Mustang Mach-E sacrificed some of the rear space, but also brought a volume 518L trunk, if for home users, as long as there is no need to sit for 5 1.8 meters adults for a long time, then the importance of trunk space is still better than the rear seats.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

There is also a very special thing about the appearance of this car, that is, there is no visible "door handle", and for those who experience it for the first time, they will even be curious about how to open the door. But when the field of vision is projected into the area where the door is opened, the button that appears in a concave shape will definitely attract your attention, and you only need to press it once, and the door can be opened.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

The design of this door is still relatively clever, first of all, the area of the button setting is closer to the location of the traditional door handle, which makes people more able to think of its function. In addition, the door switch located on the inside of the car adopts an electronic + mechanical double-section opening design, and the door control circuit is also independent of the vehicle, even if the vehicle is out of power or even short circuit, there is no need to worry about the problem of not opening the door.

<h2>Fully integrated with science and technology</h2>

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

If the Ford Mustang Mach-E still has a bit of a "showmanship" in the design of the door, then after entering the car, you will experience the technological attributes of the car from the inside out. The first thing you see is two LCD screens, which the car directly abandons the traditional dashboard design and replaces it with a square 10.2-inch LCD screen, and the size of the central control screen reaches 15.5 inches.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

From the overall look and feel, the integration of technology and interior is still relatively good, but when I first saw this square LCD instrument, I felt that it was rough and windy steering wheel design with the Mustang as a whole, or not enough to match, but when it was driven to the road, these details did not affect the experience at all.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

The central control screen is equipped with SYNC+2.0 Zhixing interconnection system, including VPA Zhixing partner, front row dual-tone area voice recognition control, Mustang Mach-E APP remote control and other technologies, also appear on this car, the UI layout of the entire car is very Ford's genes, and the functional partition is simple and clear.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

At the very bottom is common operations such as air conditioning, the middle and lower part combines navigation, audio-visual, takeaway and other scenario-based services, the upper part is used to display vehicle information, and the top is the status of auxiliary functions such as voice assistants and signals. The simple and direct UI design is very suitable for many users who are transforming from traditional vehicles to intelligent vehicles, reducing the threshold for getting started.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

From the overall UI design and the scalability of the system, it may not meet the needs of all young users, does not have too many gorgeous skills, and does not have an anthropomorphic travel assistant. But on the other hand, the more concise system ecological environment has also brought good optimization of fluency, which is reflected in the experience level, whether it is function switching or switch response, it is very smooth.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

In driving, the Ford Mustang Mach-E also has two very interesting features, one is the three-speed driving mode provided in the system, which is drizzle, winning, and uninhibited, in fact, it corresponds to the economy, standard and sport modes on other models, but from the perspective of the entire translation of the naming, it does highlight Ford's tilt towards the Chinese market and the personality and vitality genes shown by Ford Mustang.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

Another interesting place is that the Ford Mustang Mach-E series is equipped with electric sound wave function as standard, to know that the Ford Mustang has always been one of the representatives of the American high-displacement V8 model, and the low rumble of the V8 engine is also its imprint engraved in the bones. The Ford Mustang Mach-E will automatically turn on the sound wave in both aggressive and uninhibited modes, and in the experience, at a speed of 20 to 50km/h, you can hear a distinct rumble when you step on the electric door, and the other speed segments are relatively less obvious.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

From the overall driving experience, Ford Mustang Mach-E driving pleasure is still very good, especially the GT model, its 359kW total power, 860N·m power output, 100 km acceleration can reach the level of 3.65 seconds, at the same time in the corner, the vehicle's lateral support performance is also very good, if you are driving in the city, you can switch the drizzle mode, to suppress this grumpy Mustang, the acceleration in front of the throttle will be much more relaxed.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

However, compared with the wheelbase of the traditional Ford Mustang around 2700mm, the wheelbase of the new car is lengthened, which also brings an intuitive change in the driving experience, first of all, the increase in the turning radius, which is also a problem that many long-wheelbase electric vehicles will encounter.

Ford Mustang Mach-E test drive: This Mustang, "electric" full of | Titanium geek

Secondly, in the intense driving environment, the flexibility of the vehicle is still visible compared to the two-door sports car, but as mentioned at the beginning, the Ford Mustang Mach-E is an electric vehicle suitable for families and mass users to choose, rather than a "toy" belonging to young people.

<h2>A "electric horse" with combat power</h2>

From the overall experience of Ford Mustang Mach-E, the scientific and technological attributes emitted from it are undoubtedly the most exciting, with the design of no physical door handle and many details, so that when you open the door and start the vehicle, you can feel that this is not an ancient machine with a radio, air conditioning can not be cooled, and the engine is constantly shaking, but a new intelligent electric vehicle.

At the same time, this car is no longer so desperate on the "personalization", at least for the author, spending more than 300,000 yuan to buy a non-practical two-door sports car, in order to highlight the personality of the "play car" to occupy valuable number plate resources, parking resources is not a very cost-effective thing.

But ford Mustang Mach-E is an electric SUV coupe with an inherent personalized gene and a Mustang feeling in the details, and an easy-to-use interactive system, larger interior space, and trunk are more practical and rational choices. Therefore, after the experience, the author believes that this "electric horse" still has a good combat strength, but this time it is not because a certain aspect is too prominent, but because it is "too versatile". (This article was first published on the Titanium Media APP)

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