
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

author:CCTV Finance
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Luoyang, as the ancient capital of China's thirteen dynasties, the old city and old streets here have a history of hundreds of years, and they are illuminated by lights, highlighting the prosperity of Luoyang today. How do the people of the ancient city at night spend the summer and escape the heat?

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Democracy Street has many old brands and old tastes. This roast chicken shop is located at the intersection of Democracy Street in the old town and has been open for more than 40 years. The golden roasted chicken skin is shiny and shiny, the skin is crunchy, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it is.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Buy roast chicken in Luoyang, as long as it is not given away, the boss will help you tear it up and eat it directly.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Just next to the roast chicken shop, there is also a family Yuji steamed dish, Luoyang people love to eat steamed vegetables, it can be said that "no vegetables are not steamed".

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Steamed vegetables in Luoyang are generally used as small dishes, eaten on porridge, with many varieties, and then mixed with pepper and garlic juice, which is particularly appetizing.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Luoyang Old Town Cross Street, 160 meters long, is bustling and bustling at night, full of local and foreign flavor food stalls. What kind of fruit oil tea, no soup, grilled squid, stir-fried cold powder, whether it is chicken, duck and fish meat, or snacks, all have their own flavors.

Food lover Wang Shuwei said that among these good things, we must pay special attention to two unique delicacies of Luoyang.

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "Shabu tripe and water mats are really the characteristics of Luoyang. Like the water mat, 24 dishes, when the soup soup water is particularly much, and the previous one is withdrawn, the clouds flow, so it is called a water mat. ”

Tripe and water mat are a must in Luoyang, but the tripe plus 24 dishes of water mat, must not be able to eat ah, Wang Shuwei said, no problem, you can eat tripe, and then try the two classic dishes in the water mat - "peony swallow dish" and "Luoyang sea cucumber".

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

At nine o'clock in the evening, the SongYuan tripe shop on the edge of the Youth Palace is still so lively, and the people who spend the summer are at a table, around the casserole, and the tripe is very happy.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Tripe must be rolled with the soup first, before it is more flavorful, the strong soup flavor, exquisite tripe skewers, people salivate.

Food lover Wang Shuwei said that if Luoyang tripe wants to eat beautifully, but there are skills, first of all, spices.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "I originally liked to eat pure pepper saucers, it will be very enjoyable to eat, dipped up, the meat is super invincible."

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Friends who do not like to eat spicy can be accompanied by sesame sauce, once the seasoning is in place, you must pay attention to the second skill.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "What everyone must pay attention to is that what you want to eat, just turn it up, don't take it from below, it will be easy to take the food off."

Seasoning, lottery have been said, but what about technique three?

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "Be sure to eat like this, you can't take it all down, pick it up to the front, and then when dipping the sauce, be sure to wrap the pepper on it, let the oil and pepper fully integrate with the tripe, don't eat it one by one, you must take a bite."

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Fragrant tripe, paired with fried chili oil, is truly earthy.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

West Street, is also a very lively location in the old city of Luoyang, this street, "Luoyang Water Seat" brand can be seen everywhere, so which one should be eaten by so many families?

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "The one we are looking for today is our Sima Shui Seat in Luoyang, and this water mat is very distinctive."

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Luoyang water mat 24 courses, 8 cool 16 hot, in addition to swallow vegetables, sea cucumbers, as well as sweet soup, buckle bowl, milk soup fat intestines, etc., there are sour and spicy, spicy, soup and water continuously, can be described as the Tao has exquisite. Although the ingredients seem simple, they are extremely challenging for the chef.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

One of the most important dishes in the Luoyang water mat is "peony swallow dish".

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Legend has it that in the Wu Zetian period, the folk offered a large white radish that heralded Xiangrui, and the imperial chefs cut it into silk, mixed with powder and steamed, with umami soup, Wu Zetian ate it, praised, because this dish looked like bird's nest, it was given the name "Yan Cai", which became the first dish of Luoyang Water Mat. In 1973, this dish was also called "peony swallow dish" by Premier Zhou.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "There is pepper and vinegar inside, big spicy and sour, so it will be particularly refreshing to eat, especially in the summer to visit the night market, eat a bowl, the body is very smooth feeling." 」

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Although "peony swallow dish" is made of radish shreds, it cannot taste a little radish.

Big sour and spicy swallow vegetables can stimulate appetite and appetite.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first
How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

At nightfall, the ancient city of Luoyi is illuminated, and the poetry and rhymes sing the thousands of years of historical civilization here, and the performances of the Heluo drum, Yu opera, camel drum and so on also tell the endless story of Heluo in the old city.

This side of the water and soil to support the people of Luoyang to multiply, so Wang Shuwei said that the people of Luoyang are inseparable from a dish that the new year's festivals, we must try, that is, "buckle the bowl".

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "Visiting the night market in Luoyang, Luoyang bowls must be a piece, Luoyang strip meat, and square meat are very good."

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Wang Shuwei said that to eat this meat, we must use a special tool, that is, this straw.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

It turned out that Luoyang buckled the bowl of strip meat, paying attention to a soft rotten, can be sucked with a straw to eat.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

The meat is extremely soft and rotten, salty and fresh, which can be described as fat but not greasy, thin and not woody.

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "There is a saying in Luoyang, that is, drink soup early and barbecue in the evening. Eating a night market in Luoyang, you must talk about Mapo Village, Mapo Village barbecue street is very good, here not only can eat meat, but also drink soup. ”

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Mapo Village is a famous barbecue shrine in Luoyang, and when night falls, more than a dozen shops are brightly lit, attracting many people from Luoyang Who come to eat barbecue. And the high old four barbecue is more famous, come here to spend the summer barbecue, the popularity is hot.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

In addition to normal beef skewers and lamb skewers, grilled fish is more diverse than catfish, blackfish and carp. Soon, Wang Shuwei's barbecue appeared on the scene, and there was a pot of soup in the middle, which really lived up to the reputation of Luoyang's "soup capital".

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "There is a rule for eating barbecue in our mapo, that is, drink soup first, and then eat meat, because this is a more healthy way. When drinking soup, you can first add green onions and coriander, and scoop them together in the pot, the soup is still very rich pure mutton soup, especially fresh. ”

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Mapo's sheep soup is boiled with sheep bones, the boss said, sheep bones can not be chopped with a knife, a chop of meat will be crisp, can only break the sheep bones, so pull open with bone marrow, more delicious.

Sheep bones are the vertebrae of a whole sheep, from the neck to the tail of the sheep, and these bones are washed and boiled by the shopkeeper with dozens of pounds of sheep bones in the morning, and the way to cook meat and soup has to go through many processes such as skimming blood foam, turning bones, adding ingredients, etc., to achieve this pot of pure sheep soup and sheep bones.

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "Today I ordered a pot that has everything, sheep neck, sheep bones, and sheep tail. Sheep's tail is my favorite food because it is fatter and has a thick layer of oil on it, which is particularly fragrant when eaten in the mouth. ”

How to eat shabu tripe the most delicious? You have to learn these three skills first

Food lover Wang Shuwei: "This is a plum tendon, a night market food that Luoyang people especially like, and it is particularly chewy to eat, just like chewing leather bands, but the chewing feeling is very good."

Broadcast notice On August 5, 19:28 CCTV financial channel cctv2 "Consumer Proposition" broadcast "2019 China Night Market Full Raiders: Won the Central Plains Luoyang Flavor", replayed at 16:29 the next day, so stay tuned!

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