
Historical snacks, Luoyang shabu tripe, tripe fried onion is more delicious, is too expensive


We all know that shabu tripe is famous, many night markets have them, and not coming to a handful is like not having eaten a night market. This snack is very popular in Henan Zhengbeiluo, native to Luoyang. Xi'an is also popular and popular.

Historical snacks, Luoyang shabu tripe, tripe fried onion is more delicious, is too expensive

The method of shabu tripe is very simple, three plates: tripe, boiling soup, and dipping sauce. First clean up the grass belly part of the tripe, the hair is cooked, that is, it is cooked without any spices to make the ingredients of shabu tripe. Then slice into slices and place in the boiling soup with dipping sauce. The content and taste of the soup and dipping sauce are different from each house, and each has its own secret recipe, especially the shop, which treats the recipe as a housekeeper's treasure. In fact, this mystery is only a commercial means, not mysterious, simple and easy to do.

Historical snacks, Luoyang shabu tripe, tripe fried onion is more delicious, is too expensive

The original shabu tripe is really called tripe, the belly slice is thick, large, eat to the mouth soft sticky teeth, the more chewy the more fragrant. The current shabu tripe is very different, the tripe is still the tripe, but it is several times smaller, not only thin and transparent, but also a small piece of pity, five pieces barely enough for the original piece. Especially street stalls. The price cost is not enough, otherwise it scares. Cooked tripe 30 yuan per kilogram, a normal string of two pieces of 10 grams, press 2 yuan, a pound into 50 strings, selling 100 yuan, are very thick. At present, the common stall goods are a string of three pieces, 3 grams, selling for 1 yuan. A pound of tripe can be made into 160 skewers and sold for 160 yuan. Pretty awesome, right?

Historical snacks, Luoyang shabu tripe, tripe fried onion is more delicious, is too expensive

Now it's easier to make shabu tripe, the ingredients are ready to buy, slices, their own cooking materials and dipping sauces on the line. If you want to eat, you can eat at home, how you want to eat, unlike eating at night markets, the amount of three strings is not enough to plug the teeth. However, this time I eaten it fried, with onions, which is more palatable than eating wine.

Historical snacks, Luoyang shabu tripe, tripe fried onion is more delicious, is too expensive

The method is very simple, the taste is very tasty, the soft glutinous tendons of the tripe, the crisp and sweet of the onion, it is a perfect match, do not believe you try, delicious and not expensive, but also very easy to do.

Historical snacks, Luoyang shabu tripe, tripe fried onion is more delicious, is too expensive

Two onions are cut into slices, half a pound of tripe slices are sliced, and a few green peppers are cut into coarse strips.

Historical snacks, Luoyang shabu tripe, tripe fried onion is more delicious, is too expensive

Heat the lard in a pan, add salt, soy sauce and stir-fry to make a dish. The direct cost is 15 yuan, and the tripe can be sold for 80 yuan. This dish is available at a minimum of $50.

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