
You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

author:Delicious food

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The heat persists in the weather

Night markets are always a topic that cannot be bypassed

Speaking of popular snacks at the night market

In addition to the kebabs is shabu tripe

The teapot is stuffed with tripe

Pick up a bunch and dip it in chili oil

The entrance is crispy, tender and chewy

And recently discovered this shabu tripe

It is said to be made in a casserole dish

Eating night markets, in addition to shabu tripe, lamb skewers, what else are you must order? Where is the best shabu tripe you've ever eaten? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

Go to Luoyang, in addition to seeing the beautiful scenery, but also try the local specialties. As soon as summer night falls, the nearby night market stalls kick off. Shabu tripe is the signature of night market stalls, but the form of shabu tripe here seems to be different from what is often eaten.

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here
You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here
You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

The most atmospheric night market in the local area is Zuo'an Street. In the distance, I saw a table and chair bench that had slipped open, and diners were sitting together in groups of three or five. The table was grunting hot casserole, stuffed with tripe. Even if you come to eat alone, you will have to have a good time.

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

Most of the foodies are old patrons, every three forks and five to come here to eat once, each time to eat at least five to start. It is said that the tripe tendon is into the taste, when eating, grab a handful at will, bite and drag and shake, and the pleasure is spontaneous.

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here
You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

Unlike the common way to eat shabu tripe, it is served in a casserole dish, which is said to be both flavorful and warm. The casserole continues to heat up when it is served, grunting and bubbling. First take a bite of the original taste, the entrance is soft and soft, you can eat its own meat aroma. After dipping another bite of the sauce to eat, the aftertaste is more sufficient.

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

Sister Song began to run shabu tripe in 1983, and said that when she first started this business, she started to support her family after being laid off. I didn't expect that the taste of the production was still very popular with diners, and this work was more than thirty years.

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here
You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

If you want to make shabu tripe, the choice of tripe is very important. Choose local fresh tripe, six or seven pounds or so weigh the best. After buying it, blanch the water to remove the fishy smell, and then use a knife to scrape off the black film on the surface of the tripe. Compared with machine-washed tripe, the taste is much softer and crisper.

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here
You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here
You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

Tripe is freshly sliced, cooked and cut into strips, then skewered into thin slices and strung onto a stick. Don't underestimate the pieces of tripe and skewer tripe, you can't do it without years of experience. The masters have been following Sister Song for more than ten years, and they have to string thousands of strings of beef tripe every day to take care of business.

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here
You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

And if you want to taste the tripe, the soup is the key. Every morning, the bones of the pork sticks are soaked for a few hours to remove the blood and water, and then boiled for about four hours together with the prepared ingredients. When boiling the soup, the bones are packed into the bag, and it is said that when boiled in this way, the bone marrow oil can be boiled out without destroying the clear and fresh aroma of the bottom soup.

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here
You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

Add a variety of large ingredients to the casserole dish, pour a spoonful of soup and you can open it. The second addition is to ensure the richness of the bottom soup, and the taste is not dispersed for a long time. The casserole has the characteristics of uniform heat transfer and slow heat dissipation, so that tripe, tofu skin, etc. can be kept in a slightly boiling state for a long time, and can better absorb the aroma.

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here

From the original stall to the current restaurant, shabu tripe has not only changed the life of Sister Song, but also gained a group of loyal diners. Some foodies say so, a handful of tripe, a handful of tofu skin, and then a few kinds of vegetables, seemingly ordinary but can best represent the old taste of Luoyang old town.

- Two or three things about shabu tripe -

You can sell thousands of shabu-shabu tripe a day, and the secret is here
Shop name: Song Yuan Shabu tripe Address: Luoyang City Old Town Youth Palace Zuoan Street No. 17 (click to navigate) Consumption: 30 skewers/10 yuan of tripe, 50 skewers of tofu skin/10 yuan Opening hours: 09:00 - 00:00 in the next morning

Directed by | Li Zijian Copywriter | Jojo

This article is the original of fragrant food, please contact the background for authorization

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