
Beijing snack fried pork

author:Fat Ping Sister Food Diary

Ingredients: lean beef, small potatoes, sweet potato starch, green onion, ginger, thirteen spices, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, corn starch, cold water, oil bean skin, vegetable oil.

Procedure steps:

Step 1: Prepare the beef, oil bean skin, and potatoes.

Step 2: Prepare the seasoning.

Step 3: Beat the green onion and ginger into pieces, then add the beef cubes into the blender.

Step 4: Beat into minced beef.

Step 5: Peel and steam the sliced potatoes, thirteen spices, soy sauce, salt, and oyster sauce into the minced meat.

Step 6: Add sweet potato starch after beating into a paste; it is also possible to use potato starch.

Step 7, this is the beaten beef filling, delicate and slightly strong.

Step 8: Cut the oil bean skin into two pieces of the same size; there is a thick oil bean skin for shabu-shabu that is not suitable for this dish, and this thin transparent oil bean skin should be used.

Step 9: Mix corn starch with an appropriate amount of cold water to form a starch syrup and spread evenly on the oil bean skin.

Step 10: Spread the minced meat on the skin of the oil bean, the thickness is about 1 cm;

Step 11: Apply a starch paste to another piece of oil bean skin, cover the meat filling, and smooth the surface by hand.

Step 12, use a sharp knife to divide into wide strips about 6 cm wide; dried beans, soft meat filling, the knife must be steady and fierce, if necessary, sharpen the knife, do not grind the twitter, otherwise the meat filling will be "overflowing".

Step 13, use a fast knife to chop into small pieces, wide and narrow thickness can be liked; or that sentence, do not be soft, do not be afraid of sound, do not worry about the knife and the board, a knife clicks, the incision is neat and the meat filling does not shrink or overflow, and the section also has thickness.

Step 14, pour the appropriate amount of oil into the pot, heat up on high heat and turn to medium heat, put a piece of raw blank into the oil pot to test the oil temperature, after sinking the bottom quickly float up to indicate that the oil temperature is appropriate; the appropriate amount of loose meat raw billet into the oil pot, first do not stir, wait for the pine meat strip to float up and then use chopsticks to gently flip, until the color is slightly lighter than they want to fish out the oil control, the residual temperature makes the color darker.

Step 15: Old Beijing Halal Snack Fried Pork, Crispy and Tender!

Beijing snack fried pork

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