
A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

author:Brother Jin practices words

Braised pine meat is a home-cooked dish, is an authentic Shandong Lu cuisine, is the tenderloin meat fried, with vegetables braised in one piece, meat can be selected: beef, mutton, pork ridges, etc. can be made, belongs to a more suitable for winter dishes. Below I would like to share with you a recipe for pork tenderloin and spinach vermicelli, I hope you can enjoy it.

Spinach vermicelli braised pork

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

The meat delivered in the picture above can also be made into dry fried tenderloin without going through the stage of braising with spinach vermicelli, as shown in the following figure:

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Without further ado, start the ingredients and methods of braised pork, prepare 200 grams of lean tenderloin, 100 grams of spinach, 1 handful of vermicelli, a piece of green onion, a piece of ginger, and 5 cloves of garlic rice.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Slice the tenderloin in a thin strip and set aside, cut the spinach into sections, soak the vermicelli in hot water for five minutes to rinse, slice the green onion, slice the ginger, slice the garlic rice.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Start by adding a small amount of salt to the tenderloin strips in the bowl and mix well, and mix well with an egg.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Put 10 grams of flour and 20 grams of starch in the bowl, the ratio is 1 to 2 starch of flour.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Start to grasp and mix evenly with your hands, because there is an egg in the meat, basically do not need to add too much water, with the palm of your hand a little water is enough, the tenderloin meat is alive into a batter, the viscosity is to make each piece of meat wrapped in the batter, but also to grasp it with your hands, you can also separate the meat stuck together, this is the best state, and then put a small spoonful of cooking oil on the surface of the live paste, put the oil in order to separate the meat strips from the hand more smoothly when in the oil pot, fall into the oil pot, so as to avoid being burned.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

After the tenderloin paste is alive, start to sit in the wok and light the fire, put in 500 grams of cooking oil, when the oil temperature becomes hot, change the fire to a small heat, start to put the tenderloin into the frying pan, and put the meat one by one. Note: The oil temperature must be controlled in the middle of the heat, can not be too high, the oil temperature is high easy to collapse the oil.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Use the oil temperature control medium heat to completely remove the tenderloin strips

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

After finishing, start to take an oil colander and stir the tenderloin in the pot, and fry the tenderloin over low heat to make a golden crispy pavilion.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Turn off the heat, drain the tenderloin with a colander and pour out the pan to fry the oil.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Friends who like to eat dry fried tenderloin, you can fry more tenderloin or not, directly plate, sprinkle some pretzel and eat it.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Let's start simmering, sit in a wok and light the fire, put a small amount of cooking oil, put one star anise, 3 peppercorns, fry out the aroma, add the chopped green onion and ginger slices and sauté to bring out the aroma.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Add about 5 grams of sweet noodle sauce and sauté with a stir-fry spoon, until the sweet noodle sauce is sautéed to bring out the flavor of the sauce.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

Start adding about 150 grams of clean water and wait for the water in the pot to boil.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

After the water boils, put the spinach and the water-made vermicelli together and wait for the pot to open.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

After boiling, start adding the sliced garlic, salt, chicken powder, a little pepper, a few drops of Tammy soy sauce to freshen, then add the fried tenderloin and stir well.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

After the pot is boiled, quickly pour the braised pork into the soup pot and eat it.

A delicious dish of "spinach vermicelli braised pine meat" method, do not drool after reading it

This dish is suitable for a family of four, delicious and tender, with meat, vegetables, and soup.

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