
Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf

You can eat two large bowls of rice by picking salted eggs with salted eggs, and you can make [salted egg steamed meat cakes] with salted eggs and rice killers. [Salted Egg Steamed Meatloaf] is a home-cooked dish that I have family memories. My parents used to make all kinds of meatloaf, salted egg steamed meatloaf is one of them, with salted eggs mixed with minced meat, the minced meat is very tender, and the large salted egg yolk placed in the center of the meatloaf seems to scatter the sun.

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf

【Salted Egg Steamed Meatloaf】 is a home-cooked dish that will make people feel warm. 【Salted Egg Steamed MeatLoaf】 Does not require too much skill, only a little thought, zero cooking skills kitchen novice can get a home-cooked dish. When I was a novice in the kitchen, I was just making steamed vegetables, spending some effort chopping meat, stirring, watching the time to grasp the heat and steam. To say one more thing, the portion size of the home-cooked meal is for me and my family, and I look at their preferences.

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf


Pork 200 g Salted duck egg 1 ginger 5 g Green onion a little

Sweet potato starch 10 g Cooking wine 5 ml Low salt soy sauce appropriate amount Sugar 5 g


1 Preparation ingredients 200 g pork on top and 1 salted duck egg

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf

2 Chop the pork into minced meat

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf

3 Open the salted duck egg and put it in the minced pork, the salted egg yolk should be taken away first, and the salted egg yolk should be stirred before placing it on the meat cake

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf

4 Stir in cooking wine, minced ginger, soy sauce, sugar and sweet potato starch in one direction

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf

5 Flatten the minced meat and add the salted egg yolks

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf

6 Bring water to a boil in a steamer and add the salted egg patties and steam on high heat for 10 minutes

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf

7 After steaming, sprinkle with shredded shallots

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf


1 Pork to choose a little bit of fatty meat on the meat, fat meat will make the meat taste unchained, steamed meat cake tender. Pork is chopped into minced meat as much as possible, and meat is chopped by hand with the feelings of a cook, which is the taste of home

2 About starch, you can use corn starch, tapioca starch, etc., the starch commonly used in my home is the sweet potato starch brought by my hometown, which is homemade sweet potato starch, which is used to make meatballs refreshing and elastic

3 The meatloaf should be flattened, the meatloaf should not be too thick, the thick is steamed on the top, the middle is not cooked, the middle is steamed, and the meatloaf on the top is steamed for too long, so the mouth twister said this sentence, that is, to flatten the thickness of 1 cm

4 Salted egg steamed meatloaf Because of the salted egg white, I did not put water, stirred vigorously, the steamed meatloaf was tender and smooth

Kitchen novices can handle salty and delicious salted egg steamed meatloaf