
Masahiro Matsuoka incarnated as a clerk in a "death squad" serving the deceased

author:Film and television sharing fungus
Masahiro Matsuoka incarnated as a clerk in a "death squad" serving the deceased

Azuma Knight's popular manga series "Death Squad House", which has sold 3 million copies (including electronic versions), is set to be dramatized this fall, and the main character will be played by Masahiro Matsuoka of "Tokio".

Masahiro Matsuoka incarnated as a clerk in a "death squad" serving the deceased

The original work was the debut work of manga artist Azuma Knight. He has been submitting articles since the second grade of elementary school, with a total of 40 works and more than 1300 pages.

The work was conceived as an experience when he was working as a manga artist's assistant and a temporary clerk at the Municipal Affairs Office.

In the story, the first visit of the living is the "death station" of the afterlife.

Here are the dead who have died for various reasons, such as suicide, homicide, illness, accidental death, etc., and their whereabouts will be decided and the procedures will be carried out here.

Masamichi Ichimura, who was in charge of the total case in the death squad, always received every deceased who appeared in front of his eyes with an outward compliment and inner contempt, and read aloud the application of the deceased about his heroic life before his death...

The innocent are sent to heaven, and the sinful are sent to hell... Surrounded by Ichimura Masamune are staff members with difficult personalities, each of whom has a secret to hide...

Masahiro Matsuoka incarnated as a clerk in a "death squad" serving the deceased

Matsuoka plays a clerk who works in a "death squad", mysterious and gloomy and has a strong charm, hidden under the plastic smile is an unimaginably magnificent past, occasionally showing a cold expression...

Matsuoka, who watched the original work, said that he was very interested in this work, and he always wanted to think about how to perform it to be more interesting, and he also thought that this role was a very valuable job for an actor.

Regarding the characters, he said, "Is it a unique trait of the dead? This character without temperature is mysterious, which should be his charm. So far, most of the roles I have played have been very hot-blooded, and this time it can be regarded as a new situation of challenging acting. Ah ~ "women's clothing" is also a new attempt (laughs)"

The "Death Row" is expected to air in October and begins airing on TV Tokyo every Wednesday at 00:12 p.m.