
Cha Right HouQi vigorously cultivated and developed the "Du Han" hybrid advantage meat sheep documentary

author:True North Net

Protect one side of the water and grass, strengthen a green barrier; advocate a concept to lead a production revolution; change a model, expand a space for enrichment. Cha Right Rear Banner, stepping on the strong beat of "8337", based on the hinterland of the grassland, giving full play to the advantages of a long history of animal husbandry and breeding, exerting great efforts to govern, marching all the way, and doing a big article on ecological breeding in a small sheep house.

More than ten years ago, the right flag of Cha right introduced small-tailed cold sheep, two births a year or three births in two years, each child produced 2-5 lambs, but the meat quality was loose, the taste was poor, the meat yield was low, and the price of fur was low. In 2008, The South African Dupo sheep were introduced. Dubo sheep, regardless of meat, weight, or skin, can be regarded as the "nobility" in the sheep shed, but the purchase of a purebred Dubo breeding sheep in China needs more than 15,000 yuan, and the price is not cheap, so many eager farmers can only look forward to "Dubo sheep" and sigh. In order to reverse this "dilemma" situation, the agricultural and animal husbandry department of Chayouhouqi has, after extensive scientific research and demonstration and countless improvement experiments, cultivated a new breed of "Duhan" high-generation hybrid sheep with Dubo sheep as the father and hybrid Cold Sheep as the mother. It grows rapidly, weighing more than 48 kilograms at 4 months of age, slaughtering carcasses of about 24 kilograms, and the average daily increase of lambs can reach more than half a kilogram. This new dominant breed maintains the tender meat taste of Dubo sheep, the carcass weight is higher than the meat output of other sheep of the same age by more than ten catties, and it adheres to the excellent quality of the small tail cold sheep with multiple births and multiple lambs a year, creating a new chapter in the history of meat sheep development.

The Luyuan Farmers and Herdsmen Professional Breeding Cooperative is one of the typical examples of house feeding and captivity that was cultivated and developed earlier in Chayouhouqi. It is the large-scale hybrid breeding of Du Bo sheep and the descendants of the local cold sheep that has allowed the Green Garden Cooperative to develop rapidly and earn enough real money and silver. At present, the cooperative has more than 3,000 basic female animals, more than 2,000 fattening for sale, more than 1,000 distributed to surrounding farmers and herdsmen, an average annual output of 8,000-10,000, the "Duhan" hybrid yield has reached 40%, and the annual income has exceeded 1.76 million yuan.

The same breeding methods, the same artificial and forage inputs, but the return is far from the same, raising a "Du Han" high-generation hybrid meat sheep the annual income can reach 1200 yuan - 1400 yuan, equivalent to raising two cold sheep hybrid offspring.

Lin Yan, a large sheep farmer in Ulan Hada Sumu Adari Gega Dongying Haoying, has been living in animal husbandry for generations, and his family has raised more than 180 multi-breed meat sheep, including more than 160 basic ewes. Last winter, Lin Yan's flock had more than 50 old and weak climbing sheep, because they could not keep up with the sheep, they had to stay at home and keep up with them, preparing to slaughter and sell them together during the New Year. Unexpectedly, it was these 50 old and weak sheep in captivity that made Lin Yan, who had raised sheep for more than half his life, harvest unexpected surprises. The lambs were laid in captivity for less than a month, and another lamb was born in captivity in April of the following year, which made Lin Yan completely change his mind. This year, Lin Yan planted more than 150 acres of corn covered with double ridge trenching and full film, and also built and repaired sheds to prepare all houses for captivity.

In the conversation with Lin Yan, we also learned that the sheep salary of a free-range sheep is almost 100 yuan per year; and because of the perennial grazing in the wild, the needle hair grass will follow like a shadow, and the grass thorn will become a "regular visitor" to the sheep. Once there are grass thorns on the sheep skin, the price will be greatly reduced, and each skin will sell 60-80 yuan less than that of the year; and the free-range ewe will be affected by the long-term difficulty of weaning the lamb, the estrus cycle is delayed, and it cannot be mated in time, resulting in a decline in the reproductive rate, and the yield of lambs has also dropped from the original 3-5 to 1-2. Comprehensive calculations show that the income from free range breeding of the same basic ewe is less than half of that of captivity.

Practice has proved that house feeding is a green channel for animal husbandry that benefits the country and the people, and the "Duhan" high-generation hybrid meat sheep is a high-level "off-road" with superior performance. There is no doubt that using the "Duhan" high-generation hybrid meat sheep for breeding and captivity is tantamount to riding a high-end off-road and racing all the way on the wide green channel.

Under the strong impetus of the "seed project" of animal husbandry, at present, more than 90 purebred Dubo and Duosai special rams have been introduced into the whole flag, and more than 1,000 purebred Dubo sheep and Duhan high-generation hybrid rams have been released and utilized, and the excellent genes have spread throughout most of the rural pastoral areas of the eight Sumu townships in the whole flag.

DuHan hybrid meat lamb is tender, fat and lean, low taste, good meat taste, has been widely recognized by consumers at home and abroad, lamb rolls, mutton pieces, special lamb chops, at a price higher than 20% of ordinary lamb exported to Beijing, Shanghai and other large and medium-sized cities.

The hot market demand and high-profit breeding returns have attracted a large number of people of insight, and a number of professional cooperatives for farmers and herdsmen with meat and sheep as the mainstay, such as Mondoli and Runze, have come into being; several financial institutions such as the Bank of Inner Mongolia have also competed to invest in lending.

"Duhan" meat sheep provides another excellent breed for the development of the meat and sheep industry in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and even the whole country, alleviates the pressure of the serious shortage of high-quality meat breeding sheep in China, promotes the construction of the breeding system of meat sheep and the industrialization of meat sheep, and provides a good guarantee for farmers and herdsmen to increase their income.

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