
Come to Yangzhou to learn the method of this crystal dish meat jelly transparent meat tight and crisp crystal meat Features: the meat color is bright red, the skin is white and smooth and crystalline, the brine is transparent, the shape is like crystal, the meat is fragrant and mellow, the oil is not greasy, and the taste is delicious.

author:Reliable foodie

"Crystal pork", also known as "Zhenjiang cuisine", "pork" is a well-known Chinese and foreign Zhenjiang famous dish. In the big and small restaurants in Yangzhou, the meat is a must-have cold dish, but also the housekeeper cuisine of Huaiyang cuisine, into the big and small restaurants in Yangzhou, no pork does not feel like a restaurant in Yangzhou. I came to Yangzhou to taste the taste of the origin of the meat, its meat is transparent, crystal color, the meat is tight and crisp, the taste is slightly salty, delicious and delicious. When eaten, it can be eaten with ginger shreds and Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar, which has a unique flavor. No wonder modern poets once had poems: "The scenery is infinitely golden, and I love the jingjiang meat more; I am not greasy and slightly crispy, and I am red and tender and frozen crystal dishes." "The praise for Zhenjiang cuisine is not exaggerated at all.

Come to Yangzhou to learn the method of this crystal dish meat jelly transparent meat tight and crisp crystal meat Features: the meat color is bright red, the skin is white and smooth and crystalline, the brine is transparent, the shape is like crystal, the meat is fragrant and mellow, the oil is not greasy, and the taste is delicious.
Come to Yangzhou to learn the method of this crystal dish meat jelly transparent meat tight and crisp crystal meat Features: the meat color is bright red, the skin is white and smooth and crystalline, the brine is transparent, the shape is like crystal, the meat is fragrant and mellow, the oil is not greasy, and the taste is delicious.

Hundreds of years ago, the owner of a small hotel in Jiuhai Street, Zhenjiang, bought back four pig's trotters a day and prepared to eat them in a few days, because they were afraid of spoiling in the heat, so they salted them. But he mistakenly took a bag of salt that his wife bought for his father's firecrackers, and salted the pig's trotters as salt, until the next day when his wife was looking for salt, he found out, and when he opened the pickling tank to see, not only did the meat not change, but the crisp hoof meat was hard knotted and fragrant, the color was rosy, and the hoof skin was white. In order to remove the taste of nitrate, soak it in water several times in a row, and then blanch it in a pot of boiling water and wash it with clean water. Then, he put his hooves into the pot, added green onions, ginger, peppercorns, fennel and water and boiled for half an hour, but there was an abnormal aroma, and when he tasted it, it tasted delicious and tasteless. Since then, the owner of the shop has used this method to make "salt meat", more and more customers came to taste, and soon became famous in the city, and later changed its name to "Zhenjiang cuisine", from ancient times to the present, it is famous.

Come to Yangzhou to learn the method of this crystal dish meat jelly transparent meat tight and crisp crystal meat Features: the meat color is bright red, the skin is white and smooth and crystalline, the brine is transparent, the shape is like crystal, the meat is fragrant and mellow, the oil is not greasy, and the taste is delicious.

Ingredients: 1 pig's front hoof (weighs about 1000 grams),

Seasoning: 75 grams of coarse salt, 10 grams of rice wine, 1 green onion knot, 2 slices of ginger, a little peppercorns, star anise, and salt.


First, scrape the pig's trotters clean, use a knife to cut the bone flat, put the skin flat on the board, use a bamboo skewer to poke a few small holes in the lean meat, evenly sprinkle 25 grams of nitrate water (put 0.5 grams of nitrate into water with 50 grams of water), rub well with 75 grams of coarse salt, put it flat into a crisp tank, marinate for 8 hours in summer, marinate in winter for two or three days, soak in cold water for 1 hour, remove the astringency, remove the dirt on the skin, and then rinse with warm water.

Second, the pig's trotter skin facing the upper pot, add peppercorns, star anise, green onion knots, ginger slices, rice wine, water 1000 grams, cover and boil, simmer for 1.5 hours on low heat, turn the hoof meat upside down, and then continue to simmer for 1 hour on low heat, until the meat crisp is taken out, remove the onion ginger and spices.

Third, take a flat basin, put the cooked pig's trotters into (skin down), cover the empty plate and flatten it, remove it, boil the soup in the pot, skim off the slick oil, pour it into the flat basin containing the pig's trotters to freeze (put it in the refrigerator to freeze when it is hot), that is, it becomes a crystal hoof. When eating, cut the meat into slices of the same size, thick and even, and plate them, and dip them in ginger shreds and Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar.

The key to mastery: it is necessary to use fine-skinned white pork, the front hoof weighing 750 to 1000 grams, and those who exceed 1000 grams should not use it to keep the meat tender. Simmer over low heat, do not use a sharp heat.

Meat, containing nitrate has a certain harm to the human body, should not eat more, eat less is no big problem, is a delicacy on the summer table. If you come to Yangzhou to eat, it is recommended that you come to the Fun Garden Tea House (Friendship Shop), in the lobby of the Slender West Lake Friendship Wisdom Hotel.

Come to Yangzhou to learn the method of this crystal dish meat jelly transparent meat tight and crisp crystal meat Features: the meat color is bright red, the skin is white and smooth and crystalline, the brine is transparent, the shape is like crystal, the meat is fragrant and mellow, the oil is not greasy, and the taste is delicious.

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