
Looking back at the classic: Zhenjiang Centennial Feast Spring Meat Creation Brand Wu Rongsheng: Crystal Hoof Raw Materials Must Be Made of Pig's Front Hoof

author:Purple Cow News

Yangzi Evening News Network News (reporter Wan Lingyun) At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Jiheng, a famous Confucian, inscribed "Feasting on the Peach and Plum Garden, Spring is Also Rainy and Sunny on the Banks of Jinjiao Mountain" A pair of couplets, taking the first two words of the couplet, gave birth to "Feast Spring". The century-old restaurant produced by Zhenjiang Yanchun Restaurant is famous far and wide, and even the first banquet of the founding of the country, which was personally approved by Premier Zhou, has its presence in the menu of the state banquet.

Looking back at the classic: Zhenjiang Centennial Feast Spring Meat Creation Brand Wu Rongsheng: Crystal Hoof Raw Materials Must Be Made of Pig's Front Hoof

Zhenjiang Yanchun Food Company.

Looking back at the classic: Zhenjiang Centennial Feast Spring Meat Creation Brand Wu Rongsheng: Crystal Hoof Raw Materials Must Be Made of Pig's Front Hoof

Feast spring crystal hooves.

Nowadays, Zhenjiang has "three mountains" Jinshan, Jiaoshan and Beigushan, Zhenjiang has "three monsters" dishes, balsamic vinegar is not bad, and the boiling pot lid in the noodle pot has become a household name and a classic legend at home and abroad.

The meat, scientific name crystal hoof, is given the good name of "crystal". The old brine jelly, poured on the hooves of the dish, condenses and condenses into a translucent crystalline. Its color is bright, crystal-like like frozen field yellow, and fat meat race is like mutton fat. The flesh is red like agate. Smell a faint fragrance, if there is none. The food is fresh and tender, salty and moderate, accompanied by balsamic vinegar and ginger shreds, the flavor is better.

After eating the dishes, Wang Jun, a famous scholar of Zhenjiang history, left a poem praising: "The scenery is infinite in Jinjiao, and I love the Meat of Jingkou more, not greasy and slightly crispy, and the red and tender frozen crystal dishes."

After a hundred years, the world has changed, and the Yanchun Restaurant has also had ups and downs. Before 1994, the century-old store will soon be closed. Wu Rongsheng was ordered to return to Yanchun from the Zhenjiang Hotel at a time of crisis.

After calm thinking, Wu Rongsheng looked at the situation, adjusted the strategy, combined with the business characteristics of the century-old store, not only chose to revitalize the characteristic morning market and festive banquets, but also regrouped the crystal hoof and crab yellow soup bun as two major fist products. Several heavy punches, late food, finally received results, a century-old shop came back to life, and achieved a good story in Zhenjiang's catering industry.

With the continuous development of the enterprise, the crystal hooves originally processed and produced in the kitchen of the Yanchun Restaurant are far from being able to meet the market supply. Therefore, in 2005, Yanchun opened a professional production factory of crystal hoofs in Zhenjiang Dongwu Road, expanded the scale of production, and purchased complete sets of equipment. This not only greatly reduces the labor intensity, improves the production efficiency, but also improves the product quality, ends the backward production mode of the traditional product handicraft workshop, and lays the foundation for the industrial production of Zhenjiang's century-old products and accumulates experience.

Just a few years later, in 2011, Yanchun moved the production line of the old factory on Dongwu Road to Zhenjiang Dantu New District, and opened a new Yanchun food production and processing center with 40 acres of land and 15,000 square meters of factory buildings in the Industrial Park of Dantu New District and the century-old Hengshun. So far, Wu Rongsheng has pushed the production of century-old traditional products to the highland of modernization and large-scale development, and the annual output of crystal hoofs and other foods has set a record high.

The reporter learned that the "Yanchun" brand crystal hoof produced by Yanchun Restaurant has won many honors, and was awarded the title of "Jiangsu Famous Food" by the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government in 1984. In 1989, Wu Rongsheng personally led the team to participate in the National Catering Industry Quality Product Evaluation Competition held by the Ministry of Commerce in Shijiahui, Hebei Province, and won the "Golden Tripod Award for High-quality Products in the National Catering Industry" award, which wrote a heavy stroke for the history of Zhenjiang catering development.

In recent years, the "Yanchun Brand" crystal hoof has newly won the title of "The First China Gold Medal Tourism Snack", the title of "Representative Enterprise of China's Top Ten Famous Snack Brands", the production process of The Yanchun Crystal Hoof was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage protection project in Zhenjiang City and Jiangsu Province in 2007 and 2010, Wu Rongsheng was also awarded the title of intangible cultural heritage inheritor of the crystal hoof making technique of Jiangsu Province in 2014, and the "Yanchun Brand" crystal hoof was selected by Jiangsu Province to participate in Hong Kong in 2018 and was well received.

"It should be noted that the raw materials of crystal hoof must be made of the front hoof of the pig, if it is made of meat from other parts of the pig, it can only be called crystal dish meat", in the interview, Yan Chundang family, President Wu Rongsheng of Zhenjiang Catering Association, particularly emphasized.

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